Sanctuary – The Year The Sun Died – Century Media
By Jeffrey Easton
Sanctuary at one point were the driving force behind a late 80’s metal movement. Their two powerful albums that were unleashed on Epic were thought provoking as well as menacing and in your face, led by the powerhouse vocals of a one Warrel Dane. Enter label BS and the dream is over, supplanted to a different version of the band under the moniker of Nevermore. Whereas Nevermore continued the onslaught and in their own right were a powerful beast it wasn’t Sanctuary. Now with Nevermore on hold we have a new salvo from Sanctuary and it was worth the wait. Not only is The Year the Sun Died an return to the Sanctuary form, it finds the song writing team of Dane and Lenny Rutledge darker than ever. From the hard hitting opening notes of Arise And Purify this album reeks of the darkest corners of metal and it sees the return of Warrel’s higher octaves. The story surrounding The Year The Sun Died unfolds before your ears as Warrel and company take you through Let the Serpent Follow Me, I Am Low and the stand out tracks Frozen and The Dying Age. Each track sinks you deeper in the mire of what Sanctuary has created and there is no escape. The Year The Sun Died takes the better elements of past works and combines the uber talents of those creating and unleashes some of the best metal to cross my turntable in a while.
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BUY The Year The Sun Died On Vinyl!
Official Sanctuary Site
By Jeffrey Easton
Sanctuary at one point were the driving force behind a late 80’s metal movement. Their two powerful albums that were unleashed on Epic were thought provoking as well as menacing and in your face, led by the powerhouse vocals of a one Warrel Dane. Enter label BS and the dream is over, supplanted to a different version of the band under the moniker of Nevermore. Whereas Nevermore continued the onslaught and in their own right were a powerful beast it wasn’t Sanctuary. Now with Nevermore on hold we have a new salvo from Sanctuary and it was worth the wait. Not only is The Year the Sun Died an return to the Sanctuary form, it finds the song writing team of Dane and Lenny Rutledge darker than ever. From the hard hitting opening notes of Arise And Purify this album reeks of the darkest corners of metal and it sees the return of Warrel’s higher octaves. The story surrounding The Year The Sun Died unfolds before your ears as Warrel and company take you through Let the Serpent Follow Me, I Am Low and the stand out tracks Frozen and The Dying Age. Each track sinks you deeper in the mire of what Sanctuary has created and there is no escape. The Year The Sun Died takes the better elements of past works and combines the uber talents of those creating and unleashes some of the best metal to cross my turntable in a while.
BUY The Year The Sun Died
BUY The Year The Sun Died On Vinyl!
Official Sanctuary Site