Between The Buried and Me/August Burns Red - Lupos Heartbreak Hotel, Providence, RI 4/16
By Rickelle Tavares
Headed into Lupos I had a feeling that something epic was about to happen, you could almost feel it in the air. It was a double headliner of Between The Buried And Me and August Burns Red, I've seen both bands live but together I just anticipated all the greatness. We had 2 openers which were almost like both bands combined and it got the every growing crowd more and more riled with anticipation for the headliners. Sitting in the photo pit waiting for August Burns Red to come out I took a second to just look at the crowd, it was an even mix of people wearing ABR and BTBAM shirts and merch. As soon as ABR came out everyone was screaming and cheering, I felt bad for the people up against the barricades cause the entire room tried to fight their way to the front and it looked like there was barely room to breathe. They started the night off with the song Martyr, you can't mention ABR without bringing up that song. There wasn't even a second before a pit opened up and started swallowing people in one by one, everyone else was raising their arms and singing along with Jake. One thing you need to know about ABR is they've been around for a while and they have dominated the music scene album after album, they are heavyweights in the music industry and they are still humble and grateful for all of their fans and how far they've come. You could tell by the way the crowd was so in tuned with their songs and just having a good time all together. Mid set they gave the stage away to their drummer Matt Greine so he could show off his drumming skills and get a chance to do his own solo. I really admired this because not many drummers ever get the spotlight like that at shows, and the reaction from the crowd was great everyone was air drumming or head banging along with him. Shortly after the solo they went hard into White Washed which was announced to be their last song, all they asked is that we went as crazy and as rowdy as we could get! As soon as the song started there was a giant wave going through the crowd from people being pushed to open up a circle pit, even though it looked like everyone had no room to move they were still jumping up and down and screaming along with Jake. Everyone gave it their all and just enjoyed themselves, August Burns Red is an incredible band live, and this being my third time seeing them I can truly say that they never disappoint.
Once ABR left the stage and everyone had a few moments to cool off and catch their breath they immediately started shouting “BTBAM BTBAM” over and over, until the lights when dim and they came and too their place on stage. It was my second time seeing them live and I had an idea of what to expect but they really blew my expectations out of the water. You have to listen to BTBAM to understand how unique they are, it's a insanely perfect combination of instrumentals and then deep heavy vocals. Frontman Thomas Giles supplies lead vocals and also plays the keyboard, it's really incredible watching him play and sing at the same time and not miss a single note or a single word. They opened up with Foam Born featured on their 2007 album Colors, everyone went absolutely crazy. I was convinced the people against the barricade were going to try to jump it and run on stage, every single person in the venue was just nodding and singing along with them. Besides the fact that they are an incredible band, BTBAM has a more than notable stage presence. I noticed every member of the band was practically entranced in their own music, sometimes you'd see them with their eyes shut and just head banging in unison, but they still managed to have interaction with the crowd. Once the intro for their song The Coma Machine you could hear so many people just yelling “YES!!”. I personally feel that what separates BTBAM from other artists out there is that their music is a mixture of instrumentals and vocals, most bands don't really showcase anything but a guitar solo here and there. BTBAM on the other hand combines keyboard, bass, guitar, and drums, all together it just creates such an amazing sound and that's why they are so popular and gaining more fans by the day. During their set I also noticed how everyone was switching places and leaning out towards the crowd so that everyone had a chance to get as close as possible to them. Thomas took a moment to thank everyone for coming out and supporting them and their music, and let everyone know that they work hard on tours and albums for us because we support them making their incredible music. It was touching and it was nice to hear something like that from BTBAM, a lot of people were clapping and saying “WE LOVE YOU”, you could really see how much their fans care for them. After that moment had passed it was right back to the music, their last song was Selkies: The Endless Obsession off their 2005 album Alaska, it's an older song but the crowd’s reaction was like it was just released. Everyone was singing along on key and in perfect harmony, not a single person was standing still everyone was bouncing around and just having fun to some amazing music. They again thanked us for coming out and all waved goodbye and left the stage. It was such an incredible show, I would've never thought to put those two bands on tour together and I couldn't have even fathomed the outcome it was just perfection at its finest.
