With the release of Wild Card in the Fall of 2013, Floor Jansen’s ReVamp have positioned themselves to take the metal world by storm. Thanks to a very successful Kickstarter campaign, the band acquired the means to bring their brand of aggressive symphonic metal to the masses. Europe has already received their taste of what this band can produce live, and America is next! ReVamp is geared up and ready for their maiden tour of the United States and Canada supporting Iced Earth and Sabaton on a massive run. Front-woman and band leader Floor Jansen was kind enough to take some time with Metal Exiles to share all about this amazing opportunity for the band.
An interview with Floor Jansen of ReVamp
By John Knowles
Floor Jansen: Hello, this is Floor from ReVamp
Metal Exiles: Hey Floor! It’s a pleasure to get to speak with you. I want to begin by talking to you about your upcoming North American tour. Let’s start with, how did the tour come about?
Floor Jansen: Well, it’s pretty simple. We have a manager, and they got it touch with [Iced Earth’s] manager. He’s also a booking agent in the States, in Los Angeles, so he got us on this tour.
Metal Exiles: So you guys as a band have only previously done European dates, correct?
Floor: Yes, this is the first American tour for ReVamp!
Metal Exiles: After a short run with Kamelot in Europe recently, why did the band decide to come support the record in the States on such a massive tour? In terms of exposure, wouldn’t the band have played to larger crowds in other regions of the globe?
Floor: I think metal is almost everywhere quite a small scene. Worse here (U.S.) than in the Netherlands, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t enough playground. But it does mean that you want to spread the territory, and you can’t just tour one country or one continent. And if we have so many people from the States asking us to come it kind of gives us a good reason to do that.
Metal Exiles: I understand you guys had to do a Kickstarter campaign to support this tour.
Floor: Well, to get out in general. Touring everywhere is unfortunately expensive and we used Kickstarter for touring in general. We did Europe already, and we’re gonna do North America, and right after we’re gonna continue with South America, which will be announced shortly. So the campaign was really for touring in general.
Metal Exiles: Out of curiosity, why was a crowd-funding campaign even necessary for a signed act like ReVamp?
Floor: Well, the label makes money by record sales, and record sales are going down because too many people think that music is a free item on the internet, so there’s just not much money. It’s also an investment for them to put a band out there and very often there’s just no money for that. So the time of record labels financing everything is shifting.
Metal Exiles: What is it about this North American tour that you are most excited about? Are there any particular locations or venues you’re especially looking forward to seeing?
Floor: For me personally, not really. It’s six weeks and there’s so many places. I know that the venue in L.A. is going to be nice; I’ve been there before. In general I like Los Angeles, I went there on a holiday last year as well, so I think it’s going to be good to get to come back to L.A. But to be honest, I have no idea about the rest. I know sometimes as artists we will ask even the day before like, “where are we going to be tomorrow?” So I can’t say I have very specific places where I’m like, “Yeah!!!” but I love L.A., and I love New York so I’m excited to go to New York again and hopefully have some time to run around a little bit. The last two times I was there I was not able to. I do enjoy learning more with each visit. This is the fourth or fifth time I’m coming back to the States, third time touring, but I have been there on holidays and traveling around a little bit as well. And it’s different in all the different states. Europe, for a lot of Americans, is one big country, but being European and Dutch as I am, I know that in the Netherlands I am really quite different than an Italian person from Italy, or a Norwegian person from Norway, so there are a lot of differences amongst each other here in Europe. What are the differences between the Americans? Everyone is American, everyone speaks American, but there must be a lot of differences between North, South, East, West, etc. I find this aspect interesting to once again try and figure out.
Metal Exiles: Have you had the chance to meet or tour with any of the other bands you’ll be touring with in America?
Floor: I toured with Sabaton in Australia – they were supporting Nightwish there. We’re sort of changing positions this time. Iced Earth I have never toured with but I did go see one of their shows when they were playing here nearby where I live just to meet them and come and say hi, and get some idea of who I will be spending six weeks of my life with. I think it’s going to be great, they seem like a very nice group of people. The band and crew are very cool. It should be one big party.
Metal Exiles: One of the things that came up in the recent Nightwish release, Showtime, Storytime, was the idea that you are the lone woman surrounded by a bunch of men. With ReVamp it is the same deal. How is this experience touring with your current band mates?
Floor: I have been touring since I was 18 and I have never toured with women. Never more than one or two others than myself, and that will be the same now again. I’m totally cool with that, more cool than running around with a whole flock of ladies around me – that would probably drive me insane. While I’m not “one of the guys” it is still easy to blend in.
