The NAMM Show 2014 – Anaheim, CA – January 23-26
By John Knowles and Jeffrey Easton
Winter is upon us, which means it’s once again time for the NAMM show – one of the musical retail industries annual highlights. Just weeks ago the music product industry at large, along with artists, media, and many others converged on to the Anaheim Convention Center in Orange County, California to set the stage for growth within the music marketplace for the year 2014. Once again Metal Exiles was there to bring our readers the exclusive scoop on all products and appearances that fans and performers of heavy music need to know. The show once again saw a record number of attendees. According to the end-of-show release, it was all thanks to emerging brands, international exhibitors, and advances in music technology (and the new products technology allows) that allowed this year’s show to see the second-highest exhibiting company number ever! The release went on to say, “In total there were 1,533 exhibiting companies representing 5,010 Brands. Meeting those brands was a 2% increase in buyers over 2013...In total, 96,129 members of the music product industry registered for the 2014 NAMM Show.” Exhibitors from all over noted that the buyers were buying, and the booths were slammed! There was a sense of optimism and excitement for the coming year, a testament to the very active and living force that music is. It was clear that music is alive and well!
This year, as in years past, hard rock and heavy metal was well represented at the NAMM Show. Making appearances and performing demonstrations were current and former members of Queensryche, Nevermore, Machine Head, Van Halen, Blue Oyster Cult, Korn, Rob Zombie, Megadeth, Volbeat, Slayer, Anthrax, and the Winery Dogs among many others. The annual invite-only NAMM Jam, held at the Grove of Anaheim following Friday’s show featured performances exclusively from artists who fit right in with the hard rock and heavy metal genres, notably the return of Jake E Lee and his band Red Dragon Cartel. Not only were the appearances “metal-friendly,” but much of the new gear and products catered to the metal community as well.
Guitars, Accessories, and Effects:
The focal point of any rock band is the guitar, and we experienced many great and innovative ideas this year. First and foremost, the innovation that stood out above all else was the unveiling of the 9-string guitar! Some of the biggest guitar manufactures including Ibanez, ESP, and Schecter all proudly displayed their new 9-string models. One’s first thought might be to ask why...why would it be necessary to add onto the already intimidating 8-string that dominated the show floors last year? Are there any bands even using a 9-string at this point? The answer lays in the innovative spirit that is music. Hard rock/heavy metal music especially has always been about pushing the envelope and finding ways to sound “heavier.” Ibanez certainly had the best display and showcase of these new instruments. Speaking with Ibanez’s media relations spokesmen, Ken Youmans at the show regarding the creation of this instrument he stated,
“I think what we would need to do is step back and look at the company’s history. We consider ourselves to be the first in 7 and the leader in 8...the thing with Ibanez that I think we took the lead in is creating the thinnest possible neck. And that’s not easily done, obviously because of the tension of the strings...by the time you get to 8 strings, you’re talking about a lot of tension. The first attempt at 8-strings by guitar manufacturers were thick as a bat, just not playable. And that’s where our expertise with the thin neck comes in to play. That’s why so many players who use an eight string, are Ibanez players.”
The 9-string models featured are available in the high-end Japanese made Prestige model and the more affordable RG9. Both guitars were very light, with an incredibly playable neck. The Prestige version also comes equipped with Bare Knuckle pickups, a U.K. based boutique pickup maker featuring hand-wound high quality pickups. Ken recognized these pickups as being especially useful to Ibanez users who play 7, 8, and 9 string guitars, which require special articulation and definition in the low registers that these pickups really highlight. More information on Ibanez Guitars can be found here.
One of the more memorable stops last year for Metal Exiles was the Schecter booth. And this year proved no different. Not to be outdone by the competition, Schecter proudly displayed their entry into the 9 string market.
Just days before the show Schecter completed work on the Hellraiser Series C9 – a beautiful 9-string instrument equipped with the brand new active EMG 909 pickups. In addition to this innovative instrument, Schecter proudly displayed many new guitars including the return of the re-imagined Blackjack.
