Lamb Of God –
Resolution – Epic
By Jeffrey Easton
It’s a new year and you need a new baseball bat across your head musically and Lamb Of God or gonna deliver that blow damnit. Resolution continues where Wrath left off, pummeling your senses with unrelenting mother fucking metal. Lamb Of God are THE American metal band, embodying everything that’s right with the genre and taking it a step further by putting Randy Blythe in front and making that metal machine a pure bull dozer. Resolution does not forgive, the lyrics spewing a menace that only Randy can fully deliver. The words, they are dark, personal and are unnerving, the feeling is hate but with unflinching power. The music makes the words even more damaging than they are standing alone, the riffs fast and furious but never without purpose. The solos cut like razors to the wrists, dumping your blood like the notes produced from those menacing ESP’s and Jacksons. LOG never fails to deliver and with Resolution they have broken through any barriers that could be in their way. Fans of LOG rejoice and bang your head harder for Resolution has given you life once again. Number one pure metal album of the year, bar none.
Official LOG Site
By Jeffrey Easton
It’s a new year and you need a new baseball bat across your head musically and Lamb Of God or gonna deliver that blow damnit. Resolution continues where Wrath left off, pummeling your senses with unrelenting mother fucking metal. Lamb Of God are THE American metal band, embodying everything that’s right with the genre and taking it a step further by putting Randy Blythe in front and making that metal machine a pure bull dozer. Resolution does not forgive, the lyrics spewing a menace that only Randy can fully deliver. The words, they are dark, personal and are unnerving, the feeling is hate but with unflinching power. The music makes the words even more damaging than they are standing alone, the riffs fast and furious but never without purpose. The solos cut like razors to the wrists, dumping your blood like the notes produced from those menacing ESP’s and Jacksons. LOG never fails to deliver and with Resolution they have broken through any barriers that could be in their way. Fans of LOG rejoice and bang your head harder for Resolution has given you life once again. Number one pure metal album of the year, bar none.
Official LOG Site