D.R.U.G.S./Savage Hands/Downswing/ The Requiem – The Glasshouse, Pomona, CA 5/24
By Jeffrey Easton
Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows and Craig Owens have been busy over the past few years. After reforming D.R.U.G.S. and touring relentlessly, Destroy Rebuild was dropped in 2022 to much acclaim and the road called again. Now here we are in 2024, Until God Shows will be dropping Sept 27th and you cannot keep Craig and his band from the stage and the screams of their fans.
Opening the show is up and coming band The Requiem. Signed to Fearless and having dropped their debut album A Cure To Poison The World, they have been out supporting the album and recruiting fans to their cause. They are perfect to support D.R.U.G.S., they have the songs, they command the stage, and they leave the following wanting more. They opened with the insanely heavy Diary Of A Masochist and the Glasshouse was sold. If you did not arrive a fan, you left a fan. Can I define their sound? No, imagine Warped tour crashing into Rockstar Mayhem with some 80s flair. The Difference Between You & Me Is That I Get The Last Laugh and the sneering I’ll Be Late For My Own Funeral made the hardest impact and made me go buy their debut. Frontman Damien can work a crowd and by the time the last note dropped, he had the Glasshouse in his hands. You need a new band, this is what you want.
Downswing was next and the already amped up crowd was ready for their thick downtuned metalcore. As soon as the first notes of Better Off pumped through the speakers the floor came alive, The Glasshouse was vicious. Its been awhile since I have heard a band keeping this flame lit like a torch but as they cranked through Deadweight and Bound To Misery that New Wave Of American Heavy Metal tag felt real. If there is a new charge as we cruise through the 2020s, this band should lead it. The skill I saw on stage as they plowed through their set was real and what I like about these guys and the rest of the tour, not one band is like the other. As they closed with Drain from the EP Let This Life Devour You, I could feel the power from the stage permeate through the club. This band will go far.
Savage Hands walked out to a dimly lit stage, sparse lighting enveloped them as they burned into Angel Dust from their recently released EP Rock Bottom. Savage Hands have been around for 7 years with 3 releases but they come across with more maturity with their presence. Mining their past and digging into the crowd that’s getting into them hard, RED and Blue were met with rabid response. Demon and Bloodshot from their Immaculate release The Truth In Your Eyes got the biggest response from me. If this band has not come across your radar, they need to be on your must listen list. I felt their inclusion on this tour was a must and the results speak for themselves.
D.R.U.G.S. were on and The Glasshouse went ape shit. Craig Owens came out and ran the table on this tour line up and owned the stage. I have been fortunate enough to have seen the early days of Craigs life on the road, witnessing Chiodos on multiple Warped and stand alone tours, the original run of D.R.U.G.S. and the Devil era of Chiodos, each time he gave everything. Tonight was no different even though we are decades into the career, there is no phoning this in, every fan is earned. The night opened with Destiny from the Destroy Rebuild record and you couldn’t hear anything from the deafening screams. D.R.U.G.S. canvased their two records but there is a new record dropping September 27th, Until God Shows, and they dropped 2 new tracks on The Glasshouse, Hunger Pangs and Losers Stay Losers. The new stuff is sick, dark, electronically driven and found hungry fans wanting more from the new record. Dropping back to the first record, the anthemic The Only Thing You Talk and If You Think This Song Is About You, It Probably Is was churned out and still sounds as good as it did 14 years ago, if not darker. I wasn’t ready for the night to be over but Sex Life closed the show, the new album was shouted out again and it was over but not before you were deafened by one of the best live bands, period.
D.R.U.G.S. official Outlet
Savage Hands Official Outlet
Downswing Official Outlet
The Requiem Official Outlet
By Jeffrey Easton
Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows and Craig Owens have been busy over the past few years. After reforming D.R.U.G.S. and touring relentlessly, Destroy Rebuild was dropped in 2022 to much acclaim and the road called again. Now here we are in 2024, Until God Shows will be dropping Sept 27th and you cannot keep Craig and his band from the stage and the screams of their fans.
Opening the show is up and coming band The Requiem. Signed to Fearless and having dropped their debut album A Cure To Poison The World, they have been out supporting the album and recruiting fans to their cause. They are perfect to support D.R.U.G.S., they have the songs, they command the stage, and they leave the following wanting more. They opened with the insanely heavy Diary Of A Masochist and the Glasshouse was sold. If you did not arrive a fan, you left a fan. Can I define their sound? No, imagine Warped tour crashing into Rockstar Mayhem with some 80s flair. The Difference Between You & Me Is That I Get The Last Laugh and the sneering I’ll Be Late For My Own Funeral made the hardest impact and made me go buy their debut. Frontman Damien can work a crowd and by the time the last note dropped, he had the Glasshouse in his hands. You need a new band, this is what you want.
Downswing was next and the already amped up crowd was ready for their thick downtuned metalcore. As soon as the first notes of Better Off pumped through the speakers the floor came alive, The Glasshouse was vicious. Its been awhile since I have heard a band keeping this flame lit like a torch but as they cranked through Deadweight and Bound To Misery that New Wave Of American Heavy Metal tag felt real. If there is a new charge as we cruise through the 2020s, this band should lead it. The skill I saw on stage as they plowed through their set was real and what I like about these guys and the rest of the tour, not one band is like the other. As they closed with Drain from the EP Let This Life Devour You, I could feel the power from the stage permeate through the club. This band will go far.
Savage Hands walked out to a dimly lit stage, sparse lighting enveloped them as they burned into Angel Dust from their recently released EP Rock Bottom. Savage Hands have been around for 7 years with 3 releases but they come across with more maturity with their presence. Mining their past and digging into the crowd that’s getting into them hard, RED and Blue were met with rabid response. Demon and Bloodshot from their Immaculate release The Truth In Your Eyes got the biggest response from me. If this band has not come across your radar, they need to be on your must listen list. I felt their inclusion on this tour was a must and the results speak for themselves.
D.R.U.G.S. were on and The Glasshouse went ape shit. Craig Owens came out and ran the table on this tour line up and owned the stage. I have been fortunate enough to have seen the early days of Craigs life on the road, witnessing Chiodos on multiple Warped and stand alone tours, the original run of D.R.U.G.S. and the Devil era of Chiodos, each time he gave everything. Tonight was no different even though we are decades into the career, there is no phoning this in, every fan is earned. The night opened with Destiny from the Destroy Rebuild record and you couldn’t hear anything from the deafening screams. D.R.U.G.S. canvased their two records but there is a new record dropping September 27th, Until God Shows, and they dropped 2 new tracks on The Glasshouse, Hunger Pangs and Losers Stay Losers. The new stuff is sick, dark, electronically driven and found hungry fans wanting more from the new record. Dropping back to the first record, the anthemic The Only Thing You Talk and If You Think This Song Is About You, It Probably Is was churned out and still sounds as good as it did 14 years ago, if not darker. I wasn’t ready for the night to be over but Sex Life closed the show, the new album was shouted out again and it was over but not before you were deafened by one of the best live bands, period.
D.R.U.G.S. official Outlet
Savage Hands Official Outlet
Downswing Official Outlet
The Requiem Official Outlet