In This Moment have been through the most trying of times for any band, things that would break up any run of the mill act. So here they are, after all of that adversity with their strongest album to date in Blood, biggest single with Blood and have been on some huge tours. Chris Howorth, their disturbing guitarist to say the least, had much to say about their revival behind Blood and how they had everybody believing in them again.
An interview with Chris Howorth of In This Moment.
By Jeffrey Easton
Metal Exiles: You were just out with Halestorm, was that the tour the diehards had been wanting?
Chris Howorth: I think our fans were stoked. It was a great bill, Halestorm is an awesome band. Plus both bands have great albums out right now that are still building so it’s great.
Metal Exiles: Your first three records were great but Blood is brilliant. Was the fact that Blake and Jeff left a catalyst or were you already writing in this direction?
Chris: Maria and I were already talking darker material but Blake and Jeff leaving was definitely a catalyst for going the way we did. We never have a preconceived idea of what we are going to do when we go into the studio but removing them from the situation meant that only Maria, Kevin Churko and I had the final say on the finished record. There were no other opinions but ours and it made us open up to more options in our music. It also gave us the feeling that we could show the people that doubted us that they should not underestimate us and our abilities.
Metal Exiles: When the guys left were there people that thought you were done?
Chris Howorth: Our diehard fans, label and producer were behind us but our management dropped us before those guys left so there was a feeling that some were giving up on us. Each album was charting higher than the last one but we were in this realm where “are we going to put out the same record again” or are we going to take the next step and prove to the doubters that we were not done and I feel like we accomplished that.
Metal Exiles: With this album you had the imagery, electronics and sheer anger. Do you think that this makes the band everything you thought it could be?
Chris: I wanted to be in a band because I wanted to pay in huge arenas, have timeless songs like all of my fav bands and it was never a thought that it would never happen so with this album it was do or die. We will show everybody but also it was time for this band to go to the next level or it was over with. We had to do a unique album, something fresh, something that was not out at the time and we also had to step up the imagery, the look of the band and how we look on stage. We knew this all had to happen and with everything that has transpired it removed all fear of moving forward.
Metal Exiles: Are you where you want to be or are there more steps?
Chris: We want to go all the way. Before we were signed, we just wanted to get a deal, get a record in the stores and go on tour. Once you get that you want sell a bunch of albums, pack out clubs then arenas ect. Every time you hit a goal you want something else and at the end you just want to be successful and have a long career doing this.
Metal Exiles: What was the mood in the studio while recording this? Those guys had just left the band and here you are making this dark fucking album.
Chris: Honestly, it worked in two stages. We were working in the studio making this record and also we were also trying to find a new manager. We knew some people nit they just were not interested and those that were just were not good enough as far as we were concerned. We were looking for a certain level of management that could take us somewhere we haven’t been, not a step back. So we went in with Kevin, recorded a few songs, Blood being one of them and sent them off and instantly this flood of people wanted to manage us. Blood struck a nerve with some of these people so as we were going into the studio for the full record we knew who we were going to get so that was a good feeling. Once we got our new management we knew we were onto something, Blood was already making waves with people. The vibe was positive so all of these songs started popping out of us and we were also open to the electronic stuff as well because once we heard it in Blood it sounded so fresh but we did not want copy that song over again but we did want the electronic element tying the record together.
Metal Exiles: Was this a big release for you just to get everything out of your system? If you had not had this exercise what do you think would have happened to the band?
Chris: I think everything was meant to be. It was the darkest most down time for the band because when our last management dropped us and the other guys left us it was just a feeling of “what are we going to do?” but it turned around into being the best thing that ever happened to us. Even if things aren’t working out for you at the time it is just an opening for something great to happen in the future.
Metal Exiles: What do the electronics do for your music that hasn’t been done before?
Chris: When we first finished Blood, Maria and I knew we had something different and we felt that the chorus was very catchy and it is so angry so we knew we had something. We liked the technology so much in Blood that we had to put more technology in more songs to tie everything together, give the new record a more modern edge. We had no plan to make the record like this, to some NIN type record but it ended up this way. There were song structures but no plan and then it just happened but we still wanted it to sound like us.
Metal Exiles: This was Kevin’s third album with you. Was he shocked that you guys were going in that direction and how did he handle the material?
Chris: Kevin was with us on this. We went in and did one at a time; both contributing ideas and we both loved the record.
Metal Exiles: The video for Blood ties in with the artwork for the record. Who’s idea was it for this graphic art piece?
Chris: Maria Brink… We all worked on our clothes some but Maria brainstormed this whole video. Everybody with our label and management wanted to know what was going on, we want to see a treatment for the video, they wanted to know what was going on but she said she had it in her head and it was going to be completely artistic. Once it was done they all said we will never question you again.
Metal Exiles: Never question an artist.
Chris: She obviously has a lot of talent and we just let her run free.
Metal Exiles: Blood has charted across the board higher than any of the previous records. What about this album that clicked with the fans?
Chris: I think radio is a huge factor in that success. We had the right song, the right management to make it happen and it just took off. The video also has millions of views so they were watching the video and going out to buy the record and it is still going strong. The long time die hard fans along all of these new fans just made it happen for us.
Metal Exiles: Last words for the fans?
Chris: Thanks to all of the new fans, thanks for checking us out and supporting us and to the die hards, we would not be here today without you..
