NAMM SHOW 2011 - Anaheim
Convention Center Anaheim, CA 1/11
By Jeffrey Easton
We all know that our economy is in the dumps and it has been for the past few years but you could never tell once you went into the doors of NAMM 2011. The performance side of the music industry can seemingly weather any storm as live music is always in demand and the NAMM show is a testament to that. Deals were being made, hot products were being showcased and the artists and shows were a happening thing as always, its January, must be time for NAMM. The floors were teaming with exibitors of the finest guitars, drums, electronics and software so finding what you want to see and hear can be a challenge but if you have good ears you can hone in on what’s good and tune out what isn’t. Guitars are the bread and butter of any rock band and of course the focus of the metal that I cover so that’s the allure every time I walk through those hallowed doors of the Anaheim convention center. One of the biggest standouts to me was the return of Vinnie Vincent and his Armageddon guitars. Vinnie was the reason KISS got a solid jump start into the 80’s and these guitars prove it. Based on his original guitars these new models shred and have an amazing look. A must have for the metal guitarist who needs a mean sound. ESP is well known in the hard rock/metal community as they have the best guitar players endorsing them and they have one of the best sounds out there. One of the biggest names endorsing ESP is James Hetfield and for 2011 he is bringing out a new body style with his Snakebyte line. They look sick and sound just as ferocious as ever. ESP always delivers with looks and sound and his lineup of guitars are the models for their future. Schector is always a stop for Metal Exiles as they are the go to line for some of the boldest of metal musicians and one of the reasons why is the Hellraiser Collection. Featuring a classic look, things get nasty with the EMG Active pickups. They come in two different lines either of which you cannot live without. Before we leave the strings we have to give praise to the bass, the thick big brother of the guitar. Some basses have the same sound and feel but Warwick has the out of left field sound locked up to themselves. Under their Pro Series they have a multitude of lines of Basses for every sound conceivable sound with heavy rock and splintering funk their specialty. The bottom end has never been the same since Warwick came around and to prove that point is Robert Trujillo of Metallica and his line under the Artist Series. Again it’s the EMG’s delivering the tone set in an Alder body, just sick.
So what drives that rock band? The drums, what else could it be and DW makes some of the best out there. If there is a master kit to be behind, its DW and their Custom Shop Kits. DW will go out of their way with their many different variations to make sure you are the happy kick ass drummer that you can be. One of the differences is their True-Pitch rod system which allows you to control your sound as well as their patented shells that can be tailored to you. Roger Taylor of Queen plays DW, need I say more? One of the lesser known companies that I found interesting was Spaun. Their Kits jumped out at me with their looks, especially the Piano Black double bass kit they possess. From their Custom series to their Recording Series, they use the finest birch shells for massive sound and to compete with the big boys they have the right stuff. So what are you hitting those drums with? I would smack them with Vater Sticks, they have a massive process that they go through just to get to the final product and immaculate care is given to each stick. Alan Vater is there through the entire process and re rolls every stick? Tell me that’s not dedication to the craft. When I test drums, they are the only stick I want between me and the drumhead.
You have what’s in front of the Amps set but what amps are you going to push your massive sound through? You have the obligatory monsters like Marshall (who can go wrong with Marshalls?) and Ampeg to the still coming up Orange and Overton Amplifiers. Overton caught my ear with their Menace series of amps that are designed to get you to practice and push you to that next level. In three levels between 15, 30 and 50 Watts, they have massive 12” speakers with a tone that is all their own. Orange is a line that cannot be passed up. One of the main reasons is that they are Orange and in a sea of black amps they stick out like a massive sore thumb. So yea they have a different color and every one notices them but do they notice the sharp sound they deliver? You damn well bet they do. The Rockerverb series is nasty and delivers a solid punch which can be found in a four stage dirty channel and it lives up to its name. If you are a metal musician you have found your new amp. Laney is another company that has full respect from me and this year they were displaying the LX series of heads and cabinets which breed pure sonic power from that arena stage. The LX 120RH has 120 WATTS RMS which can drive a bus through a wall with the right power chord.
NAMM is just not just about exhibitors, it’s about the artists to and I have to point out a non metal artist but an influential one all the same in Glen Campbell. He made a rare appearance at the Ovation Booth and was just a solid human being. Not only is he an amazing guitar player with a true style all his own but a great singer as well and he encompasses what it means to be a musician. People in line to meet him, myself included, did not know he was going through the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s so to know that now, my hat is off to him for wanting to meet his fans.
The NAMM Experience is a true one for a musician, someone wanting to make that connection to put their products in their stores or someone like me who wants to tell the world about what is happening in the music business. Music has always thrived and will continue to thrive and all along there will be the NAMM Show to sell it to the world that Music is King.