Schecter had the following to say regarding these fine instruments:
“We have the new Blackjack line. Originally we were doing the Blackjacks in 2004, 2005, and 2006, and then we started branching [on to other Blackjack models]...and then we kind of phased out the Blackjacks. The Blackjacks were originally just a black finish with a cream binding, and Seymour Duncan pickups. This year we wanted to bring back that passive, Seymour Duncan model and spice it up too. So it’s a black finish with red binding and Seymour Duncan Nazgul/Sentient Set.”
The Nazgul/Sentient sets by Seymour Duncan had previously only been available for 7 and 8 string guitars, but Schecter was able to partner with Duncan to develop these amazing pickups for their 6 string guitars. Schecter is currently the only guitar manufacturer making guitars equipped with these pickups in a 6 string design. The Blackjack was featured in many different body shapes including the Avenger and Tempest.
An all-new line was introduced as well, the Hellraiser Hybrid. The Hellraiser Hybrid is a combination of the Hellraiser and the Blackjack SLS. Its got the cool looks of the Hellraiser and also the construction and style with the ultra-thin neck of the SLS. These guitars also come equipped with EMG’s recently designed EMG 57/66 pickup configuration. Adding on to an already impressive lineup of artist models, Schecter proudly introduced the newly remodeled Jeff Loomis signature guitar, now equipped with an EMG 57/66 set, among many other new features. Loomis’ fellow Conquering Dystopia axeman, Keith Merrow has a new signature model as well, featuring the latter mentioned Nazgul/Sentient pickup configuration. Both artist models were truly some of the coolest highlights of not only the Schecter booth this year, but of all the featured Metal axes at the NAMM show. More information on Schecter can be found here.
ESP is widely regarded as one of the finest instrument manufactures for hard rock and heavy metal musicians. It’s no wonder their guitars can be seen in the hands of James Hetfield, Alexi Laiho, and the late Jeff Hanneman. This year ESP introduced three new product lines to an already stellar roster. There are now five tiers of product lines for ESP customers. On top of the already famous ESP Custom Shop guitars and LTD guitars, ESP introduced the ESP Original line for customers who want custom shop quality but at a price point possible with production model instruments. The second is the ESP E- II, a new brand built in the Japan manufacturing facility.
The fifth tier of ESP product lines came with the announcement of the all-new ESP USA Factory located in North Hollywood, CA. The new line is known as ESP USA. A domestic factory has been in demand for years, and ESP has finally delivered. And like Schecter, ESP also introduced some fine new artist signature models to their Custom Shop line. One of the most highly anticipated new Signature Series model for 2014 was the James Hetfield Iron Cross in Snow White finish, available as both an ESP model and LTD version. Kirk Hammett added his name to the LTD KH-WZ White Zombie, a new limited edition addition to the LTD Graphic Series featuring stunning artwork of the acclaimed classic horror film, White Zombie. Testament’s Alex Skolnick helped design a new signature model as well, known as the ESP Alex Skolnick and LTD AS-1 guitars. Ben Weinman from the Dillinger Escape Plan and Elias Viljanen from Sonata Arctica also had new signature models, among many others. Read more from ESP here.
All three of these companies proudly delivered new products for the heavy metal enthusiast, and should prove a huge draw for year ahead.
EMG is known for being the go-to pickup for heavy players. These pickups are used by the best, and their artist roster is a true testament of this. This year EMG introduced the GZR-P and GZR-PJ Geezer Butler signature bass pickup model. Now available for preorder, these pickups are sure to sound amazing. With a design collaborated on by one of the godfathers of heavy music, metal bassists can look no further than these amazing pickups.
As previously mentioned the EMG 57/66 set is now being featured in many of Schecter’s new designs, including Jeff Loomis’ signature model, and this year EMG introduced these pickups in a variety of new colors and finishes to match any guitar design. They have also been recently configured for 7 and 8 string guitar models. It takes the combined efforts of many companies to accommodate the growing trends in guitar innovation, and EMG can always be counted on as a reliable partner. More information on EMG pickups can be found here.
