Slaves/Capture The Crown/Myka Relocate/Outline In Color/Conquer Divide - Brighton Music Hall, Boston, MA 4/16
By Rickelle Tavares
I myself am a huge fan of Slaves, it was something I was highly anticipating the show. I've seen them a few times before and each time I've seen them they deliver a great show, but this time it was backed with an incredible line up. Starting off the night was Conquer Divide they're an all-girl band that look incredibly cute and sweet but once they're on stage they pack a major heavy punch. I'd never heard of them so it took me by surprise when I got to see and hear them for the first time. A lot of the people in attendance were jumping and dancing and singing along to their songs, and they had a great stage presence.
Once the crowd was all warmed up out came Outline In Color, I'm familiar with them and I know they put on a show worth watching. As soon as they came out there was an immediate rush of people trying to get closer to the stage or trying to get out of the pit that had opened up. Wild isn't even a word I could use to describe them as. During the set both lead vocalist were almost levitating above the crowd, they were almost standing over everyone and performing it was honestly so sick. This band combines incredible vocals with raw and heavy instrumentals that do nothing but draw you in and get your head banging. It was my first time seeing them live and I was super impressed by the entire performance down to how they took the time to meet each fan an hang out with everyone.
Up next was one of my personal favorite bands that I had been listening to on repeat for weeks before the show, Myka Relocate. Normally at shows you have people who know a few bands but it slowly became apparent that everyone knew every band. They opened with so much energy and excitement you couldn't help but to just jump around and sing along with them. They recent released their album The Young Souls which is extremely popular and without a doubt perfection in my eyes, it's everything you you expected from them but it's unexpected how much you can just listen to it over and over and not get bored or tired of it. They started playing the song Only Steps Away which is my favorite song off the album and it seemed like it was everyone else's as well, the whole room knew the words and everyone was singing along with front man Michael Swank. They started playing their song Playing It Safe which features Jonny Craig so of course he made a stage appearance and everyone went completely insane. The chemistry between the crowd and the band was incredible, they all high five'd the crowd and made it a point to get as close to the barricade as possible so there wasn't much of a separation from them to their fans. It was an incredible performance and it really made you so much more excited for what was to come.
Now the entire venue was about to get a taste of something very heavy, very loud, and very good. It was Capture The Crowns turn to play, and from the looks of it everyone was more than ready to see what they had in store for us. This Australian metal core band brings the heat, literally and metaphorically. They opened up with their song Bloodsucker which immediately turned the once docile happy crowd into ranging animals and a huge pit opened up. If you've ever been front row for a packed show and have been stuck in a crowd that seemed to be fighting to stand up straight, then you know what kind of show this was. Before they even got to the third song you could see people dripping sweat and the room temp had risen about 10-15 degrees. Everyone was body on body trying to get a chance to scream into the mic or hoping to crowd surf to the stage and just get a handshake. It was by far the most insane performance I'd seen in a while, everything about the band was just awesome. They all Interacted with each other during the set, walking up to each other and mimicking how they were playing. You could tell that they don't take themselves to seriously to just have fun doing something that they loved which is rare to see nowadays. As soon as the chaos had started it seemed like it was over and before I knew it everyone was screaming for Slaves.
Now Slaves on the other hand isn't very heavy, not really a band you can put into a category it's just Slaves. They recently released a new album called Routine Breathing, which gets in depth about the personal struggles they've had as a band and personally, they went all out with this album and held nothing back. It was raw and it showed real emotions and that's what makes them as a band great. Everyone was screaming “SLAVES SLAVES” and the stage lit up, they all ran out and everyone screamed. They started with their song Burning Our Morals Away off of their new album, and it was released fairly close to the concert date but every single person, literally everyone was singing every single word on key with Jonny Craig. There was so much love being shown to all the fans from Slaves, not only did they make it a point to let us know they were there because we believe in their music and what they stand for but they went up to the barricades and shook everyone's hands during the songs. Once their song The Fire Down Below started playing it was as if a calm came over the room and everyone just stood there singing in the intro with Jonny, it sounded amazing. Something that Salves has that not every band has is that each member is treated the same, no one was specifically screaming for just Jonny it was Collin, Tai, Alex, and Wes. Each one of them contributes their own personality into the songs the and performance, combined it's orchestrated close to perfection. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and sadly Slaves ended their set and left the stage, but if you know Massachusetts we didn't let that happen. Everyone chanted in unison “ONE MORE SONG” over and over for about eight minutes, then Tai ran to the drums and they came running right behind him. It was a moment I’ll never forget they all looked at each other and just looked over the crowd and smiled and said they had one more song for us, My Soul Is Empty And Full Of White Girls which is a fan favorite. Watching Jonny put his everything into this last song and emotionally connect with the lyrics was something that you can't fake, every inch of him was completely consumed into the song and that's what helped make it so incredible. I left the show with a new look on every band weather I knew them or not, it was a great lineup and every band really came together to make the show something unforgettable.