Metal Exiles: After hearing Wild Card for the first time I was amazed to find that you are the lone lead vocalist in ReVamp, and contribute even the harsh, death metal-type vocals. How is performing these types of vocals in a live setting for you?
Floor: Singing raw, growling, or singing operatic, or singing pop all requires strength and power and energy from your body and from your vocal cords. So it’s just a different button to push. The biggest challenge is jumping from one technique to the other. In the end, the raw technique or growling is just a different button to push, which is a challenge because I haven’t done it before. When the tour started in the beginning of September of last year I went, “wow, okay I’ve never done this before – this is going to be a challenge.” And it was, but I now know what I have to do, so it was just a matter of getting acquainted with it. One of the sounds that I make, since it is new, you are not the only person who didn’t know I was doing it. And there are also people in our audience, we’ve experienced before, that didn’t know it was me and when I all of the sudden start making that demonic sound they act like, “what the hell? Is that her?” (laughs) But I usually get a lot of positive reactions out of it because people are pleasantly shocked.
Metal Exiles: Can fans expect any surprises on this tour, anything that the band has planned special?
Floor: Well, then it wouldn’t be a surprise (laughs)
Metal Exiles: Without revealing specifics, any covers planned, or guest appearances?
Floor: Well, no. We’re the support band for two bigger bands so that means that we play 30 minutes. I think that might already be a surprise, but in a pleasant way. We’re not going to do anything weird in those 30 minutes. It’s the first introduction of ReVamp to the American audience so we’ll try to play as much as we can from both our first and second album to make a decent introduction. No covers, no After Forever stuff, no Nightwish, just ReVamp one and two, and as much as possible.
Metal Exiles: How was the European tour with Kamelot in terms of crowd reception and how well was the new material was received?
Floor: It was good for us, I think. A lot of people know me from the After Forever days, and they know me from Nightwish, and know ReVamp because of the first album. Number two (Wild Card) is way heavier than number one of ReVamp, and what I do with ReVamp in general causes people to recognize it as something new, and heavier. But the reception to that was very positive, and people were pleasantly surprised by it. I think we had a good show going on, a good vibe, and people were very receptive to it. We sold tons of CDs along the way to fans, so I think it was a very good tour and reintroduction of ReVamp to Europe following me being sick for a year and half, and it taking so long to come up with the second album. You sort of need to reintroduce yourself to the areas you have been before. So it was good to see that people didn’t forget about ReVamp, and me singing in Nightwish did help to get some extra attention.
Metal Exiles: You brought up your sickness. Now, it seems like based on your website bio that you were really starting to pick up momentum in preparation for the release of Wild Card, and then the Nightwish offer happened. I don’t think most Nightwish fans realize what a much more involved decision it was to join them given the work you had been putting in to your ReVamp project. Was it a difficult decision for you to join Nightwish and essentially put ReVamp to the side?
Floor: I consider ReVamp a band, not a project. It’s my own band, and something I started…it’s my baby. But I felt that everything happens in good time. If you can join a band such as Nightwish, as big as Nightwish, that’s a no-brainer. So the decision was made in a split second, and it was a yes, and before I knew it I was already in the States, and later on that gave me some time to think about how I would be doing things going forward. The great guys in ReVamp are super cool with this and understanding, and together we made it work. If you can’t do it the way it was planned initially then you make a plan B and you make it happen anyway, and that’s what we did. That’s how it will probably be in the future as well, I am not the only one in this band, and I am not the only one that has different things next to ReVamp, but we do have the desire to keep this band existing and running and we’re gonna start with this great American tour and then to South American straight after. That tour will be announced any day now. So three more weeks for ReVamp in South America. Both bands are possible, but all in good time and with careful planning…so yeah, I just have two bands.
Metal Exiles: On Wild Card there is a lot of talk on that album about what you went through in getting the band restarted or back in motion. You talk about the idea of wasted potential, or sitting on the sidelines, etc. So with all that you have going on right now, do you feel like you really are reaching that potential and overcoming your feelings of burnout?