Ernie Ball featured arguably the most entertaining and crowd engaging booth of this year’s show. Featuring a carnival theme, attendees were able to play classic carnival games like the ring toss to win a chance to spin a wheel for a guaranteed prize. The games saw a constant line throughout the weekend. Ernie Ball was proudly promoting their new string design, M-Steel Electric Slinky. Featuring 60% more cobalt than your average string for increased durability, strength, and loudness, these guys are also extremely playable. The design allows for greatly reduced string breakage, and a rich low end, perfect for metal players. These strings are available in a variety of gauges, and are the perfect follow up to last year’s already impressive Cobalt Slinky line.
For the guitarist with a variety of guitars in their arsenal with various pickup styles, the Ernie Ball MVP volume pedal is the perfect companion. While the classic Jr. Pedal has been a staple of many players’ rigs for years, the problem many saw was the fact that there were two different models that better catered to instruments with passive pickups and active pickups respectively. The MVP meets this challenge, and succeeds with flying colors. Separate volume and gain controls allow for a precise sound signature, and a separate tuner “out” is a very handy feature on this model. Visit Ernie Ball’s official site for more info here.
DR continues leading the way as the premier luminescent string, but they have also expanded on their DDT (Drop-Down-Tuning) line of strings. Now available in a wide range of gauges including two different varieties of light top-heavy bottom sets, and even a heavy, extra heavy, and XX-Heavy set for significant down-tuning, or baritone instruments. Metal Exiles was fortunate enough to review a set and noted these strings unmatched ability to lock in their tuning, even with down-tuning. A standard set of 10-46 can be easily tuned down a half or whole step and hold up really well against fast picking runs, and riffs. The response on these strings is really exceptional. 7 string models are also now available in the DDT. Check out all of DR’s impressive string lineup here.
Pro Guitar Shop is one of the most renowned websites for guitar effects, offering much to please any gear head or tone snob. These guys even help some pedal manufacturers develop some amazing gear. One such partnership took place with Digitech’s Hardwire line, and introduced players to the impressive Supernatural Ambient Verb reverb pedal, previously only available through PGS. This year, Digitech has introduced their Supernatural reverb to a wider audience, allowing players to find this pedal through a greater number of outlets. As with its sister pedals in their Hardwire line, the Digitech Supernatural features true analog bypass – a huge plus for those playing through a long signal chain. 7 unique reverb effect types grace this pedal including a “shimmer” effect. Shimmer is not found on too many reverb pedals, and thanks to Lexicon-styled programming this effect sounds amazing. Crank the “Liveliness” option with the Shimmer effect and be prepared to take your chord progressions to new heights, depths, and everything in between. Look for these pedals to hit stores soon.
Digitech also introduced their new and improved versions of two classic DOD pedals, the Phaser 201, and Yngwie Malmsteen’s favorite, the Overdrive Preamp 250. Among the many updates, the 2013 versions of these DOD pedals come equipped with true bypass, and an incredibly vibrant blue LED indicator.
Check out Digitech’s full arsenal of effects here.
Source Audio was once again one of Metal Exile’s favorite booths for guitar effects and accessories at this year’s show. True leaders in pedal technology, these guys have once again unveiled a new batch of impressive pedals. First up, the Soundblox 2 OFD Guitar MicroModeler. One could simply dub this guy a distortion pedal, but this pedal is so much more. The OFD Guitar MicroModeler allows users to access a huge array of vintage overdrive, Fuzz, and distortion tones. Regardless of your high gain-effect preference, this pedal can do it all. Classic tone settings include models of the Fulltone OCD, Mesa Boogie, Marshall stack, and the Pro Co Rat. A super-saturated metal tone can also be dialed in. As with all other Soundblox 2 pedals, two footswitches allow for two saved presets. This pedal is also lightweight, with a smaller footprint to fit on any pedal board. The variety of tones will allow users to simulate the tone of Hendrix one minute, and switch over to an aggressive Slayer tone the next. This is the jack-of-all-trades in your pedal arsenal.
