Adestria – Chapters –
By Jeffrey Easton
Dear Adestria, the ship you are trying to jump on has come and gone, left the harbor, sailed forevermore. Hardcore’s peak has come and gone and yet you guys are still trying to catch that boat. Chapters is yet another stab at trying to be Lamb Of God jr with 2005 era clean and melodic vocals thrown in to boot, so I guess you guys are retro as well? There is no progression here, just retreads throughout this abysmal listen. If you want something good, may I suggest the real deal, the new Lamb Of God CD.. Artery must be banking on kids having short attention spans with them thinking this must be something new and fresh. If you still want this album, don’t say I did not warn you…
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By Jeffrey Easton
Dear Adestria, the ship you are trying to jump on has come and gone, left the harbor, sailed forevermore. Hardcore’s peak has come and gone and yet you guys are still trying to catch that boat. Chapters is yet another stab at trying to be Lamb Of God jr with 2005 era clean and melodic vocals thrown in to boot, so I guess you guys are retro as well? There is no progression here, just retreads throughout this abysmal listen. If you want something good, may I suggest the real deal, the new Lamb Of God CD.. Artery must be banking on kids having short attention spans with them thinking this must be something new and fresh. If you still want this album, don’t say I did not warn you…
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