Floor: Yes, absolutely. The burn out has been behind me for a couple of years fortunately already, and some of my experiences with that are written down into the lyrics of Wild Card especially in “The Anatomy of a Nervous Breakdown.” Those lyrics are about tapping into my potential and letting go of who I was, excepting who I am today and going further with all the experiences as your luggage, your safety net as well, because I will never – regardless of my ambition and my capability of working hard – work myself into the same position I worked myself into with this burnout. It almost feels like a gift to have had that life lesson. It was a terrible one – really not cool – but it results into me being way stronger than before, to support the weight on my shoulders of everything I am doing, and that makes me very, very happy. I can be way more okay with what I am and where I am today, and also with things that I am not so good at, because there are plenty of them as well. But also focus on the things that I am good at. It is a very luxurious position that I have to be able to sing so much and be a musician full time. I can do what I love doing, and I know how many people would love to do that, but they can’t. I am extremely aware of that also because of the things that have happened and that makes me 9 out of 10 days the happiest woman in the world (laughs).
Metal Exiles: You mentioned South America is next. Do you have any desire to tour anywhere else in the future?
Floor: I think for ReVamp if we get the chance to tour again, which will not happen until after these tours are done and sometime this summer the Nightwish recording sessions start so I can do some summer festivals here in Europe but after that the touring is basically over. So real touring will come after all the Nightwish stuff, and until we get to that I have no idea. If were gonna tour again we’re going to hit the same areas again, Europe, North and South America, and that will probably be plenty. I’ve been in Asia with Nightwish, I’ve been to Australia with Nightwish, and both areas are fantastic. I would go back to those places with ReVamp any day if I could. So in my dreams I would also bring them there.
Metal Exiles: So it sounds like you get to really focus on ReVamp for the next four months or so and then it’s time to really shift focuses again back to Nightwish?
Floor: I can focus on ReVamp until June and then July, August, September, is Nightwish recording, but of course I don’t need to be there for three months straight. So that gives me time to also do summer festivals with ReVamp so those months are a bit of both. And after that it’s Nightwish only.
Metal Exiles: Given that you are so busy right now with ReVamp, did that go hand-in-hand with Tuomas’ (Keyboards, Nightwish) decision to have you not contribute creatively to the new Nightwish record?
Floor: Well I mean, Tuomas is the Nightwish songwriter. Has been and always is. And sometimes in some parts Marco also writes, and probably that will happen again. I can imagine maybe later on my place becomes a little different but I don’t feel that I need to become a songwriter in Nightwish when there is someone as talented as Tuomas working on the stuff. So I’m 100% okay with singing what he writes and I can imagine that when we start rehearsing and recording these songs that there will be some space for my creative input. I mean, as soon as I start to sing it, something already happens. Even with songs that were already there and sang by the other singers I make it somewhat my own and that way I feel part of the creative process enough. I am someone who likes to write, but my ego is totally okay with Tuomas doing his magic.
Metal Exiles: And then you have your full creative outlet with ReVamp so it sounds like a pretty good situation.
Floor: Yes, exactly! There are many ways to use that creative energy.
Metal Exiles: Do you have anything else you’d like to share with our readers regarding the tour?
Floor: Yes! This is mostly for people that also sing. I gave a master class last week in the Netherlands for singers, and I will be doing the same in Helsinki, because I have been teaching for over 10 years and a lot of people know this, and I’ve been teaching on Skype for a while, but I just don’t have time for any formal lessons anymore. So I thought time allows me to do a master class, and it sold out in one day. And the second one is almost sold out as well. I even got a big reaction from people on the other side of the planet, so I decided since I was going to the other side of the planet why not try to set up the same thing in the States. So I’m working on that currently, and I can’t announce anything yet, but I can of course say that it is in the pipeline. So if anyone is interested in that, please stay tuned to our website and as soon as I can I will announce some more news. I don’t know what areas yet, because it really depends on our schedule and facilities, but so you know, I am working on it.
Metal Exiles: Can you elaborate for our readers what a master class is?
Floor: It would be me with a group of about 15 people in a two-hour session where I work with the whole group together and people get some time individually, which is just limited, but its sort of a trouble shooting thing that I use. So I want people to bring a short piece of music – just only a couple of minutes, sing it, tell me what you want to work on, and I will work on that with you, and you’ll also get to see me work with other people where I give general information throughout the whole session. So it’s still two hours of learning.
Metal Exiles: I remember hearing “Speed” Strid of Soilwork was doing something like that here in the States.
Floor: I think he did! I will actually be singing with Soilwork this week. They have a DVD shoot in Helsinki and they asked me to do a guest performance with them. I’m a massive Soilwork fan so it’s going to be great fun, and I’m looking forward to it very much.
Metal Exiles: Floor, it’s been a pleasure speaking with you and hearing all about your recent work with ReVamp. See you in L.A.!
