Queensryche – Club Vinyl, Lake Tahoe, NV – 10/15
By Jeffrey Easton
Today was an important day for Queensryche for Condition Human was dropping and they were throwing a sold out party at Club Vinyl, THE destination for a band that has something to celebrate. The setting was perfect, it was just them, no opener to distract the fans, just pure Queensryche and they owned the place. This was my first time witnessing the Todd La Torre fronted Queensryche in the live setting and I was floored, absolutely blown away. The fire was back, Queensryche was finally a real band again, full of the vitality that made them one of the most influential metal bands to date. Once the lights went down on the sold out crowd there was mayhem in anticipation and with the strains of Anarchy-X emitting from the stage it was on. The band immediately jumped into The Needle Lies and that feeling rushed through Club Vinyl that this was the Ryche they loved and they were not getting some substitute. Break The Silence, again from Mindcrime followed suit and the crowds’ energy was insanely high but when the band dipped further back for Walk In The Shadows, En Force and Warning, it boiled over. N the recent past, the band rarely touched the older material, especially the deeper album cuts but with Todd, there are no boundaries. One of Ryches’ biggest chart achievements was Silent Lucidity and when they broke it out there were lighters, cell phones and a nonstop chorus that sang every word, not a single person was silent. With their new album dropping today, of course it has to be represented and it was done well with Arrow Of Time. I wanted to hear more from Condition Human but that will be for another time but they did break out the stand out track from their S/T comeback album in Where Dreams Go To Die, which is flat out jaw dropping. With that it was back to the first five albums and I Don’t Believe In Love. This massive classic should be in everybody’s playlist and if it is not, you are tone deaf. The journey further back continued with NM 156, My Empty Room as well as Eyes Of The Stranger and Take Hold Of the Flame and in my opinion, this should have given not a single person any disappointment, period, this was classic Ryche, what everybody was wanting. The main audio I wanted was Empire, mainly the title track and Jet City Woman and I got it. Empire is possibly the most powerful track in their arsenal and live it is even more bombastic. The evening with Queensryche was a massive treat and I could not have asked for a better live show from these titans of metal.
Official Queensryche Site
BUY Condition Human
BUY Condition Human on Vinyl
By Jeffrey Easton
Today was an important day for Queensryche for Condition Human was dropping and they were throwing a sold out party at Club Vinyl, THE destination for a band that has something to celebrate. The setting was perfect, it was just them, no opener to distract the fans, just pure Queensryche and they owned the place. This was my first time witnessing the Todd La Torre fronted Queensryche in the live setting and I was floored, absolutely blown away. The fire was back, Queensryche was finally a real band again, full of the vitality that made them one of the most influential metal bands to date. Once the lights went down on the sold out crowd there was mayhem in anticipation and with the strains of Anarchy-X emitting from the stage it was on. The band immediately jumped into The Needle Lies and that feeling rushed through Club Vinyl that this was the Ryche they loved and they were not getting some substitute. Break The Silence, again from Mindcrime followed suit and the crowds’ energy was insanely high but when the band dipped further back for Walk In The Shadows, En Force and Warning, it boiled over. N the recent past, the band rarely touched the older material, especially the deeper album cuts but with Todd, there are no boundaries. One of Ryches’ biggest chart achievements was Silent Lucidity and when they broke it out there were lighters, cell phones and a nonstop chorus that sang every word, not a single person was silent. With their new album dropping today, of course it has to be represented and it was done well with Arrow Of Time. I wanted to hear more from Condition Human but that will be for another time but they did break out the stand out track from their S/T comeback album in Where Dreams Go To Die, which is flat out jaw dropping. With that it was back to the first five albums and I Don’t Believe In Love. This massive classic should be in everybody’s playlist and if it is not, you are tone deaf. The journey further back continued with NM 156, My Empty Room as well as Eyes Of The Stranger and Take Hold Of the Flame and in my opinion, this should have given not a single person any disappointment, period, this was classic Ryche, what everybody was wanting. The main audio I wanted was Empire, mainly the title track and Jet City Woman and I got it. Empire is possibly the most powerful track in their arsenal and live it is even more bombastic. The evening with Queensryche was a massive treat and I could not have asked for a better live show from these titans of metal.
Official Queensryche Site
BUY Condition Human
BUY Condition Human on Vinyl