Underøath/Beartooth - Tsongas Arena, Lowell, Ma 3/17
By Rickelle Tavares
Tonight was the night I'd been waiting for since Underøath had their farewell tour. I’m sure you'd have to have seen that their previous tour was sold out all across the board in moments of it being announced, I didn't get to attended that but tonight was the night. I've been such an enormous fan of them for so many years, everything they've written and produced I am a fan of. Needless to say I was beyond excited to see them supporting Bring Me The Horizon on this tour along with Beartooth, it was a stacked lineup and it was selling shows out left and right.
Upon pulling up to the venue you could see this huge line, but when we walked out to get in line it was wrapped all the way around and a second line had started (mind you this was 2hrs before doors). I managed to slide into the venue before doors and it was enormous, it was crazy to think that the floor was completely sold out because it was huge. Once it started filling up Beartooth took the stage, they're such a great band and such humble and respected dudes and I was excited to see them perform again. If you know anything about Caleb you know that it's extremely hard to catch him standing still, he runs from one side of the stage to another the entire set and keeps his energy as high as the crowds. They opened up the night with “Aggressive” which was featured on their most recent album, lyrically and vocally they knocked it out of the park. Beartooth is a band that can always bring a crowd, they came to Worcester last year and the venue was packed, this time it was almost claustrophobic. It was only the 2nd song and there were already people being tossed over the barricades one after another, in that moment I kinda realized that it was going to be a wild night. Now one of my all time favorite songs by them is “In Between”, as soon as that song started you could hear the entire venue singing with Caleb, you can't not know that song it's just so popular and such a good song. It was cool to stand in the back of the venue and watch everyone go wild, arms up screaming and singing, or moshing in the huge pit that had come out of no where. They really didn't feel like “openers” they came out on stage and owned it and everyone there was going absolutely wild for them start to finish.
To say something iconic “Can you feel your heartbeat racing?” the lyrics to “A Boy Brushed Red Living In Black and White”, those lyrics accurately depict how I felt in the moment. I grew up always listening to Underøath and when I attended their farewell tour I cried like a baby, so this was a huge moment for me along with anyone else who'd grown to love them. My palms were actually sweating because I was so full of adrenaline just standing there cleaning my camera in the photo pit, then the lights went out and the banner dropped and even with ear plugs I could hear the blaring screams. They opened with “Everyone Looks So Good From Here”, it was so incredible seeing this band who's been around for so long just hop on stage and get back into the same grove they had years ago. I could barely manage to take shots, I was screaming along with everyone else who was in the photo pit. It was incredible to see Spencer back in action flying around the stage and just owning it and demanding your attention. They sounded so freaking good live it was ineffable to just watch them perform again and completely blow me away. The 3rd song, “It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door” , happened to be my all time favorite and holy shit was it incredible, the chorus part “Drowning in my sleep” was echoed throughout the entire venue and it was so breathtaking. That's a moment you hear in a song and you think to yourself it would be sick to see live but they definitely blew it out of the water with that. The entire band was so energetic and fun to watch, they had loads of jumps and they were all smiling at everyone in the crowd, just enjoying what they were doing. A few times Spencer leaned in as close as he could to grab some fans hands and he was just being so welcoming to all the crowd surfers and anyone who was trying to reach up to him. Starting in the back of the venue and watching them play “A boy brushed red living in black and white” which is one of their most popular songs, if you bring up Underøath to anyone that's most likely the first song they bring up. During the song everyone was kinda singing with everyone, like you could look at anyone standing around you and just start singing with them, it was awesome. The lights from the back of the venue were so spectacular, it really just added to the effect of how incredible everything looked all together. They ended up closing the night with one of their best songs “Writing on the Walls”, as soon as the intro started I shoved my camera in my bag and ran into the crowd! It was such an incredible feeling to see them live again and be able to be in the crowd just in the moment enjoying everything. It was definitely a show I’ll never forget!
