Soil has always been that go to heavy band and with Ryan McCombs rejoining the band that fervor only intensified. Since then they have dropped the best album of their careers with Whole and have toured everywhere shoving this album in everybody’s face. During a recent stop in Sacramento, Tim King of Soil took the time to talk about how Whole evolved and became the monster it is.
An interview with Tim King of Soil.
By Jeffrey Easton
Metal Exiles: With Ryan rejoining the band and with the release of Whole, you guys have stayed on the road. How has all of this touring been going for you guys?
Tim King: It has been pretty rigorous. After this tour with Hed PE we plan on taking the Summer off because we have been on the road for ten months. It has been a long one with us visiting Europe, Australia, UK, everywhere in the U.S. so we are done. After touring Europe again and taking a Christmas break we are going to launch Way Gone as the next single and we will tour on that as well.
Metal Exiles: How has the fan reaction been to the new album and Ryan being back? Has it felt right?
Tim: This is where the band needed to get back to. It is just like any relationship, people go their separate ways but the true heart of Soil has always been Ryan singing. To have him back at the helm with Adam and I has been great and the fan has been stellar, they have wanted that for a long time. This is not to discredit what we did before because we did well with Picture Perfect and True Self but it was missing the original ingredient. We gave the fans Pepsi instead of Coke. I do love those records and we liked the reaction to them but it is good to have Ryan back in the band and we have really gelled perfectly.
Metal Exiles: Whereas the last few albums were good, did you ever feel in the back of your head that something was missing from those albums?
Tim: Not really because we had the original core of the band together, we had the chemistry and we meshed well together But it was Ryan that had the same view points as Adam and I as to how the music should sound and having him back in the band there was zero bickering over the songs.
Metal Exiles: It is always important for the band to back up the singer on what he is doing lyrically so what were the feelings of the band when you were doing Whole because this is a very angry album.
Tim: It goes back to the Scars days because when we were doing that album there was a lot of anger in the band because we had been left hanging in the wind after our first release and we had no idea where we were going so a lot of that translated into Scars. With this one it was the same thing, we wanted to come out with an album that would put down the naysayers that questioned if Whole would still sound like Soil, can they sound great again with Ryan back in the band. I think a combination of Ryan’s frame of mind and the aggressiveness of the album made it a perfect storm for the album.
Metal Exiles: When he brought the lyrics to the band for the music what was your reaction to them?
Tim: Adam and I were blown away by the power. With a song like Ugly, you can really hear the angst in the lyrics, it made for the perfect new Soil record.
Metal Exiles: The five stages of acceptance circle the album cover and I know a lot of you is in this record. Where do you stand in the stages?
Tim: Probably acceptance, we are all at that point. We know that Soil is still around and we have a career that has gone on way longer than expected and we atone that to our determination and to the fans that stay by our side and support us.
Metal Exiles: What stands out on Whole that you wrote?
Tim: I would say the main riff of One Love, I wrote it on acoustic and I played for Ryan and Adam and Ryan came right in with lyrics for it. I also wrote the main riff for Loaded Gun.
Metal Exiles: You did this album independently, how did it feel to do the album without someone looking over your shoulder?
Tim: As far as doing it independently is concerned, you still need support of some kind and thats a label with full distribution and a staff of people to work your album because you cannot do that all by yourself. We wanted to do the album the way we wanted to do it and that’s why we did the kickstarter campaign and that was to fund the record so we would not have a label come in and “listen” and say can you change this song or write more songs. We wanted to do the album and have it done and deliverable to whatever label was going to put it out.
Metal Exiles: What is one thing you would have not changed in the past when someone was tapping you on the shoulder?
Tim: We needed it back then because when you listen to the difference between Throttle Junkies and Scars you can hear some real differences. We did not have guidance on the first album because all Steve Albini did was push play so we needed someone like Johnny K to come in and show us how it’s done. We needed someone to teach us how to put songs together and show us song structures. After several albums you learn how to do it but in the beginning you need that direction.