Official Between The Buried And Me Site
Official August Burns Red Site
By Rickelle Tavares
Headed into Lupos I had a feeling that something epic was about to happen, you could almost feel it in the air. It was a double headliner of Between The Buried And Me and August Burns Red, I've seen both bands live but together I just anticipated all the greatness. We had 2 openers which were almost like both bands combined and it got the every growing crowd more and more riled with anticipation for the headliners. Sitting in the photo pit waiting for August Burns Red to come out I took a second to just look at the crowd, it was an even mix of people wearing ABR and BTBAM shirts and merch. As soon as ABR came out everyone was screaming and cheering, I felt bad for the people up against the barricades cause the entire room tried to fight their way to the front and it looked like there was barely room to breathe. They started the night off with the song Martyr, you can't mention ABR without bringing up that song. There wasn't even a second before a pit opened up and started swallowing people in one by one, everyone else was raising their arms and singing along with Jake. One thing you need to know about ABR is they've been around for a while and they have dominated the music scene album after album, they are heavyweights in the music industry and they are still humble and grateful for all of their fans and how far they've come. You could tell by the way the crowd was so in tuned with their songs and just having a good time all together. Mid set they gave the stage away to their drummer Matt Greine so he could show off his drumming skills and get a chance to do his own solo. I really admired this because not many drummers ever get the spotlight like that at shows, and the reaction from the crowd was great everyone was air drumming or head banging along with him. Shortly after the solo they went hard into White Washed which was announced to be their last song, all they asked is that we went as crazy and as rowdy as we could get! As soon as the song started there was a giant wave going through the crowd from people being pushed to open up a circle pit, even though it looked like everyone had no room to move they were still jumping up and down and screaming along with Jake. Everyone gave it their all and just enjoyed themselves, August Burns Red is an incredible band live, and this being my third time seeing them I can truly say that they never disappoint.
Once ABR left the stage and everyone had a few moments to cool off and catch their breath they immediately started shouting “BTBAM BTBAM” over and over, until the lights when dim and they came and too their place on stage. It was my second time seeing them live and I had an idea of what to expect but they really blew my expectations out of the water. You have to listen to BTBAM to understand how unique they are, it's a insanely perfect combination of instrumentals and then deep heavy vocals. Frontman Thomas Giles supplies lead vocals and also plays the keyboard, it's really incredible watching him play and sing at the same time and not miss a single note or a single word. They opened up with Foam Born featured on their 2007 album Colors, everyone went absolutely crazy. I was convinced the people against the barricade were going to try to jump it and run on stage, every single person in the venue was just nodding and singing along with them. Besides the fact that they are an incredible band, BTBAM has a more than notable stage presence. I noticed every member of the band was practically entranced in their own music, sometimes you'd see them with their eyes shut and just head banging in unison, but they still managed to have interaction with the crowd. Once the intro for their song The Coma Machine you could hear so many people just yelling “YES!!”. I personally feel that what separates BTBAM from other artists out there is that their music is a mixture of instrumentals and vocals, most bands don't really showcase anything but a guitar solo here and there. BTBAM on the other hand combines keyboard, bass, guitar, and drums, all together it just creates such an amazing sound and that's why they are so popular and gaining more fans by the day. During their set I also noticed how everyone was switching places and leaning out towards the crowd so that everyone had a chance to get as close as possible to them. Thomas took a moment to thank everyone for coming out and supporting them and their music, and let everyone know that they work hard on tours and albums for us because we support them making their incredible music. It was touching and it was nice to hear something like that from BTBAM, a lot of people were clapping and saying “WE LOVE YOU”, you could really see how much their fans care for them. After that moment had passed it was right back to the music, their last song was Selkies: The Endless Obsession off their 2005 album Alaska, it's an older song but the crowd’s reaction was like it was just released. Everyone was singing along on key and in perfect harmony, not a single person was standing still everyone was bouncing around and just having fun to some amazing music. They again thanked us for coming out and all waved goodbye and left the stage. It was such an incredible show, I would've never thought to put those two bands on tour together and I couldn't have even fathomed the outcome it was just perfection at its finest.
Official Between The Buried And Me Site
Official August Burns Red Site