Crown The Empire/Blessthefall/New Year’s Day/Too Close To Touch/Light Up The Sky - Worcester Palladium, Worcester, MA 11/17
By Rickelle Tavares
First off, the line wrapped around the venue was insane. If you got a chance to see CTE at Warped you know how dedicated their fans are, it was literally snowing and they were out there huddled up but smiling with excitement. The entire night was going to be great, each band brought something different to the table and I was stoked to see how the night would unwind.
First up was Light up the Sky, they are really on the rise and have a growing fan base because they (like all the other bands in the lineup) strive to be different. They immediately got the frozen bodies in the room up and jumping around, LUTS exudes and energy that you really cannot fight. Their vocals, and music are both so good. They played a song called “Breather” that I really liked, it was heavy and fast but it flowed so smooth. 2016 is a year of great albums and for metal Too Close To Touch took the scene by storm. I was so happy they were coming back to Worcester, as soon as they played “Hell to Pay” all the crowd went wild. They’re extremely unique and hold true to their sound, combine that with deep meaningful lyrics it’s a perfect recipe for a great band. The reaction from the crowd was great, I saw a ton of people who knew the words to every song.
The next band takes the word unique to a whole new ghoulish level, not once have they ever tried to follow a trend, they set their own. New Year’s Day has been in the game for a while and owned the enormous stage at the Palladium like it was their own. They have a solid fan base, great albums, on top of that the band can put on a hell of a show. From start to finish it’s like a grand theatrical performance, not one second is wasted, each second kept you on the tips of your toes screaming and watching every movement. Literally half the crowd made a line just to get their stuff signed from NYD, for my first time seeing them I was very impressed.
Now, there’s one band I’ve always loved, always looked up to and will always respect and I was beyond honored to be able to shoot them. Blessthefall has been around for a long time and keep producing some incredible albums, each time I’ve seen them it’s always been such an epic show. Beau is a huge fan of giving the crowd a “splash” of excitement and energy, literally by opening up bottles and showering the audience while paying “Walk on Water”. It’s such an energetic performance, it’s hard to catch any band member standing still for more than a few seconds. They played the entire set with the largest grins on their faces, the chemistry BTF has on stage is great and they make it fun for everyone even if they’re not fans. The pit was open and things were in full swing, then Beau had gotten into the crowd and requested for the fans to crowd surf to him. Instantly bodies were being hurled towards the crowd and the security team was being put to work. Beau even climbed to the top of the speakers and jumped down to the stage on the last song which closed things with a boom.
Retrograde was an instant hit, watching Crown The Empire floor the fans with new songs at Warped Tour was amazing. When I first heard CTE would be on tour promoting this album I knew I had to be there to see it. I’ve been a fan of them for a really long time and it was my third time seeing them, after the recent release of Retrograde I completely fell in love with the band all over again. From start to finish the album was a complete masterpiece and once the lights went dim and the stage was set I was stoked. The setup of the stage was incredible, giant astronauts and a sea of fog, when the band came out it looked completely surreal. Not a second was wasted Andy was doing most of the vocals for the current tour and I was blown away by is range and his ability to cover all the notes. It was so much fun getting to be in the crowd and just enjoy the rest of their set, specifically when they played “Voices” which is one of my personal favorites. I really blew out my vocal chords trying to sing that one in the crowd but It’s part of the concert experience everyone craves. They ended the show with “Machines” and everyone went ballistic. That’s probably one of their most popular songs off an older album and it was a great way to end the night. Such a great lineup such a great night. Go out and buy Retrograde!
Crown The Empire Official Site
Bless the Fall Official Site
New Years Day Official Site
To Close To Touch Official Site
Light Up The Sky Official Site
By Rickelle Tavares
First off, the line wrapped around the venue was insane. If you got a chance to see CTE at Warped you know how dedicated their fans are, it was literally snowing and they were out there huddled up but smiling with excitement. The entire night was going to be great, each band brought something different to the table and I was stoked to see how the night would unwind.
First up was Light up the Sky, they are really on the rise and have a growing fan base because they (like all the other bands in the lineup) strive to be different. They immediately got the frozen bodies in the room up and jumping around, LUTS exudes and energy that you really cannot fight. Their vocals, and music are both so good. They played a song called “Breather” that I really liked, it was heavy and fast but it flowed so smooth. 2016 is a year of great albums and for metal Too Close To Touch took the scene by storm. I was so happy they were coming back to Worcester, as soon as they played “Hell to Pay” all the crowd went wild. They’re extremely unique and hold true to their sound, combine that with deep meaningful lyrics it’s a perfect recipe for a great band. The reaction from the crowd was great, I saw a ton of people who knew the words to every song.
The next band takes the word unique to a whole new ghoulish level, not once have they ever tried to follow a trend, they set their own. New Year’s Day has been in the game for a while and owned the enormous stage at the Palladium like it was their own. They have a solid fan base, great albums, on top of that the band can put on a hell of a show. From start to finish it’s like a grand theatrical performance, not one second is wasted, each second kept you on the tips of your toes screaming and watching every movement. Literally half the crowd made a line just to get their stuff signed from NYD, for my first time seeing them I was very impressed.
Now, there’s one band I’ve always loved, always looked up to and will always respect and I was beyond honored to be able to shoot them. Blessthefall has been around for a long time and keep producing some incredible albums, each time I’ve seen them it’s always been such an epic show. Beau is a huge fan of giving the crowd a “splash” of excitement and energy, literally by opening up bottles and showering the audience while paying “Walk on Water”. It’s such an energetic performance, it’s hard to catch any band member standing still for more than a few seconds. They played the entire set with the largest grins on their faces, the chemistry BTF has on stage is great and they make it fun for everyone even if they’re not fans. The pit was open and things were in full swing, then Beau had gotten into the crowd and requested for the fans to crowd surf to him. Instantly bodies were being hurled towards the crowd and the security team was being put to work. Beau even climbed to the top of the speakers and jumped down to the stage on the last song which closed things with a boom.
Retrograde was an instant hit, watching Crown The Empire floor the fans with new songs at Warped Tour was amazing. When I first heard CTE would be on tour promoting this album I knew I had to be there to see it. I’ve been a fan of them for a really long time and it was my third time seeing them, after the recent release of Retrograde I completely fell in love with the band all over again. From start to finish the album was a complete masterpiece and once the lights went dim and the stage was set I was stoked. The setup of the stage was incredible, giant astronauts and a sea of fog, when the band came out it looked completely surreal. Not a second was wasted Andy was doing most of the vocals for the current tour and I was blown away by is range and his ability to cover all the notes. It was so much fun getting to be in the crowd and just enjoy the rest of their set, specifically when they played “Voices” which is one of my personal favorites. I really blew out my vocal chords trying to sing that one in the crowd but It’s part of the concert experience everyone craves. They ended the show with “Machines” and everyone went ballistic. That’s probably one of their most popular songs off an older album and it was a great way to end the night. Such a great lineup such a great night. Go out and buy Retrograde!
Crown The Empire Official Site
Bless the Fall Official Site
New Years Day Official Site
To Close To Touch Official Site
Light Up The Sky Official Site