97.1 The Eagle presents BFD 2017 – Starplex Pavillion, Dallas, TX - 5/17
By Jess Date
BFD is 97.1 The Eagle’s yearly rock concert in Dallas,Texas and it was a fantastic way to
kick off the summer of concerts. The crowd showed up as early as 10am, to
either buy tickets or to grab a decent spot in the pit. They waited in overcast weather,
with some rain, these were some of the most dedicated fans I have ever seen. The line
started going around the venue rather quickly. Doors opened at 2pm with the first act
going on at 2:30.
As the crowd started packing in the venue and the pit, with their beers, waters, or
whatever else they were drinking; the radio hosts were getting the crowd ready for the
first artist. A lot of the crowd was still walking in during the first couple sets, but that
didn’t stop the artists from performing their best.
Dorothy was the opening band. The band formed in 2014, with a group of 4 from Los
Angeles. She has a killer set of vocals. She warmed the crowd up rather nicely with her
edgy songs. The band knew how to play the crowd and keep them on their feet. The
crowd really loved her soulful but edgy voice. She kicked off her set with ‘Kiss it’ from
her debut album RockisDead. She sang one of my favorite songs “Raise Hell” which is
one of her well-known songs. Her music has some southern blues undertones and
that’s what makes her different from others I’ve heard. A fan from the crowd described
her set as “whimsical!”
Starset was next to take the stage. They are a band formed in 2013 in Columbus Ohio.
They are a group of nerd (in the good way) who aren’t afraid to dress up and have fun
with it, and because of this difference, it makes them such a kick-ass band. This was a
very interesting set. I’ve never experienced anything like it. Some of the members wore
spacesuits...yes spacesuits….in Texas. Their electronic sounds, and good stage
presence really energized the crowd. They are the perfect example of not being afraid
to be yourself. They first started with their song ‘Into the Unknown’ from their
latest album Vessels. The crowd never got bored with their performance and cool
lights. My Demons was my favorite of the set that I had heard. It’s one of my favorite
songs and even better live.
Next on the list was Fozzy, a band formed in 1999 in Atlanta, Georgia, with
pro-wrestler Chris Jericho as the lead singer. Everyone was so excited to see him
perform, myself included. They first started with their newest single ‘Judas’ released just
last month in April. The song is also a theme song for WWE’s NXT takeover: Chicago.
The album is to be released in September. The band was very active and moved
around a lot, as they had a lot of energy which made the crowd more energetic. They
also performed a Krokus cover ‘Eat The Rich’ which was pretty cool.
Skillet was performing next, one of my all-time favorite bands to see live. Their stage
presence never ceases to amaze me and the high risers they use make it easy for
everyone to see them. They started off the night with ‘Feel Invincible’ which is off their
latest album ‘Unleashed’ which released last year. They always put on a rocking show.
The crowd always goes wild when they set the stage. They brought out a cellist for a
few of their songs, which makes their music intros more instrumental but with rock. They
always know how to keep the audience energized.
The Pretty Reckless, another female fronted band, from New York City, formed in
2008 features Taylor Momsen. Most people may know her from her from her role in
Gossip Girl, as Jenny Humphrey. She also played Cindy Lou-Who in How the Grinch
Stole Christmas. She was pretty mellow in the beginning and warmed up at about
halfway through. She has a very powerful voice loves the crowd. She started of the set
with ‘Follow Me Down.’ In memory of Chris Cornell they performed Audioslave's song
‘Like a Stone.” By the end of their set, according to a few concert goers there wasn’t a
dry eye.
Three Days Grace took the stage next. The crowd was anticipating them and excited
for the next bands to come. They played all of the fan favorites including. “I am Machine”,
“Never Too Late” and “I Hate Everything About You” The crowd was pumped and their stage
presence was astonishing. It was my first time seeing them live and I’ve been a fan since
their single ‘Home.’ Three Days Grace is one of those bands that you have to see live
at least once in your time, same with the next band that performed, Papa Roach.
Papa Roach lit it up, formed in 1993 from Vacaville, California. I was born the year
they formed. I knew their music when I was about maybe 12, 13 years old. Their newest
album ‘Crooked Teeth’ hit stores April 24th, 2017, two years after their ‘F.E.A.R’ album.
They played a lot of old favorites like ‘Last Resort’ and ‘Scars.’ While I didn’t get a
chance to see their full set, they did perform one of my favorites songs entitled ‘Help’
from their new album. It was so surreal being able to see them live, another band that is
a must-see!
Finally, the headliner, Stone Sour took the stage. Everyone was super excited for this
band after waiting all day to see them. Stone Sour from Des Moines, formed in
1992 but disbanded 1997, however they reunited in 2000. Since 1992 the lead vocalist has been
Corey Taylor, who people also know him as the lead singer in Slipknot.
They first started out with ‘Gone Sovereign.’ Corey Taylor likes to move around stage,
a lot, and rather quickly. The stage was bright with a lot of lights keeping it very well lit in
the arena. The crowd was enjoying the set so much, singing and dancing along. I really
enjoyed it when they performed "Through The Glass", which is my favorite song that I’ve
heard from them so far. Corey Taylor is very energetic and the crowd loves every
second of it.
Since it was Memorial Day weekend, all of the bands gave thanks to those present
and past veterans. It was so good to see everyone come together like that to thank our
veterans who have served and are currently serving.
All in all, the concert was a success! Everyone had a good time, listening to great
music, being with friends and family, drinking and eating. Everyone seemed very into it
and as the day went on the crowd grew even bigger. It was such an amazing
experience and if you are in the Dallas/Ft Worth area, even if you are out of state, you
should go to BFD because you will not be disappointed no matter who is playing!!!