Floor: Thanks for helping spread the word about ReVamp, take care.
Purchase Tickets for the Worldwide Plagues Tour
Purchase Wild Card
Music Video - “Nothing”
Read Metal Exile's review of Wild Card here.
An interview with Floor Jansen of ReVamp
By John Knowles
Floor Jansen: Hello, this is Floor from ReVamp
Metal Exiles: Hey Floor! It’s a pleasure to get to speak with you. I want to begin by talking to you about your upcoming North American tour. Let’s start with, how did the tour come about?
Floor Jansen: Well, it’s pretty simple. We have a manager, and they got it touch with [Iced Earth’s] manager. He’s also a booking agent in the States, in Los Angeles, so he got us on this tour.
Metal Exiles: So you guys as a band have only previously done European dates, correct?
Floor: Yes, this is the first American tour for ReVamp!
Metal Exiles: After a short run with Kamelot in Europe recently, why did the band decide to come support the record in the States on such a massive tour? In terms of exposure, wouldn’t the band have played to larger crowds in other regions of the globe?
Floor: I think metal is almost everywhere quite a small scene. Worse here (U.S.) than in the Netherlands, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t enough playground. But it does mean that you want to spread the territory, and you can’t just tour one country or one continent. And if we have so many people from the States asking us to come it kind of gives us a good reason to do that.
Metal Exiles: I understand you guys had to do a Kickstarter campaign to support this tour.
Floor: Well, to get out in general. Touring everywhere is unfortunately expensive and we used Kickstarter for touring in general. We did Europe already, and we’re gonna do North America, and right after we’re gonna continue with South America, which will be announced shortly. So the campaign was really for touring in general.
Metal Exiles: Out of curiosity, why was a crowd-funding campaign even necessary for a signed act like ReVamp?
Floor: Well, the label makes money by record sales, and record sales are going down because too many people think that music is a free item on the internet, so there’s just not much money. It’s also an investment for them to put a band out there and very often there’s just no money for that. So the time of record labels financing everything is shifting.
Metal Exiles: What is it about this North American tour that you are most excited about? Are there any particular locations or venues you’re especially looking forward to seeing?
Floor: For me personally, not really. It’s six weeks and there’s so many places. I know that the venue in L.A. is going to be nice; I’ve been there before. In general I like Los Angeles, I went there on a holiday last year as well, so I think it’s going to be good to get to come back to L.A. But to be honest, I have no idea about the rest. I know sometimes as artists we will ask even the day before like, “where are we going to be tomorrow?” So I can’t say I have very specific places where I’m like, “Yeah!!!” but I love L.A., and I love New York so I’m excited to go to New York again and hopefully have some time to run around a little bit. The last two times I was there I was not able to. I do enjoy learning more with each visit. This is the fourth or fifth time I’m coming back to the States, third time touring, but I have been there on holidays and traveling around a little bit as well. And it’s different in all the different states. Europe, for a lot of Americans, is one big country, but being European and Dutch as I am, I know that in the Netherlands I am really quite different than an Italian person from Italy, or a Norwegian person from Norway, so there are a lot of differences amongst each other here in Europe. What are the differences between the Americans? Everyone is American, everyone speaks American, but there must be a lot of differences between North, South, East, West, etc. I find this aspect interesting to once again try and figure out.
Metal Exiles: Have you had the chance to meet or tour with any of the other bands you’ll be touring with in America?
Floor: I toured with Sabaton in Australia – they were supporting Nightwish there. We’re sort of changing positions this time. Iced Earth I have never toured with but I did go see one of their shows when they were playing here nearby where I live just to meet them and come and say hi, and get some idea of who I will be spending six weeks of my life with. I think it’s going to be great, they seem like a very nice group of people. The band and crew are very cool. It should be one big party.
Metal Exiles: One of the things that came up in the recent Nightwish release, Showtime, Storytime, was the idea that you are the lone woman surrounded by a bunch of men. With ReVamp it is the same deal. How is this experience touring with your current band mates?
Floor: I have been touring since I was 18 and I have never toured with women. Never more than one or two others than myself, and that will be the same now again. I’m totally cool with that, more cool than running around with a whole flock of ladies around me – that would probably drive me insane. While I’m not “one of the guys” it is still easy to blend in.
Metal Exiles: After hearing Wild Card for the first time I was amazed to find that you are the lone lead vocalist in ReVamp, and contribute even the harsh, death metal-type vocals. How is performing these types of vocals in a live setting for you?
