Motionless In White/Chelsea Grin/Stick To Your Guns/Upon This Dawning – Ace Of Spades, Sacramento, CA 12/12
By Jeffrey Easton
The tour of the Winter, the darkest show to hit Sacramento in ages set the night off tonight and darkly there was no turning back. Motionless In White have dealt their most dangerous LP with Infamous and they were prepared to ignite the Ace Of Spades stage. The show was sold out, the crowd was insane and the bands kept giving until they were spent. This was the tour of tours, period.
Upon This Dawning hit the stage with fervor, ready to show the crowd why they were allowed to open this show and they had the floor going by the first note. To Keep us Safe is the debut record and if this is an indication we will see them headlining in no time. A New Beginning set the night off along with the bestial track Nothing Lasts Forever and the crowd was ballistic. They have a cover on the last Punk Goes Pop, their send up of Call Me Maybe and the mix of clean and extremely brutal vox give this song not a “I hope you call me feel” but a sickening “I am actually stalking you” vibe. Of Human Action closed it out but the crowd wanted more so I am sure they will line up for them the next time.
Stick To Your Guns were the, to put it bluntly, brutal entry tonight. They are out supporting their massive release Diamond and they brought the house down with massively sickening blasts from that nasty release. Jesse Barnett is a disturbing singer so he put more feeling into the tracks than normal which is why the place came together under his/their spell like they did. Diamond, Such Pain, Against Them All and the Occupy Wall Street anthem Bringing You Down, all coming from the new threat, struck a chord in all of the fans and made new ones before the last drop of sweat hit the ground. I hope the inspiring words that echoed from Jesse during the set were for real and not just hype because he had the pulpit and the fans were the doe eyed followers.
Chelsea Grin are technical, precise and alarming while delivering their grind. Chelsea Grin should be bigger and to me they are the current music generations Carcass. The soloing compliments the razor sharp riffs and Alex Koehler’s demented vox. They hit the stage in matching white shirts and dark pants which displays the madness that was about to ensue once the first note dropped. They have a new EP that creeped out recently entitled Evolve, which they are doing musically, and they lit the set list up with that. The Second Coming, Lilith and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell terrorized the crowd from the Evolve EP amongst demented sonnets from past excursions like murderish Sonnet Of The Wretched and My Damnation. Chelsea did not fail, only delivered mayhem like no other.
The time was here, the reason so many had come in droves for, why the club was sold out, it was time for Motionless In White. They have delivered two sinister LP’s and their fan base is as rabid as a sick dog waiting for them to light the stage up. Once Chris Motionless made his demonic way onto the stage, it was over, the place fell apart and the fans, mostly fems, screamed their minds out. Infamous is the new record and it is bombastic from the first riff to the last blood drawn note. They attacked the new LP like wolves to a carcass with the ear shattering If Its Dead We’ll Kill It, Black Damask and Devils Night, three of the nastiest tracks they could fish out of Infamous. If that did not satiate the spawn that was there to support them, then the spewing of Abigail, Puppets and Immaculate Misconception surely did. Motionless’ metal cannot be described perfectly but somewhere in the middle of a scream and darkness there are burning guitars that create what they do, the rest you have discover on your own.
Official Motionless In White Site
Official Chelsea Grin Site
Official Stick To Your Guns Site
Official Upon This Dawning Site
By Jeffrey Easton
The tour of the Winter, the darkest show to hit Sacramento in ages set the night off tonight and darkly there was no turning back. Motionless In White have dealt their most dangerous LP with Infamous and they were prepared to ignite the Ace Of Spades stage. The show was sold out, the crowd was insane and the bands kept giving until they were spent. This was the tour of tours, period.
Upon This Dawning hit the stage with fervor, ready to show the crowd why they were allowed to open this show and they had the floor going by the first note. To Keep us Safe is the debut record and if this is an indication we will see them headlining in no time. A New Beginning set the night off along with the bestial track Nothing Lasts Forever and the crowd was ballistic. They have a cover on the last Punk Goes Pop, their send up of Call Me Maybe and the mix of clean and extremely brutal vox give this song not a “I hope you call me feel” but a sickening “I am actually stalking you” vibe. Of Human Action closed it out but the crowd wanted more so I am sure they will line up for them the next time.
Stick To Your Guns were the, to put it bluntly, brutal entry tonight. They are out supporting their massive release Diamond and they brought the house down with massively sickening blasts from that nasty release. Jesse Barnett is a disturbing singer so he put more feeling into the tracks than normal which is why the place came together under his/their spell like they did. Diamond, Such Pain, Against Them All and the Occupy Wall Street anthem Bringing You Down, all coming from the new threat, struck a chord in all of the fans and made new ones before the last drop of sweat hit the ground. I hope the inspiring words that echoed from Jesse during the set were for real and not just hype because he had the pulpit and the fans were the doe eyed followers.
Chelsea Grin are technical, precise and alarming while delivering their grind. Chelsea Grin should be bigger and to me they are the current music generations Carcass. The soloing compliments the razor sharp riffs and Alex Koehler’s demented vox. They hit the stage in matching white shirts and dark pants which displays the madness that was about to ensue once the first note dropped. They have a new EP that creeped out recently entitled Evolve, which they are doing musically, and they lit the set list up with that. The Second Coming, Lilith and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell terrorized the crowd from the Evolve EP amongst demented sonnets from past excursions like murderish Sonnet Of The Wretched and My Damnation. Chelsea did not fail, only delivered mayhem like no other.
The time was here, the reason so many had come in droves for, why the club was sold out, it was time for Motionless In White. They have delivered two sinister LP’s and their fan base is as rabid as a sick dog waiting for them to light the stage up. Once Chris Motionless made his demonic way onto the stage, it was over, the place fell apart and the fans, mostly fems, screamed their minds out. Infamous is the new record and it is bombastic from the first riff to the last blood drawn note. They attacked the new LP like wolves to a carcass with the ear shattering If Its Dead We’ll Kill It, Black Damask and Devils Night, three of the nastiest tracks they could fish out of Infamous. If that did not satiate the spawn that was there to support them, then the spewing of Abigail, Puppets and Immaculate Misconception surely did. Motionless’ metal cannot be described perfectly but somewhere in the middle of a scream and darkness there are burning guitars that create what they do, the rest you have discover on your own.
Official Motionless In White Site
Official Chelsea Grin Site
Official Stick To Your Guns Site
Official Upon This Dawning Site