Official NAMM Site
By Jeffrey Easton
We all know that our economy is in the dumps and it has been for the past few years but you could never tell once you went into the doors of NAMM 2011. The performance side of the music industry can seemingly weather any storm as live music is always in demand and the NAMM show is a testament to that. Deals were being made, hot products were being showcased and the artists and shows were a happening thing as always, its January, must be time for NAMM. The floors were teaming with exibitors of the finest guitars, drums, electronics and software so finding what you want to see and hear can be a challenge but if you have good ears you can hone in on what’s good and tune out what isn’t. Guitars are the bread and butter of any rock band and of course the focus of the metal that I cover so that’s the allure every time I walk through those hallowed doors of the Anaheim convention center. One of the biggest standouts to me was the return of Vinnie Vincent and his Armageddon guitars. Vinnie was the reason KISS got a solid jump start into the 80’s and these guitars prove it. Based on his original guitars these new models shred and have an amazing look. A must have for the metal guitarist who needs a mean sound. ESP is well known in the hard rock/metal community as they have the best guitar players endorsing them and they have one of the best sounds out there. One of the biggest names endorsing ESP is James Hetfield and for 2011 he is bringing out a new body style with his Snakebyte line. They look sick and sound just as ferocious as ever. ESP always delivers with looks and sound and his lineup of guitars are the models for their future. Schector is always a stop for Metal Exiles as they are the go to line for some of the boldest of metal musicians and one of the reasons why is the Hellraiser Collection. Featuring a classic look, things get nasty with the EMG Active pickups. They come in two different lines either of which you cannot live without. Before we leave the strings we have to give praise to the bass, the thick big brother of the guitar. Some basses have the same sound and feel but Warwick has the out of left field sound locked up to themselves. Under their Pro Series they have a multitude of lines of Basses for every sound conceivable sound with heavy rock and splintering funk their specialty. The bottom end has never been the same since Warwick came around and to prove that point is Robert Trujillo of Metallica and his line under the Artist Series. Again it’s the EMG’s delivering the tone set in an Alder body, just sick.
So what drives that rock band? The drums, what else could it be and DW makes some of the best out there. If there is a master kit to be behind, its DW and their Custom Shop Kits. DW will go out of their way with their many different variations to make sure you are the happy kick ass drummer that you can be. One of the differences is their True-Pitch rod system which allows you to control your sound as well as their patented shells that can be tailored to you. Roger Taylor of Queen plays DW, need I say more? One of the lesser known companies that I found interesting was Spaun. Their Kits jumped out at me with their looks, especially the Piano Black double bass kit they possess. From their Custom series to their Recording Series, they use the finest birch shells for massive sound and to compete with the big boys they have the right stuff. So what are you hitting those drums with? I would smack them with Vater Sticks, they have a massive process that they go through just to get to the final product and immaculate care is given to each stick. Alan Vater is there through the entire process and re rolls every stick? Tell me that’s not dedication to the craft. When I test drums, they are the only stick I want between me and the drumhead.
You have what’s in front of the Amps set but what amps are you going to push your massive sound through? You have the obligatory monsters like Marshall (who can go wrong with Marshalls?) and Ampeg to the still coming up Orange and Overton Amplifiers. Overton caught my ear with their Menace series of amps that are designed to get you to practice and push you to that next level. In three levels between 15, 30 and 50 Watts, they have massive 12” speakers with a tone that is all their own. Orange is a line that cannot be passed up. One of the main reasons is that they are Orange and in a sea of black amps they stick out like a massive sore thumb. So yea they have a different color and every one notices them but do they notice the sharp sound they deliver? You damn well bet they do. The Rockerverb series is nasty and delivers a solid punch which can be found in a four stage dirty channel and it lives up to its name. If you are a metal musician you have found your new amp. Laney is another company that has full respect from me and this year they were displaying the LX series of heads and cabinets which breed pure sonic power from that arena stage. The LX 120RH has 120 WATTS RMS which can drive a bus through a wall with the right power chord.
NAMM is just not just about exhibitors, it’s about the artists to and I have to point out a non metal artist but an influential one all the same in Glen Campbell. He made a rare appearance at the Ovation Booth and was just a solid human being. Not only is he an amazing guitar player with a true style all his own but a great singer as well and he encompasses what it means to be a musician. People in line to meet him, myself included, did not know he was going through the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s so to know that now, my hat is off to him for wanting to meet his fans.
The NAMM Experience is a true one for a musician, someone wanting to make that connection to put their products in their stores or someone like me who wants to tell the world about what is happening in the music business. Music has always thrived and will continue to thrive and all along there will be the NAMM Show to sell it to the world that Music is King.
Official NAMM Site