Deep Purple – Perfect Strangers Live – Eagle Vision
By Jeffrey Easton
It was bound to happen, the roads back to Deep Purple were going to intersect at some point with the various members releasing high profile records, it was destiny. There was too much chemistry there, another Purple record needed to be made and another tour needed to happen. So here it was, 1984 and for the first time since the release of Who Do We Think We Are, the MKII line up of Purple was on stage together and they were on fire. Their mere presence on stage caused the fans to erupt in frenzied cheers but with the launch of opening track Highway Star, it was over, the fans freaked. This was their band and here they were back in front of them delivering the goods heavily. With the release of the perfect Strangers record there was new material to deliver and they soundly did that with blistering renditions of Nobody’s Home, Under The Gun, Knocking At your Back Door as well as the title track. The fans ate the new stuff up as it was sound and it reeked of classic Deep Purple. In and out of the new material they ripped out the classic material they knew the fans needed like Child In Time, Space Truckin’ and Speed King as well as the Rainbow classic Difficult to Cure and of course closing with the monumental anthem Smoke On The Water. As a great bonus, the tour documentary is included here and it includes tv and radio interviews performed around the release of the record and tour as well as rare behind the tour scenes footage that even I have never seen. As a Purple fan you are not complete without this DVD, a must have.
BUY Perfect Strangers Live!
By Jeffrey Easton
It was bound to happen, the roads back to Deep Purple were going to intersect at some point with the various members releasing high profile records, it was destiny. There was too much chemistry there, another Purple record needed to be made and another tour needed to happen. So here it was, 1984 and for the first time since the release of Who Do We Think We Are, the MKII line up of Purple was on stage together and they were on fire. Their mere presence on stage caused the fans to erupt in frenzied cheers but with the launch of opening track Highway Star, it was over, the fans freaked. This was their band and here they were back in front of them delivering the goods heavily. With the release of the perfect Strangers record there was new material to deliver and they soundly did that with blistering renditions of Nobody’s Home, Under The Gun, Knocking At your Back Door as well as the title track. The fans ate the new stuff up as it was sound and it reeked of classic Deep Purple. In and out of the new material they ripped out the classic material they knew the fans needed like Child In Time, Space Truckin’ and Speed King as well as the Rainbow classic Difficult to Cure and of course closing with the monumental anthem Smoke On The Water. As a great bonus, the tour documentary is included here and it includes tv and radio interviews performed around the release of the record and tour as well as rare behind the tour scenes footage that even I have never seen. As a Purple fan you are not complete without this DVD, a must have.
BUY Perfect Strangers Live!