Blood is the high water mark for In This Moment in my opinion but you the fan are the final judge of that.
Official In This Moment Site
BUY Blood!
An interview with Chris Howorth of In This Moment.
By Jeffrey Easton
Metal Exiles: You were just out with Halestorm, was that the tour the diehards had been wanting?
Chris Howorth: I think our fans were stoked. It was a great bill, Halestorm is an awesome band. Plus both bands have great albums out right now that are still building so it’s great.
Metal Exiles: Your first three records were great but Blood is brilliant. Was the fact that Blake and Jeff left a catalyst or were you already writing in this direction?
Chris: Maria and I were already talking darker material but Blake and Jeff leaving was definitely a catalyst for going the way we did. We never have a preconceived idea of what we are going to do when we go into the studio but removing them from the situation meant that only Maria, Kevin Churko and I had the final say on the finished record. There were no other opinions but ours and it made us open up to more options in our music. It also gave us the feeling that we could show the people that doubted us that they should not underestimate us and our abilities.
Metal Exiles: When the guys left were there people that thought you were done?
Chris Howorth: Our diehard fans, label and producer were behind us but our management dropped us before those guys left so there was a feeling that some were giving up on us. Each album was charting higher than the last one but we were in this realm where “are we going to put out the same record again” or are we going to take the next step and prove to the doubters that we were not done and I feel like we accomplished that.
Metal Exiles: With this album you had the imagery, electronics and sheer anger. Do you think that this makes the band everything you thought it could be?
Chris: I wanted to be in a band because I wanted to pay in huge arenas, have timeless songs like all of my fav bands and it was never a thought that it would never happen so with this album it was do or die. We will show everybody but also it was time for this band to go to the next level or it was over with. We had to do a unique album, something fresh, something that was not out at the time and we also had to step up the imagery, the look of the band and how we look on stage. We knew this all had to happen and with everything that has transpired it removed all fear of moving forward.
Metal Exiles: Are you where you want to be or are there more steps?
Chris: We want to go all the way. Before we were signed, we just wanted to get a deal, get a record in the stores and go on tour. Once you get that you want sell a bunch of albums, pack out clubs then arenas ect. Every time you hit a goal you want something else and at the end you just want to be successful and have a long career doing this.
Metal Exiles: What was the mood in the studio while recording this? Those guys had just left the band and here you are making this dark fucking album.
Chris: Honestly, it worked in two stages. We were working in the studio making this record and also we were also trying to find a new manager. We knew some people nit they just were not interested and those that were just were not good enough as far as we were concerned. We were looking for a certain level of management that could take us somewhere we haven’t been, not a step back. So we went in with Kevin, recorded a few songs, Blood being one of them and sent them off and instantly this flood of people wanted to manage us. Blood struck a nerve with some of these people so as we were going into the studio for the full record we knew who we were going to get so that was a good feeling. Once we got our new management we knew we were onto something, Blood was already making waves with people. The vibe was positive so all of these songs started popping out of us and we were also open to the electronic stuff as well because once we heard it in Blood it sounded so fresh but we did not want copy that song over again but we did want the electronic element tying the record together.
Metal Exiles: Was this a big release for you just to get everything out of your system? If you had not had this exercise what do you think would have happened to the band?
Chris: I think everything was meant to be. It was the darkest most down time for the band because when our last management dropped us and the other guys left us it was just a feeling of “what are we going to do?” but it turned around into being the best thing that ever happened to us. Even if things aren’t working out for you at the time it is just an opening for something great to happen in the future.
Metal Exiles: What do the electronics do for your music that hasn’t been done before?
Chris: When we first finished Blood, Maria and I knew we had something different and we felt that the chorus was very catchy and it is so angry so we knew we had something. We liked the technology so much in Blood that we had to put more technology in more songs to tie everything together, give the new record a more modern edge. We had no plan to make the record like this, to some NIN type record but it ended up this way. There were song structures but no plan and then it just happened but we still wanted it to sound like us.
Metal Exiles: This was Kevin’s third album with you. Was he shocked that you guys were going in that direction and how did he handle the material?
Chris: Kevin was with us on this. We went in and did one at a time; both contributing ideas and we both loved the record.
Metal Exiles: The video for Blood ties in with the artwork for the record. Who’s idea was it for this graphic art piece?
Chris: Maria Brink… We all worked on our clothes some but Maria brainstormed this whole video. Everybody with our label and management wanted to know what was going on, we want to see a treatment for the video, they wanted to know what was going on but she said she had it in her head and it was going to be completely artistic. Once it was done they all said we will never question you again.
Metal Exiles: Never question an artist.
Chris: She obviously has a lot of talent and we just let her run free.
Metal Exiles: Blood has charted across the board higher than any of the previous records. What about this album that clicked with the fans?
Chris: I think radio is a huge factor in that success. We had the right song, the right management to make it happen and it just took off. The video also has millions of views so they were watching the video and going out to buy the record and it is still going strong. The long time die hard fans along all of these new fans just made it happen for us.
Metal Exiles: Last words for the fans?
Chris: Thanks to all of the new fans, thanks for checking us out and supporting us and to the die hards, we would not be here today without you..
Blood is the high water mark for In This Moment in my opinion but you the fan are the final judge of that.
Official In This Moment Site
BUY Blood!