Emarosa/Anarbor/Cold Collective – The Palladium, Worcester, MA 11/16
By Rickelle Tavares
Very rarely do I get the opportunity to shoot a show from the pit, and also leave feeling enlightened and relaxed. This was easily one of my favorite shows of this year, the second Emarosa announced they’d be coming to Ma I was so stoked. I had seen them twice, once at a smaller venue in Rhode Island and then at Vans Warped Tour over the summer. Each time was a different experience on its own but none the less such incredible performance’s, it left me very eager for the night ahead of me.
Cold Collective is actually a local band from Boston, I’d never heard of them until that night so I was pretty excited to see some locals playing. One thing that really struck out to me about them was their vibe, they were really chill down to earth guys and they kept an open interaction with the crowd. Their music was solid, it was a different pace from what I’m used to but it was extremely good it really made me appreciate the local scene. Not only was their set really relaxed and definitely unique, they also had a fan base in the crowd that were singing along with them. It was a good opener for the night and again I cannot express how refreshing shows like this are, they really make you appreciate the music so much more.
Up next was Anarbor, finally breaking their touring hiatus and back in full swing. Opening with “Every High Has a Comedown” for an intro, and the fans…. The fans reaction to it was impressive, they all knew the words, every high note, and collectively sounded incredible. I had previously listened to them a little before the show and I really liked what I heard, so hearing and seeing it first had was a whole new experience. They sound very close to how they do on their album but of course the live interaction was not even comparable. Mid set they spoke about how happy they were to finally be touring again, and how grateful they are of the fans that have stuck by them all this time. Bands like Anarbor have their solid fan base for being appreciative for the support and they don’t let that go without notice, it’s something I feel like Hopeless Records artists all have In common and it’s admirable. Finishing off the set for the night they closed up with “Let the Games Begin”. This is a favorite because everyone in the venue moved slightly closer to the stage so their voices could be heard as they sang along. Taking a look around it was a ton of couples, friends, and singular people slightly moving about and singing at the top of their lungs. It really was a great performance and that night I became a fan of Anarbor.
Now Emarosa was prepping to go on and I was so stoked. I had caught them a few times on tour but this was their headliner! They more than earned it and they’ve made a solid name for themselves in the music industry. Hit after hit they just keep climbing to the top of the game and there is no slowing them down, they continuously prove that they deserve the attention they’re getting. Recently releasing a new album titled “131” they came out on this tour to promote it, and that night was mind blowing to say the least. As soon as the first notes to “Hurt” started I was immediately filled with excitement. Bradley has this way of entrancing you with his voice, the flawless way he moves about on stage is honestly mesmerizing. The interaction between Emarosa and the crowd is great, Bradley constantly holds the mic stand over the crowd allowing everyone to get a chance to sing along. He will even jump in and sing an entire song, no security its face to face intimate interaction and that’s what they’re great at. Not many artists will get off the stage and just vibe with the fans, things like that are what keep us coming back to every tour, every show, buying every song. Just as I thought things couldn’t get any better “Say Hello to The Bad Guy” came on, I absolutely love that song so much. Not only are the vocals A1 but the guitar riffs and lulling drums… It’s indescribable how good Emarosa is live. The energy flows right off the stage into the crowd and every song is electrifying, one after another you’re left in awe. Every second something was happening there wasn’t a dull moment, from Bradley singing on top of the balcony, to being crowd surfed to the stage. What was really cool is when he had band member Matthew on his shoulders while he was playing guitar and Bradley was singing “mad”. From beginning to end it was an enlightening experience, it wasn’t just some concert or some show. Each band contributed to making it an incredible unforgettable night. I urge you to check them out on this tour if you can, even check out their music... Just don’t pass up on something like this.
Official Emarosa Site
Official Anarbor Site
Official Cold Collective Site
By Rickelle Tavares
Very rarely do I get the opportunity to shoot a show from the pit, and also leave feeling enlightened and relaxed. This was easily one of my favorite shows of this year, the second Emarosa announced they’d be coming to Ma I was so stoked. I had seen them twice, once at a smaller venue in Rhode Island and then at Vans Warped Tour over the summer. Each time was a different experience on its own but none the less such incredible performance’s, it left me very eager for the night ahead of me.
Cold Collective is actually a local band from Boston, I’d never heard of them until that night so I was pretty excited to see some locals playing. One thing that really struck out to me about them was their vibe, they were really chill down to earth guys and they kept an open interaction with the crowd. Their music was solid, it was a different pace from what I’m used to but it was extremely good it really made me appreciate the local scene. Not only was their set really relaxed and definitely unique, they also had a fan base in the crowd that were singing along with them. It was a good opener for the night and again I cannot express how refreshing shows like this are, they really make you appreciate the music so much more.
Up next was Anarbor, finally breaking their touring hiatus and back in full swing. Opening with “Every High Has a Comedown” for an intro, and the fans…. The fans reaction to it was impressive, they all knew the words, every high note, and collectively sounded incredible. I had previously listened to them a little before the show and I really liked what I heard, so hearing and seeing it first had was a whole new experience. They sound very close to how they do on their album but of course the live interaction was not even comparable. Mid set they spoke about how happy they were to finally be touring again, and how grateful they are of the fans that have stuck by them all this time. Bands like Anarbor have their solid fan base for being appreciative for the support and they don’t let that go without notice, it’s something I feel like Hopeless Records artists all have In common and it’s admirable. Finishing off the set for the night they closed up with “Let the Games Begin”. This is a favorite because everyone in the venue moved slightly closer to the stage so their voices could be heard as they sang along. Taking a look around it was a ton of couples, friends, and singular people slightly moving about and singing at the top of their lungs. It really was a great performance and that night I became a fan of Anarbor.
Now Emarosa was prepping to go on and I was so stoked. I had caught them a few times on tour but this was their headliner! They more than earned it and they’ve made a solid name for themselves in the music industry. Hit after hit they just keep climbing to the top of the game and there is no slowing them down, they continuously prove that they deserve the attention they’re getting. Recently releasing a new album titled “131” they came out on this tour to promote it, and that night was mind blowing to say the least. As soon as the first notes to “Hurt” started I was immediately filled with excitement. Bradley has this way of entrancing you with his voice, the flawless way he moves about on stage is honestly mesmerizing. The interaction between Emarosa and the crowd is great, Bradley constantly holds the mic stand over the crowd allowing everyone to get a chance to sing along. He will even jump in and sing an entire song, no security its face to face intimate interaction and that’s what they’re great at. Not many artists will get off the stage and just vibe with the fans, things like that are what keep us coming back to every tour, every show, buying every song. Just as I thought things couldn’t get any better “Say Hello to The Bad Guy” came on, I absolutely love that song so much. Not only are the vocals A1 but the guitar riffs and lulling drums… It’s indescribable how good Emarosa is live. The energy flows right off the stage into the crowd and every song is electrifying, one after another you’re left in awe. Every second something was happening there wasn’t a dull moment, from Bradley singing on top of the balcony, to being crowd surfed to the stage. What was really cool is when he had band member Matthew on his shoulders while he was playing guitar and Bradley was singing “mad”. From beginning to end it was an enlightening experience, it wasn’t just some concert or some show. Each band contributed to making it an incredible unforgettable night. I urge you to check them out on this tour if you can, even check out their music... Just don’t pass up on something like this.
Official Emarosa Site
Official Anarbor Site
Official Cold Collective Site