Floor: Singing raw, growling, or singing operatic, or singing pop all requires strength and power and energy from your body and from your vocal cords. So it’s just a different button to push. The biggest challenge is jumping from one technique to the other. In the end, the raw technique or growling is just a different button to push, which is a challenge because I haven’t done it before. When the tour started in the beginning of September of last year I went, “wow, okay I’ve never done this before – this is going to be a challenge.” And it was, but I now know what I have to do, so it was just a matter of getting acquainted with it. One of the sounds that I make, since it is new, you are not the only person who didn’t know I was doing it. And there are also people in our audience, we’ve experienced before, that didn’t know it was me and when I all of the sudden start making that demonic sound they act like, “what the hell? Is that her?” (laughs) But I usually get a lot of positive reactions out of it because people are pleasantly shocked.
Metal Exiles: Can fans expect any surprises on this tour, anything that the band has planned special?
Floor: Well, then it wouldn’t be a surprise (laughs)
Metal Exiles: Without revealing specifics, any covers planned, or guest appearances?
Floor: Well, no. We’re the support band for two bigger bands so that means that we play 30 minutes. I think that might already be a surprise, but in a pleasant way. We’re not going to do anything weird in those 30 minutes. It’s the first introduction of ReVamp to the American audience so we’ll try to play as much as we can from both our first and second album to make a decent introduction. No covers, no After Forever stuff, no Nightwish, just ReVamp one and two, and as much as possible.
Metal Exiles: How was the European tour with Kamelot in terms of crowd reception and how well was the new material was received?
Floor: It was good for us, I think. A lot of people know me from the After Forever days, and they know me from Nightwish, and know ReVamp because of the first album. Number two (Wild Card) is way heavier than number one of ReVamp, and what I do with ReVamp in general causes people to recognize it as something new, and heavier. But the reception to that was very positive, and people were pleasantly surprised by it. I think we had a good show going on, a good vibe, and people were very receptive to it. We sold tons of CDs along the way to fans, so I think it was a very good tour and reintroduction of ReVamp to Europe following me being sick for a year and half, and it taking so long to come up with the second album. You sort of need to reintroduce yourself to the areas you have been before. So it was good to see that people didn’t forget about ReVamp, and me singing in Nightwish did help to get some extra attention.
Metal Exiles: You brought up your sickness. Now, it seems like based on your website bio that you were really starting to pick up momentum in preparation for the release of Wild Card, and then the Nightwish offer happened. I don’t think most Nightwish fans realize what a much more involved decision it was to join them given the work you had been putting in to your ReVamp project. Was it a difficult decision for you to join Nightwish and essentially put ReVamp to the side?
Floor: I consider ReVamp a band, not a project. It’s my own band, and something I started…it’s my baby. But I felt that everything happens in good time. If you can join a band such as Nightwish, as big as Nightwish, that’s a no-brainer. So the decision was made in a split second, and it was a yes, and before I knew it I was already in the States, and later on that gave me some time to think about how I would be doing things going forward. The great guys in ReVamp are super cool with this and understanding, and together we made it work. If you can’t do it the way it was planned initially then you make a plan B and you make it happen anyway, and that’s what we did. That’s how it will probably be in the future as well, I am not the only one in this band, and I am not the only one that has different things next to ReVamp, but we do have the desire to keep this band existing and running and we’re gonna start with this great American tour and then to South American straight after. That tour will be announced any day now. So three more weeks for ReVamp in South America. Both bands are possible, but all in good time and with careful planning…so yeah, I just have two bands.
Metal Exiles: On Wild Card there is a lot of talk on that album about what you went through in getting the band restarted or back in motion. You talk about the idea of wasted potential, or sitting on the sidelines, etc. So with all that you have going on right now, do you feel like you really are reaching that potential and overcoming your feelings of burnout?
Floor: Yes, absolutely. The burn out has been behind me for a couple of years fortunately already, and some of my experiences with that are written down into the lyrics of Wild Card especially in “The Anatomy of a Nervous Breakdown.” Those lyrics are about tapping into my potential and letting go of who I was, excepting who I am today and going further with all the experiences as your luggage, your safety net as well, because I will never – regardless of my ambition and my capability of working hard – work myself into the same position I worked myself into with this burnout. It almost feels like a gift to have had that life lesson. It was a terrible one – really not cool – but it results into me being way stronger than before, to support the weight on my shoulders of everything I am doing, and that makes me very, very happy. I can be way more okay with what I am and where I am today, and also with things that I am not so good at, because there are plenty of them as well. But also focus on the things that I am good at. It is a very luxurious position that I have to be able to sing so much and be a musician full time. I can do what I love doing, and I know how many people would love to do that, but they can’t. I am extremely aware of that also because of the things that have happened and that makes me 9 out of 10 days the happiest woman in the world (laughs).
