Queensryche Cabaret
Queensryche Cabaret - The Grove of Anaheim - Anaheim, CA 7/10

By Jeffrey Easton
Queensryche amazed me with their off the wall Cabaret so I was enthralled to be able to cover this stunning performance once again. Geoff Tate takes into the inner workings of his mind and shares them for the world to see and hear. Hit the Black, Geoff in full glamour of himself, staring in the mirror and flanked by two beautiful women. Did you ever expect to see Geoff in this display. I AM I, Geoff, again, full of himself and being chased by the paparazzi. Paparazzi that are in trench coats and nothing much else really. I think if it was really this way the stars would not mind getting followed. It was again another rainy night without you but this rainy night had a stunning burlesque dancer full front and center and a chorus line of beautiful women twirling their umbrellas. Never thought I would see this coming from a Ryche song. Geoff is visited, often, by a shrink and a glass of wine but I did wonder which would work better. You can talk out your problems to a shrink but the alcohol helps better in my opinion. Geoff spoke of travel to find his true love, often on planes which cued Jet City Woman. Did I tell you what this cabaret revolved around? I determined that it is love that Geoff is in search of and this cabaret plays it all out while he searches it out. I am a big fan of early Ryche but the version of Lady Wore Black mystified me. I knew going in that there would be a transvestite in the mix and I found it, the “lady” wore black. It was an interesting version no less and it did add a layer to the show. Liquid Sky was written for a show like this, the lyrics to me spell out his mission to a T. Was this a typical Queensryche show? No and I am glad, it is a break from the norm, something different. The band seemed as into it as Geoff was and the crowd no less ate at Geoff’s feet. If this write up conjured visuals of a show you want to see then you shall not miss the Queensryche Cabaret.
Queensryche amazed me with their off the wall Cabaret so I was enthralled to be able to cover this stunning performance once again. Geoff Tate takes into the inner workings of his mind and shares them for the world to see and hear. Hit the Black, Geoff in full glamour of himself, staring in the mirror and flanked by two beautiful women. Did you ever expect to see Geoff in this display. I AM I, Geoff, again, full of himself and being chased by the paparazzi. Paparazzi that are in trench coats and nothing much else really. I think if it was really this way the stars would not mind getting followed. It was again another rainy night without you but this rainy night had a stunning burlesque dancer full front and center and a chorus line of beautiful women twirling their umbrellas. Never thought I would see this coming from a Ryche song. Geoff is visited, often, by a shrink and a glass of wine but I did wonder which would work better. You can talk out your problems to a shrink but the alcohol helps better in my opinion. Geoff spoke of travel to find his true love, often on planes which cued Jet City Woman. Did I tell you what this cabaret revolved around? I determined that it is love that Geoff is in search of and this cabaret plays it all out while he searches it out. I am a big fan of early Ryche but the version of Lady Wore Black mystified me. I knew going in that there would be a transvestite in the mix and I found it, the “lady” wore black. It was an interesting version no less and it did add a layer to the show. Liquid Sky was written for a show like this, the lyrics to me spell out his mission to a T. Was this a typical Queensryche show? No and I am glad, it is a break from the norm, something different. The band seemed as into it as Geoff was and the crowd no less ate at Geoff’s feet. If this write up conjured visuals of a show you want to see then you shall not miss the Queensryche Cabaret.