Underoath Official Site
Beartooth Official Site
By Rickelle Tavares
Tonight was the night I'd been waiting for since Underøath had their farewell tour. I’m sure you'd have to have seen that their previous tour was sold out all across the board in moments of it being announced, I didn't get to attended that but tonight was the night. I've been such an enormous fan of them for so many years, everything they've written and produced I am a fan of. Needless to say I was beyond excited to see them supporting Bring Me The Horizon on this tour along with Beartooth, it was a stacked lineup and it was selling shows out left and right.
Upon pulling up to the venue you could see this huge line, but when we walked out to get in line it was wrapped all the way around and a second line had started (mind you this was 2hrs before doors). I managed to slide into the venue before doors and it was enormous, it was crazy to think that the floor was completely sold out because it was huge. Once it started filling up Beartooth took the stage, they're such a great band and such humble and respected dudes and I was excited to see them perform again. If you know anything about Caleb you know that it's extremely hard to catch him standing still, he runs from one side of the stage to another the entire set and keeps his energy as high as the crowds. They opened up the night with “Aggressive” which was featured on their most recent album, lyrically and vocally they knocked it out of the park. Beartooth is a band that can always bring a crowd, they came to Worcester last year and the venue was packed, this time it was almost claustrophobic. It was only the 2nd song and there were already people being tossed over the barricades one after another, in that moment I kinda realized that it was going to be a wild night. Now one of my all time favorite songs by them is “In Between”, as soon as that song started you could hear the entire venue singing with Caleb, you can't not know that song it's just so popular and such a good song. It was cool to stand in the back of the venue and watch everyone go wild, arms up screaming and singing, or moshing in the huge pit that had come out of no where. They really didn't feel like “openers” they came out on stage and owned it and everyone there was going absolutely wild for them start to finish.
To say something iconic “Can you feel your heartbeat racing?” the lyrics to “A Boy Brushed Red Living In Black and White”, those lyrics accurately depict how I felt in the moment. I grew up always listening to Underøath and when I attended their farewell tour I cried like a baby, so this was a huge moment for me along with anyone else who'd grown to love them. My palms were actually sweating because I was so full of adrenaline just standing there cleaning my camera in the photo pit, then the lights went out and the banner dropped and even with ear plugs I could hear the blaring screams. They opened with “Everyone Looks So Good From Here”, it was so incredible seeing this band who's been around for so long just hop on stage and get back into the same grove they had years ago. I could barely manage to take shots, I was screaming along with everyone else who was in the photo pit. It was incredible to see Spencer back in action flying around the stage and just owning it and demanding your attention. They sounded so freaking good live it was ineffable to just watch them perform again and completely blow me away. The 3rd song, “It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door” , happened to be my all time favorite and holy shit was it incredible, the chorus part “Drowning in my sleep” was echoed throughout the entire venue and it was so breathtaking. That's a moment you hear in a song and you think to yourself it would be sick to see live but they definitely blew it out of the water with that. The entire band was so energetic and fun to watch, they had loads of jumps and they were all smiling at everyone in the crowd, just enjoying what they were doing. A few times Spencer leaned in as close as he could to grab some fans hands and he was just being so welcoming to all the crowd surfers and anyone who was trying to reach up to him. Starting in the back of the venue and watching them play “A boy brushed red living in black and white” which is one of their most popular songs, if you bring up Underøath to anyone that's most likely the first song they bring up. During the song everyone was kinda singing with everyone, like you could look at anyone standing around you and just start singing with them, it was awesome. The lights from the back of the venue were so spectacular, it really just added to the effect of how incredible everything looked all together. They ended up closing the night with one of their best songs “Writing on the Walls”, as soon as the intro started I shoved my camera in my bag and ran into the crowd! It was such an incredible feeling to see them live again and be able to be in the crowd just in the moment enjoying everything. It was definitely a show I’ll never forget!
Underoath Official Site
Beartooth Official Site