Metal Exiles: Do you think that the kickstarter campaigns are the way to go in the future for bands who really want to do it themselves?
Tim: The one misconception that I do not like are bands who really think they can do it all by themselves. You really do need a platform to get it out there because if you just put it on itunes, cd baby or tunecore you will not get what the record really needs. You need a staff and lots of money behind the record to get it promoted. If you’re a radio type band you need the radio fund and a video. Just slapping something on iTunes and thinking you are going to become a rock star is not going to happen. A Lot of older bands that have been on majors or strong independents who try to do it themselves learn really quick that they need the help. Kickstarter is great because the days of those huge advances, big recording budgets and limos to the shows are gone. The fan funded things are great because you can make a great record that way.
Metal Exiles: What did you record the album with because your tone is so big.
Tim: I had my Specter Basses with EMG pickups and my Tech 21 SansAmp. My amps were Hartke because the high drive cabinets have a great punch and it’s the same gear I play live.
Metal Exiles: Now that Whole has been out for a while now, what is your opinion of the album now that you have had time to digest it?
Tim: When you do a record you are married to it because you are listening to it every day so I take a break for about five months from it but when we were home from our last tour I put it in my car and listened to it and all I could do is say Wow. I feel beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is my favorite Soil record. For someone that has been with Soil from the first note to right now I can say this is the best record we have done.
Metal Exiles: You say record and of course it is on vinyl. I own it on vinyl and I have to say it sounds better than the CD.
Tim: Its funny you say that because when we out it out on vinyl Will called me and asked me to send him a few because he has this great turntable. After he received them he called to let me know how amazing they sounded. We mastered the vinyl at 180 gram and made them in the Czech Republic, they cost a little extra to make but if you are a vinyl junkie you are going to be blown away.
Metal Exiles: What are some of the big things you have planned after your break?
Tim: We are going over to Europe with American Head Charge and HED PE and some of the shows have already sold out.
Metal Exiles: Last words for your fans?
Tim: Yes, thank you to our fans for supporting music when so many people do not any more.
If you have yet to buy Soil’s Whole on vinyl or CD you are missing out on what was one of THE albums of 2013 and a massively heavy experience.
Official SOiL Site
BUY WHOLE on Vinyl!
An interview with Tim King of Soil.
By Jeffrey Easton
Metal Exiles: With Ryan rejoining the band and with the release of Whole, you guys have stayed on the road. How has all of this touring been going for you guys?
Tim King: It has been pretty rigorous. After this tour with Hed PE we plan on taking the Summer off because we have been on the road for ten months. It has been a long one with us visiting Europe, Australia, UK, everywhere in the U.S. so we are done. After touring Europe again and taking a Christmas break we are going to launch Way Gone as the next single and we will tour on that as well.
Metal Exiles: How has the fan reaction been to the new album and Ryan being back? Has it felt right?
Tim: This is where the band needed to get back to. It is just like any relationship, people go their separate ways but the true heart of Soil has always been Ryan singing. To have him back at the helm with Adam and I has been great and the fan has been stellar, they have wanted that for a long time. This is not to discredit what we did before because we did well with Picture Perfect and True Self but it was missing the original ingredient. We gave the fans Pepsi instead of Coke. I do love those records and we liked the reaction to them but it is good to have Ryan back in the band and we have really gelled perfectly.
Metal Exiles: Whereas the last few albums were good, did you ever feel in the back of your head that something was missing from those albums?
Tim: Not really because we had the original core of the band together, we had the chemistry and we meshed well together But it was Ryan that had the same view points as Adam and I as to how the music should sound and having him back in the band there was zero bickering over the songs.
Metal Exiles: It is always important for the band to back up the singer on what he is doing lyrically so what were the feelings of the band when you were doing Whole because this is a very angry album.
Tim: It goes back to the Scars days because when we were doing that album there was a lot of anger in the band because we had been left hanging in the wind after our first release and we had no idea where we were going so a lot of that translated into Scars. With this one it was the same thing, we wanted to come out with an album that would put down the naysayers that questioned if Whole would still sound like Soil, can they sound great again with Ryan back in the band. I think a combination of Ryan’s frame of mind and the aggressiveness of the album made it a perfect storm for the album.
