Madds Buckley – My Love Is Sick
By Jeffrey Easton
If the indie world is not buzzing with the name Madds Buckley right now, it is missing the mark. About to drop her new album My Love Is Sick, the build up should be monumental considering the contents of this masterstroke. After sequestering myself to this album for days now and listening to her past works, I feel this album has adopted the phrase, I can top that. The album swirls around love, being in, losing and wanting while taking some dark paths that are cathartic if you have been in her shoes. Opening the album is Love After You which to me sets the tone perfectly. It asks the question you and I have all asked, was I really in love? Probably not but… Throughout the album the fragments of relationships are laid bare, driven darkly by acoustic guitars, stabbing electrics and then there is the eerie piano that greets you with You Stabbed Me In My Sleep. Never have I been so unnerved by a voice laid starkly bare for the hurt that was felt. The album does have deviations from heartbreak, the title track, even though the lyrics are wonderfully, sarcastically dark, is reaching out to keep love and Anything Anything Anything is a beautiful piece of poetry that you dedicate to your only one. But then we are back to the pain to what I feel should be song of the year, Dogbird. The single and video that’s circulating for Dogbird represents perfection in describing the feeling of longing and always chasing what you have lost by your own hand. Madds has struck a nerve with Dogbird and leaves you unsettled after every listen. The album leaves you on a positive note, I Wanna Be In Love Again closes out the proceedings and it gives you hope for love. Its happy, uplifting and it closes out your journey through Madds’ thoughts with a positive feeling. Madds has created a lot of music in her short career but My Love Is Sick shows an intense approach to song writing and if this is the direction she is going in she will burn with intensity.
Official Madds Buckley Site
BUY My Love Is Sick
By Jeffrey Easton
If the indie world is not buzzing with the name Madds Buckley right now, it is missing the mark. About to drop her new album My Love Is Sick, the build up should be monumental considering the contents of this masterstroke. After sequestering myself to this album for days now and listening to her past works, I feel this album has adopted the phrase, I can top that. The album swirls around love, being in, losing and wanting while taking some dark paths that are cathartic if you have been in her shoes. Opening the album is Love After You which to me sets the tone perfectly. It asks the question you and I have all asked, was I really in love? Probably not but… Throughout the album the fragments of relationships are laid bare, driven darkly by acoustic guitars, stabbing electrics and then there is the eerie piano that greets you with You Stabbed Me In My Sleep. Never have I been so unnerved by a voice laid starkly bare for the hurt that was felt. The album does have deviations from heartbreak, the title track, even though the lyrics are wonderfully, sarcastically dark, is reaching out to keep love and Anything Anything Anything is a beautiful piece of poetry that you dedicate to your only one. But then we are back to the pain to what I feel should be song of the year, Dogbird. The single and video that’s circulating for Dogbird represents perfection in describing the feeling of longing and always chasing what you have lost by your own hand. Madds has struck a nerve with Dogbird and leaves you unsettled after every listen. The album leaves you on a positive note, I Wanna Be In Love Again closes out the proceedings and it gives you hope for love. Its happy, uplifting and it closes out your journey through Madds’ thoughts with a positive feeling. Madds has created a lot of music in her short career but My Love Is Sick shows an intense approach to song writing and if this is the direction she is going in she will burn with intensity.
Official Madds Buckley Site
BUY My Love Is Sick