Freedom Call – Land Of
The Crimson Dawn – Steamhammer
By Jeffrey Easton
Ok, its 2012 and bands are still putting out power metal records that sound like they were put out 10 years ago and 20 years ago. How many times do we have to keep tripping over the same anthems, same time changes and same galloping drums as well as the same choruses? I know in Europe this stuff is gold but there has to be a stopping point, a place where bands say “Damn, can’t we do something different, something new?” I mean, Kamelot did it and they have a vibrant new career with great records. Listen, I know you fans in Europe eat this stuff up and if you are a diehard power metal fan then you are heaven but my jaded ears have had it with “same sounding let’s all sing in mighty choruses with galloping drums” power metal. Did not Manowar shove this in the ground in the 80s? Age Of the phoenix and Crimson Dawn are perfect examples of this rant, it’s just over with and tired. The stand out track here is Rockstars, cliché after cliché, you go, Power Metal Band.. If what I just railed against gets you off, please go and buy this today…
BUY Land Of The Crimson Dawn
Official Freedom Call Site
By Jeffrey Easton
Ok, its 2012 and bands are still putting out power metal records that sound like they were put out 10 years ago and 20 years ago. How many times do we have to keep tripping over the same anthems, same time changes and same galloping drums as well as the same choruses? I know in Europe this stuff is gold but there has to be a stopping point, a place where bands say “Damn, can’t we do something different, something new?” I mean, Kamelot did it and they have a vibrant new career with great records. Listen, I know you fans in Europe eat this stuff up and if you are a diehard power metal fan then you are heaven but my jaded ears have had it with “same sounding let’s all sing in mighty choruses with galloping drums” power metal. Did not Manowar shove this in the ground in the 80s? Age Of the phoenix and Crimson Dawn are perfect examples of this rant, it’s just over with and tired. The stand out track here is Rockstars, cliché after cliché, you go, Power Metal Band.. If what I just railed against gets you off, please go and buy this today…
BUY Land Of The Crimson Dawn
Official Freedom Call Site