Metal Exiles: When he brought the lyrics to the band for the music what was your reaction to them?
Tim: Adam and I were blown away by the power. With a song like Ugly, you can really hear the angst in the lyrics, it made for the perfect new Soil record.
Metal Exiles: The five stages of acceptance circle the album cover and I know a lot of you is in this record. Where do you stand in the stages?
Tim: Probably acceptance, we are all at that point. We know that Soil is still around and we have a career that has gone on way longer than expected and we atone that to our determination and to the fans that stay by our side and support us.
Metal Exiles: What stands out on Whole that you wrote?
Tim: I would say the main riff of One Love, I wrote it on acoustic and I played for Ryan and Adam and Ryan came right in with lyrics for it. I also wrote the main riff for Loaded Gun.
Metal Exiles: You did this album independently, how did it feel to do the album without someone looking over your shoulder?
Tim: As far as doing it independently is concerned, you still need support of some kind and thats a label with full distribution and a staff of people to work your album because you cannot do that all by yourself. We wanted to do the album the way we wanted to do it and that’s why we did the kickstarter campaign and that was to fund the record so we would not have a label come in and “listen” and say can you change this song or write more songs. We wanted to do the album and have it done and deliverable to whatever label was going to put it out.
Metal Exiles: What is one thing you would have not changed in the past when someone was tapping you on the shoulder?
Tim: We needed it back then because when you listen to the difference between Throttle Junkies and Scars you can hear some real differences. We did not have guidance on the first album because all Steve Albini did was push play so we needed someone like Johnny K to come in and show us how it’s done. We needed someone to teach us how to put songs together and show us song structures. After several albums you learn how to do it but in the beginning you need that direction.
Metal Exiles: Do you think that the kickstarter campaigns are the way to go in the future for bands who really want to do it themselves?
Tim: The one misconception that I do not like are bands who really think they can do it all by themselves. You really do need a platform to get it out there because if you just put it on itunes, cd baby or tunecore you will not get what the record really needs. You need a staff and lots of money behind the record to get it promoted. If you’re a radio type band you need the radio fund and a video. Just slapping something on iTunes and thinking you are going to become a rock star is not going to happen. A Lot of older bands that have been on majors or strong independents who try to do it themselves learn really quick that they need the help. Kickstarter is great because the days of those huge advances, big recording budgets and limos to the shows are gone. The fan funded things are great because you can make a great record that way.
Metal Exiles: What did you record the album with because your tone is so big.
Tim: I had my Specter Basses with EMG pickups and my Tech 21 SansAmp. My amps were Hartke because the high drive cabinets have a great punch and it’s the same gear I play live.
Metal Exiles: Now that Whole has been out for a while now, what is your opinion of the album now that you have had time to digest it?
Tim: When you do a record you are married to it because you are listening to it every day so I take a break for about five months from it but when we were home from our last tour I put it in my car and listened to it and all I could do is say Wow. I feel beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is my favorite Soil record. For someone that has been with Soil from the first note to right now I can say this is the best record we have done.
Metal Exiles: You say record and of course it is on vinyl. I own it on vinyl and I have to say it sounds better than the CD.
Tim: Its funny you say that because when we out it out on vinyl Will called me and asked me to send him a few because he has this great turntable. After he received them he called to let me know how amazing they sounded. We mastered the vinyl at 180 gram and made them in the Czech Republic, they cost a little extra to make but if you are a vinyl junkie you are going to be blown away.
Metal Exiles: What are some of the big things you have planned after your break?
Tim: We are going over to Europe with American Head Charge and HED PE and some of the shows have already sold out.
Metal Exiles: Last words for your fans?
Tim: Yes, thank you to our fans for supporting music when so many people do not any more.
If you have yet to buy Soil’s Whole on vinyl or CD you are missing out on what was one of THE albums of 2013 and a massively heavy experience.
Official SOiL Site
BUY WHOLE on Vinyl!