Slaves Official Site
Crown The Empire Official Site
Myka Relocate Official Site
Outline In Color Official site
Conquer Divide Official Site
By Rickelle Tavares
I myself am a huge fan of Slaves, it was something I was highly anticipating the show. I've seen them a few times before and each time I've seen them they deliver a great show, but this time it was backed with an incredible line up. Starting off the night was Conquer Divide they're an all-girl band that look incredibly cute and sweet but once they're on stage they pack a major heavy punch. I'd never heard of them so it took me by surprise when I got to see and hear them for the first time. A lot of the people in attendance were jumping and dancing and singing along to their songs, and they had a great stage presence.
Once the crowd was all warmed up out came Outline In Color, I'm familiar with them and I know they put on a show worth watching. As soon as they came out there was an immediate rush of people trying to get closer to the stage or trying to get out of the pit that had opened up. Wild isn't even a word I could use to describe them as. During the set both lead vocalist were almost levitating above the crowd, they were almost standing over everyone and performing it was honestly so sick. This band combines incredible vocals with raw and heavy instrumentals that do nothing but draw you in and get your head banging. It was my first time seeing them live and I was super impressed by the entire performance down to how they took the time to meet each fan an hang out with everyone.
Up next was one of my personal favorite bands that I had been listening to on repeat for weeks before the show, Myka Relocate. Normally at shows you have people who know a few bands but it slowly became apparent that everyone knew every band. They opened with so much energy and excitement you couldn't help but to just jump around and sing along with them. They recent released their album The Young Souls which is extremely popular and without a doubt perfection in my eyes, it's everything you you expected from them but it's unexpected how much you can just listen to it over and over and not get bored or tired of it. They started playing the song Only Steps Away which is my favorite song off the album and it seemed like it was everyone else's as well, the whole room knew the words and everyone was singing along with front man Michael Swank. They started playing their song Playing It Safe which features Jonny Craig so of course he made a stage appearance and everyone went completely insane. The chemistry between the crowd and the band was incredible, they all high five'd the crowd and made it a point to get as close to the barricade as possible so there wasn't much of a separation from them to their fans. It was an incredible performance and it really made you so much more excited for what was to come.
Now the entire venue was about to get a taste of something very heavy, very loud, and very good. It was Capture The Crowns turn to play, and from the looks of it everyone was more than ready to see what they had in store for us. This Australian metal core band brings the heat, literally and metaphorically. They opened up with their song Bloodsucker which immediately turned the once docile happy crowd into ranging animals and a huge pit opened up. If you've ever been front row for a packed show and have been stuck in a crowd that seemed to be fighting to stand up straight, then you know what kind of show this was. Before they even got to the third song you could see people dripping sweat and the room temp had risen about 10-15 degrees. Everyone was body on body trying to get a chance to scream into the mic or hoping to crowd surf to the stage and just get a handshake. It was by far the most insane performance I'd seen in a while, everything about the band was just awesome. They all Interacted with each other during the set, walking up to each other and mimicking how they were playing. You could tell that they don't take themselves to seriously to just have fun doing something that they loved which is rare to see nowadays. As soon as the chaos had started it seemed like it was over and before I knew it everyone was screaming for Slaves.
Now Slaves on the other hand isn't very heavy, not really a band you can put into a category it's just Slaves. They recently released a new album called Routine Breathing, which gets in depth about the personal struggles they've had as a band and personally, they went all out with this album and held nothing back. It was raw and it showed real emotions and that's what makes them as a band great. Everyone was screaming “SLAVES SLAVES” and the stage lit up, they all ran out and everyone screamed. They started with their song Burning Our Morals Away off of their new album, and it was released fairly close to the concert date but every single person, literally everyone was singing every single word on key with Jonny Craig. There was so much love being shown to all the fans from Slaves, not only did they make it a point to let us know they were there because we believe in their music and what they stand for but they went up to the barricades and shook everyone's hands during the songs. Once their song The Fire Down Below started playing it was as if a calm came over the room and everyone just stood there singing in the intro with Jonny, it sounded amazing. Something that Salves has that not every band has is that each member is treated the same, no one was specifically screaming for just Jonny it was Collin, Tai, Alex, and Wes. Each one of them contributes their own personality into the songs the and performance, combined it's orchestrated close to perfection. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and sadly Slaves ended their set and left the stage, but if you know Massachusetts we didn't let that happen. Everyone chanted in unison “ONE MORE SONG” over and over for about eight minutes, then Tai ran to the drums and they came running right behind him. It was a moment I’ll never forget they all looked at each other and just looked over the crowd and smiled and said they had one more song for us, My Soul Is Empty And Full Of White Girls which is a fan favorite. Watching Jonny put his everything into this last song and emotionally connect with the lyrics was something that you can't fake, every inch of him was completely consumed into the song and that's what helped make it so incredible. I left the show with a new look on every band weather I knew them or not, it was a great lineup and every band really came together to make the show something unforgettable.
Slaves Official Site
Crown The Empire Official Site
Myka Relocate Official Site
Outline In Color Official site
Conquer Divide Official Site