The last few years has seen the rise of the Black Veil Brides and seemingly there is no stopping them. Their sound is their own and to power that sound they have enlisted the help of Peavey Amps and Schecter Guitars. You know the sound that Jinxx puts out on vinyl and in the live setting and while at NAMM 2014, Metal Exiles sat down with him to get this reasoning into why he chose the weapons that he did.
An interview with Jinxx of the Black Veil Brides.
By Jeffrey Easton
Metal Exiles: What are some of the things that you are looking forward to at NAMM 2014.
Jinxx: I am looking forward to the signings and meeting the fans that were able to come. I am also interested in seeing the stuff I have coming out with peavey and Schecter Guitars, I am pretty excited for that.
Metal Exiles: We are here at the Peavey booth so let’s talk Peavey. What first brought you to Peavey?
Jinxx: I have been playing since I was a kid. My first amp was a little Peavey Decade that I got back in the 80’s so I have been Peavey since Day One. They make the best metal amps out there with the best crunch, perfect for what we do.
Metal Exiles: Talk about your model.
Jinxx: I use the Peavey 6505, it is a high gain amplifier. It is great for the chunky rhythms and the lead channel is great for my solos. It cuts through anything and I have used it on the last couple of records. It also transfers well from the studio to the stage without having to use anything different.
Metal Exiles: You also have a debut from Schecter, let’s get into that.
Jinxx: It is my signature series from Schecter, the Recluse-FR, and it is a shape that they have never introduced before. I went to the Schecter factory and they had a Frankenstein guitar, a shape they were just starting to put together, just a blank and I said “That’s what I want my guitar to look like”. I think it’s a wicked design and I wanted it worked into my signature so we worked together on it and I love how it came out. Its all me, its wicked, evil, just a sinister looking guitar. It’s a simple design with one tone and one volume knob, two EMG pickups, just a straight up rock guitar.
Metal Exiles: The Black Veil Brides just came back from Europe, do you guys have any more touring plans for the year?
Jinxx: We are doing the Soundwave Festival and possibly South America after that and after that wraps up I think we are planning on going back into the studio to start pre-production for album four.
Metal Exiles: To me, Wretched And Devine is the best album that you guys have dealt. What are your thoughts on it?
Jinxx: I am very happy with the way it turned out. It was a challenge to create abut we are always trying to challenge ourselves with each new album. When the idea came up to do a concept I was all about it as it was something I have wanted to do for a long time. I had a big input in the writing process so I was able to showcase my orchestration abilities because I play the violin and cello as well so I was able to incorporate that into the song structures.
Metal Exiles: In the song breaks you constructed, the violins gave them an eerie effect, a darker element. It was like a black & white movie for the creative mind.
Jinxx: That was what we were going for.
Metal Exiles: When you guys started doing the record did you state that this is what you wanted to showcase or did it come out in the way the record was written?
Jinxx: It just came out in the writing. We had the idea going in with the story line and the feeling of wanting to make this epic piece. It came together as we were writing because the story was already there and it was just fit together. We multi tasked for this record as I recorded the strings in my home studio, guitars in Jake’s studio and the rest of the record at John Feldman’s studio. We were all working at the same time to get this monster done on time.
Metal Exiles: If there are some fans out there that want to pick up a guitar and get your sound, how would you convince them to buy a Peavey?
Jinxx: If you want to sound like the Black Veil Brides, get a Peavey Amp, it is the only way to go. It is just the best metal amp out there.
If you have yet to discover the BVB, you are missing out on an important band and with Wretched And Divine a serious milestone.
Official Black Veil Brides Site
Jinxx’s page for Peavey
Jinxx’s page for Schecter
An interview with Jinxx of the Black Veil Brides.
By Jeffrey Easton
Metal Exiles: What are some of the things that you are looking forward to at NAMM 2014.
Jinxx: I am looking forward to the signings and meeting the fans that were able to come. I am also interested in seeing the stuff I have coming out with peavey and Schecter Guitars, I am pretty excited for that.
Metal Exiles: We are here at the Peavey booth so let’s talk Peavey. What first brought you to Peavey?
Jinxx: I have been playing since I was a kid. My first amp was a little Peavey Decade that I got back in the 80’s so I have been Peavey since Day One. They make the best metal amps out there with the best crunch, perfect for what we do.
Metal Exiles: Talk about your model.
Jinxx: I use the Peavey 6505, it is a high gain amplifier. It is great for the chunky rhythms and the lead channel is great for my solos. It cuts through anything and I have used it on the last couple of records. It also transfers well from the studio to the stage without having to use anything different.
Metal Exiles: You also have a debut from Schecter, let’s get into that.
Jinxx: It is my signature series from Schecter, the Recluse-FR, and it is a shape that they have never introduced before. I went to the Schecter factory and they had a Frankenstein guitar, a shape they were just starting to put together, just a blank and I said “That’s what I want my guitar to look like”. I think it’s a wicked design and I wanted it worked into my signature so we worked together on it and I love how it came out. Its all me, its wicked, evil, just a sinister looking guitar. It’s a simple design with one tone and one volume knob, two EMG pickups, just a straight up rock guitar.
Metal Exiles: The Black Veil Brides just came back from Europe, do you guys have any more touring plans for the year?
Jinxx: We are doing the Soundwave Festival and possibly South America after that and after that wraps up I think we are planning on going back into the studio to start pre-production for album four.
Metal Exiles: To me, Wretched And Devine is the best album that you guys have dealt. What are your thoughts on it?
Jinxx: I am very happy with the way it turned out. It was a challenge to create abut we are always trying to challenge ourselves with each new album. When the idea came up to do a concept I was all about it as it was something I have wanted to do for a long time. I had a big input in the writing process so I was able to showcase my orchestration abilities because I play the violin and cello as well so I was able to incorporate that into the song structures.
Metal Exiles: In the song breaks you constructed, the violins gave them an eerie effect, a darker element. It was like a black & white movie for the creative mind.
Jinxx: That was what we were going for.
Metal Exiles: When you guys started doing the record did you state that this is what you wanted to showcase or did it come out in the way the record was written?
Jinxx: It just came out in the writing. We had the idea going in with the story line and the feeling of wanting to make this epic piece. It came together as we were writing because the story was already there and it was just fit together. We multi tasked for this record as I recorded the strings in my home studio, guitars in Jake’s studio and the rest of the record at John Feldman’s studio. We were all working at the same time to get this monster done on time.
Metal Exiles: If there are some fans out there that want to pick up a guitar and get your sound, how would you convince them to buy a Peavey?
Jinxx: If you want to sound like the Black Veil Brides, get a Peavey Amp, it is the only way to go. It is just the best metal amp out there.
If you have yet to discover the BVB, you are missing out on an important band and with Wretched And Divine a serious milestone.
Official Black Veil Brides Site
Jinxx’s page for Peavey
Jinxx’s page for Schecter