Metal Exiles: You mentioned South America is next. Do you have any desire to tour anywhere else in the future?
Floor: I think for ReVamp if we get the chance to tour again, which will not happen until after these tours are done and sometime this summer the Nightwish recording sessions start so I can do some summer festivals here in Europe but after that the touring is basically over. So real touring will come after all the Nightwish stuff, and until we get to that I have no idea. If were gonna tour again we’re going to hit the same areas again, Europe, North and South America, and that will probably be plenty. I’ve been in Asia with Nightwish, I’ve been to Australia with Nightwish, and both areas are fantastic. I would go back to those places with ReVamp any day if I could. So in my dreams I would also bring them there.
Metal Exiles: So it sounds like you get to really focus on ReVamp for the next four months or so and then it’s time to really shift focuses again back to Nightwish?
Floor: I can focus on ReVamp until June and then July, August, September, is Nightwish recording, but of course I don’t need to be there for three months straight. So that gives me time to also do summer festivals with ReVamp so those months are a bit of both. And after that it’s Nightwish only.
Metal Exiles: Given that you are so busy right now with ReVamp, did that go hand-in-hand with Tuomas’ (Keyboards, Nightwish) decision to have you not contribute creatively to the new Nightwish record?
Floor: Well I mean, Tuomas is the Nightwish songwriter. Has been and always is. And sometimes in some parts Marco also writes, and probably that will happen again. I can imagine maybe later on my place becomes a little different but I don’t feel that I need to become a songwriter in Nightwish when there is someone as talented as Tuomas working on the stuff. So I’m 100% okay with singing what he writes and I can imagine that when we start rehearsing and recording these songs that there will be some space for my creative input. I mean, as soon as I start to sing it, something already happens. Even with songs that were already there and sang by the other singers I make it somewhat my own and that way I feel part of the creative process enough. I am someone who likes to write, but my ego is totally okay with Tuomas doing his magic.
Metal Exiles: And then you have your full creative outlet with ReVamp so it sounds like a pretty good situation.
Floor: Yes, exactly! There are many ways to use that creative energy.
Metal Exiles: Do you have anything else you’d like to share with our readers regarding the tour?
Floor: Yes! This is mostly for people that also sing. I gave a master class last week in the Netherlands for singers, and I will be doing the same in Helsinki, because I have been teaching for over 10 years and a lot of people know this, and I’ve been teaching on Skype for a while, but I just don’t have time for any formal lessons anymore. So I thought time allows me to do a master class, and it sold out in one day. And the second one is almost sold out as well. I even got a big reaction from people on the other side of the planet, so I decided since I was going to the other side of the planet why not try to set up the same thing in the States. So I’m working on that currently, and I can’t announce anything yet, but I can of course say that it is in the pipeline. So if anyone is interested in that, please stay tuned to our website and as soon as I can I will announce some more news. I don’t know what areas yet, because it really depends on our schedule and facilities, but so you know, I am working on it.
Metal Exiles: Can you elaborate for our readers what a master class is?
Floor: It would be me with a group of about 15 people in a two-hour session where I work with the whole group together and people get some time individually, which is just limited, but its sort of a trouble shooting thing that I use. So I want people to bring a short piece of music – just only a couple of minutes, sing it, tell me what you want to work on, and I will work on that with you, and you’ll also get to see me work with other people where I give general information throughout the whole session. So it’s still two hours of learning.
Metal Exiles: I remember hearing “Speed” Strid of Soilwork was doing something like that here in the States.
Floor: I think he did! I will actually be singing with Soilwork this week. They have a DVD shoot in Helsinki and they asked me to do a guest performance with them. I’m a massive Soilwork fan so it’s going to be great fun, and I’m looking forward to it very much.
Metal Exiles: Floor, it’s been a pleasure speaking with you and hearing all about your recent work with ReVamp. See you in L.A.!
Floor: Thanks for helping spread the word about ReVamp, take care.
Purchase Tickets for the Worldwide Plagues Tour
Purchase Wild Card
Music Video - “Nothing”
Read Metal Exile's review of Wild Card here.