Slash/Foxy Shazam/Electric Sister – Fox Theater, Oakland, CA 10/12
By Jeffrey Easton
Legends never die, they just move on and continue to get better and that is exactly what Slash continues to do. After recruiting Myles Kennedy from Alter Bridge Slash’s career has taken on another level of success and there is truly no looking back. For this tour he dropped into the Fox Theater in Oakland with Foxy Shazam and local support from Electric Sister to a massively hysterical crowd. Electric Sister opened it up with some sickening material from their debut CD The Lost Art of Rock And Roll and the show was on. The Lost Art are words well spoken because so many records come out that have lost the rock feel but this has it nailed perfectly with some nasty cuts like Monster Girl, City Of Night and the title track as well as I Want It All. Thadeus Gonzalez has the frontman performance nailed down tightly as he gives everything he has to the crowd while his band wails unmercifully behind him. They play balls out rock and roll and if you have yet to hear them yet you are seriously missing out. Foxy Shazam is a band I have yet to really listen to but have heard so much about and tonight it all came together. Foxy Shazam is led by Eric Nally and they bring back the spirit of the 70’s in an unreal way. Imagine busses carrying T Rex, Queen, Cheap Trick, Parliament and The Glitter Band all crashed into each other, you would have this as a result. Eric is a musically driven lunatic on stage, hardly stopping to catch his breath while delivering the off the wall material. The set opened up with the appropriate Welcome To The Church Of Rock And Roll (title track to the new record) and the crowd went ballistic. They wanted it and Foxy gave it, in spades. They torched the crowd with Holy Touch as well as I Like It, the new single from the new record which is just pure rock pomp. I am sure Freddie Mercury would approve of all of this. Unstoppable also graced the set list and that’s what I had heard these guys first with, mainly because MLB network uses the song in one of their promos. Foxy Shazam need to be huge, you, the record buying public, should get on that. So, the artist we wanted to see, Slash, slinked to the stage, familiar Les Paul in hand and it was on.. Slash is an icon, period. The ones he surrounds himself with are ace musicians, reflecting the icon himself, ones that are able to execute the material to perfection while making it as dirty as possible. The set opened up to a roar and Ghost, the lead track from his 2010 S/T record, gave into their cravings. Slash has a new record out with Miles Kennedy and his Conspirators entitled Apocalyptic Love and its flat out sickening and it was well represented. Standing In The Sun, No More Heroes, Anastasia, Halo as well as You’re a Lie are from the new record and they were blazed through by a nastily tight band. By collaborating with Myles Kennedy on the new record it added another depth to the music, giving it more of a band feel, more like his GnR days but a bigger step above that era. His Slash solo record had its moments here, more notably Doctor Alibi and Were All Gonna Die with bass player Todd Kerns handling the vox on both. So to appease the old school fans, Slash will not forget his Guns days and he threw out the best of the best by igniting Night Train, Rocket Queen, Sweet Child as well as Jungle and Paradise. Todd and Myles traded off duties on the Guns material and both were suitable screamers for that classic material. The show was amazing, if you have yet to witness Slash/ Myles with the Conspirators, you are sorely missing out. Slash has a deep history, he has the songs, the band and the hordes of fans, he is set for life.
Official Slash Site
Official Foxy Shazam Site
Official Electric Sister Site
By Jeffrey Easton
Legends never die, they just move on and continue to get better and that is exactly what Slash continues to do. After recruiting Myles Kennedy from Alter Bridge Slash’s career has taken on another level of success and there is truly no looking back. For this tour he dropped into the Fox Theater in Oakland with Foxy Shazam and local support from Electric Sister to a massively hysterical crowd. Electric Sister opened it up with some sickening material from their debut CD The Lost Art of Rock And Roll and the show was on. The Lost Art are words well spoken because so many records come out that have lost the rock feel but this has it nailed perfectly with some nasty cuts like Monster Girl, City Of Night and the title track as well as I Want It All. Thadeus Gonzalez has the frontman performance nailed down tightly as he gives everything he has to the crowd while his band wails unmercifully behind him. They play balls out rock and roll and if you have yet to hear them yet you are seriously missing out. Foxy Shazam is a band I have yet to really listen to but have heard so much about and tonight it all came together. Foxy Shazam is led by Eric Nally and they bring back the spirit of the 70’s in an unreal way. Imagine busses carrying T Rex, Queen, Cheap Trick, Parliament and The Glitter Band all crashed into each other, you would have this as a result. Eric is a musically driven lunatic on stage, hardly stopping to catch his breath while delivering the off the wall material. The set opened up with the appropriate Welcome To The Church Of Rock And Roll (title track to the new record) and the crowd went ballistic. They wanted it and Foxy gave it, in spades. They torched the crowd with Holy Touch as well as I Like It, the new single from the new record which is just pure rock pomp. I am sure Freddie Mercury would approve of all of this. Unstoppable also graced the set list and that’s what I had heard these guys first with, mainly because MLB network uses the song in one of their promos. Foxy Shazam need to be huge, you, the record buying public, should get on that. So, the artist we wanted to see, Slash, slinked to the stage, familiar Les Paul in hand and it was on.. Slash is an icon, period. The ones he surrounds himself with are ace musicians, reflecting the icon himself, ones that are able to execute the material to perfection while making it as dirty as possible. The set opened up to a roar and Ghost, the lead track from his 2010 S/T record, gave into their cravings. Slash has a new record out with Miles Kennedy and his Conspirators entitled Apocalyptic Love and its flat out sickening and it was well represented. Standing In The Sun, No More Heroes, Anastasia, Halo as well as You’re a Lie are from the new record and they were blazed through by a nastily tight band. By collaborating with Myles Kennedy on the new record it added another depth to the music, giving it more of a band feel, more like his GnR days but a bigger step above that era. His Slash solo record had its moments here, more notably Doctor Alibi and Were All Gonna Die with bass player Todd Kerns handling the vox on both. So to appease the old school fans, Slash will not forget his Guns days and he threw out the best of the best by igniting Night Train, Rocket Queen, Sweet Child as well as Jungle and Paradise. Todd and Myles traded off duties on the Guns material and both were suitable screamers for that classic material. The show was amazing, if you have yet to witness Slash/ Myles with the Conspirators, you are sorely missing out. Slash has a deep history, he has the songs, the band and the hordes of fans, he is set for life.
Official Slash Site
Official Foxy Shazam Site
Official Electric Sister Site