The official BFD site!
By Jess Date
BFD is 97.1 The Eagle’s yearly rock concert in Dallas,Texas and it was a fantastic way to
kick off the summer of concerts. The crowd showed up as early as 10am, to
either buy tickets or to grab a decent spot in the pit. They waited in overcast weather,
with some rain, these were some of the most dedicated fans I have ever seen. The line
started going around the venue rather quickly. Doors opened at 2pm with the first act
going on at 2:30.
As the crowd started packing in the venue and the pit, with their beers, waters, or
whatever else they were drinking; the radio hosts were getting the crowd ready for the
first artist. A lot of the crowd was still walking in during the first couple sets, but that
didn’t stop the artists from performing their best.
Dorothy was the opening band. The band formed in 2014, with a group of 4 from Los
Angeles. She has a killer set of vocals. She warmed the crowd up rather nicely with her
edgy songs. The band knew how to play the crowd and keep them on their feet. The
crowd really loved her soulful but edgy voice. She kicked off her set with ‘Kiss it’ from
her debut album RockisDead. She sang one of my favorite songs “Raise Hell” which is
one of her well-known songs. Her music has some southern blues undertones and
that’s what makes her different from others I’ve heard. A fan from the crowd described
her set as “whimsical!”
Starset was next to take the stage. They are a band formed in 2013 in Columbus Ohio.
They are a group of nerd (in the good way) who aren’t afraid to dress up and have fun
with it, and because of this difference, it makes them such a kick-ass band. This was a
very interesting set. I’ve never experienced anything like it. Some of the members wore
spacesuits...yes spacesuits….in Texas. Their electronic sounds, and good stage
presence really energized the crowd. They are the perfect example of not being afraid
to be yourself. They first started with their song ‘Into the Unknown’ from their
latest album Vessels. The crowd never got bored with their performance and cool
lights. My Demons was my favorite of the set that I had heard. It’s one of my favorite
songs and even better live.
Next on the list was Fozzy, a band formed in 1999 in Atlanta, Georgia, with
pro-wrestler Chris Jericho as the lead singer. Everyone was so excited to see him
perform, myself included. They first started with their newest single ‘Judas’ released just
last month in April. The song is also a theme song for WWE’s NXT takeover: Chicago.
The album is to be released in September. The band was very active and moved
around a lot, as they had a lot of energy which made the crowd more energetic. They
also performed a Krokus cover ‘Eat The Rich’ which was pretty cool.
Skillet was performing next, one of my all-time favorite bands to see live. Their stage
presence never ceases to amaze me and the high risers they use make it easy for
everyone to see them. They started off the night with ‘Feel Invincible’ which is off their
latest album ‘Unleashed’ which released last year. They always put on a rocking show.
The crowd always goes wild when they set the stage. They brought out a cellist for a
few of their songs, which makes their music intros more instrumental but with rock. They
always know how to keep the audience energized.
The Pretty Reckless, another female fronted band, from New York City, formed in
2008 features Taylor Momsen. Most people may know her from her from her role in
Gossip Girl, as Jenny Humphrey. She also played Cindy Lou-Who in How the Grinch
Stole Christmas. She was pretty mellow in the beginning and warmed up at about
halfway through. She has a very powerful voice loves the crowd. She started of the set
with ‘Follow Me Down.’ In memory of Chris Cornell they performed Audioslave's song
‘Like a Stone.” By the end of their set, according to a few concert goers there wasn’t a
dry eye.
Three Days Grace took the stage next. The crowd was anticipating them and excited
for the next bands to come. They played all of the fan favorites including. “I am Machine”,
“Never Too Late” and “I Hate Everything About You” The crowd was pumped and their stage
presence was astonishing. It was my first time seeing them live and I’ve been a fan since
their single ‘Home.’ Three Days Grace is one of those bands that you have to see live
at least once in your time, same with the next band that performed, Papa Roach.
Papa Roach lit it up, formed in 1993 from Vacaville, California. I was born the year
they formed. I knew their music when I was about maybe 12, 13 years old. Their newest
album ‘Crooked Teeth’ hit stores April 24th, 2017, two years after their ‘F.E.A.R’ album.
They played a lot of old favorites like ‘Last Resort’ and ‘Scars.’ While I didn’t get a
chance to see their full set, they did perform one of my favorites songs entitled ‘Help’
from their new album. It was so surreal being able to see them live, another band that is
a must-see!
Finally, the headliner, Stone Sour took the stage. Everyone was super excited for this
band after waiting all day to see them. Stone Sour from Des Moines, formed in
1992 but disbanded 1997, however they reunited in 2000. Since 1992 the lead vocalist has been
Corey Taylor, who people also know him as the lead singer in Slipknot.
They first started out with ‘Gone Sovereign.’ Corey Taylor likes to move around stage,
a lot, and rather quickly. The stage was bright with a lot of lights keeping it very well lit in
the arena. The crowd was enjoying the set so much, singing and dancing along. I really
enjoyed it when they performed "Through The Glass", which is my favorite song that I’ve
heard from them so far. Corey Taylor is very energetic and the crowd loves every
second of it.
Since it was Memorial Day weekend, all of the bands gave thanks to those present
and past veterans. It was so good to see everyone come together like that to thank our
veterans who have served and are currently serving.
All in all, the concert was a success! Everyone had a good time, listening to great
music, being with friends and family, drinking and eating. Everyone seemed very into it
and as the day went on the crowd grew even bigger. It was such an amazing
experience and if you are in the Dallas/Ft Worth area, even if you are out of state, you
should go to BFD because you will not be disappointed no matter who is playing!!!
The official BFD site!