Anchored – Listen To
This – EMI
By Jeffrey Easton
Although there will be many great records released this year, this will not be one of them. When I received this I was intrigued because it takes balls to title your record “Listen To This”, it shows confidence because you know you have just created a masterstroke. With Listen To This, that is just not the case. The music itself is not bad, heavy, dark in places but its run of the mill, it’s been done again and again. The lyrics are what kill it for me. They are pedestrian, juvenile, badly written just to get a rhyme sequence for line after line. It’s hard to listen to and I cringed at what Brandan Narrell was attempting to deliver. Note to band, get rid of your singer or find a better writer, it will help you out in the long run. I cannot condone the listening of this CD so purchase at your own risk. This is what rock music is not about.
Buy Listen To This
Anchored Site
By Jeffrey Easton
Although there will be many great records released this year, this will not be one of them. When I received this I was intrigued because it takes balls to title your record “Listen To This”, it shows confidence because you know you have just created a masterstroke. With Listen To This, that is just not the case. The music itself is not bad, heavy, dark in places but its run of the mill, it’s been done again and again. The lyrics are what kill it for me. They are pedestrian, juvenile, badly written just to get a rhyme sequence for line after line. It’s hard to listen to and I cringed at what Brandan Narrell was attempting to deliver. Note to band, get rid of your singer or find a better writer, it will help you out in the long run. I cannot condone the listening of this CD so purchase at your own risk. This is what rock music is not about.
Buy Listen To This
Anchored Site