The Soundblox 2 Manta Bass Filter was also unveiled. Unlike most filter pedals, the Manta also includes eight distortion settings that perfectly cater to the different filter settings. This pedal is also compatible with the Source Audio dual expression pedal and the Hot Hand 3. MIDI control signals are also compatible, which brings us to another Source Audio creation, new to Winter NAMM 2014. The Soundblox HUB v1 unites all of your Soundblox pedals into an integrated system, with scene saving technology allowing users to save up to 128 single or multi-pedal presets. With the ability to only save two presets on any one Soundblox device, the HUB is a lifesaver for players who rely on many presets. The HUB can accommodate players who require numerous effects changes within their songs or throughout their set list. The full line of Source Audio products must be seen to be believed. Visit them on their website here.
A musicians hearing is their life, and preserving that should be the goal of every performer and concertgoer. Thunder Plugs are a filtering earplug that really caught our attention this year. A sleek design allows them to fit comfortably well into the ears without sticking out, removing the risk of them being bumped deep into the ear canal as can be the case with other filtering earplugs. A tiny finger tag hangs from the base of the earplug for easy removal. Developed in Amsterdam by EDM enthusiasts, these earplugs work great with loud bass-driven music, and truly filter as opposed to muffling the sound. Metal Exiles was able to sample a pair and found Thunderplugs to be the real deal. Worn during a loud rock show recently, these earplugs really allowed the vocals and guitar solos to cut through, while cutting just enough decibels to make the show enjoyable and safe on the hearing. Consumers will get a kick out of the advertising display cases which are available in many outlets. A blue chewing-gum dispenser houses dozens of capsules with a new pair inside. A clever marketing idea indeed, and a terrific product to go with it. Visit Thunderplugs here.
When you hear the word Anvil in the touring business you automatically think road cases but they are going the consumer route now and this year was their big splash with the Anvil Roadcase for the iPhone 5/5s. This sleek design is going to turn heads for the rabid consumers of iPhones. Not only do they look different from anything else out there, only Anvil and their massive technology for protecting bands’ valuable equipment can create something that will completely protect your iPhone. It looks like a mini roadcase so when you pull your phone out everyone will want to know where you got your protective case. Check it out here.
NAMM is not just for instruments but can be for the things that complement the Rock lifestyle and that is where Buckle Down comes in. This company has been around for a while and to me they had the best accessories at NAMM 2014. Their Seatbelt Belts are insanely great and made of the same durable material and same automotive buckle you find in your car so you know this will probably be the last belt you will ever buy. They have created belts for some of the best bands and cartoon characters out there so you will not come away from their site empty handed. They also have a full line of guitar straps, purses, buckle key chains, wallets and cuffs. I came away with the Black Veil Brides strap, belt and keychain and I will be using them for years. Check out Buckle Down here.
Headstock tuners are becoming quite popular as of late, and no one does them better than Snark. These guys had a very cool and subtle setup at this year’s show that gave a nod to the discreet and sleek nature of this product. The original clip on and the all-new Son of Snark tuner both offer discreet tuning that clips on easily to your guitars headstock. These tuners are chromatic, and work extremely well through the vibrations in the neck after a string is plucked. Users can avoid the hassle of accessing a tuner’s onboard mic, or having to plug in their tuner with a 1/4” cable. Snark offers highly accurate tuning with unmatched convenience and an unbeatable price. Find out more here.
While there have been many pedalboard configurations to appease any player throughout the years, Pedaltrain still seems to be the frontrunner. The only hassle with this product is the use of Velcro attached to the board and one’s pedals. Some pedals need to me modified slightly to better accommodate the Velcro connection. StageTrix is here to bring the solution. This company offers everything you need to properly and securely fasten any and all effects pedals to your Pedaltrain or similar pedalboard. The Pedal Riser, Pedal Fastener, and Wah Fastener will take your board to the next level and ensure everything stays intact. The price point on these products are very affordable, and can set up even the larger Pedaltrains at a minimal cost. Find out more and reinvent your pedalboard here.
For years players in the studio have had to get really creative when trying to figure out a way to dampen strings in order to perform intricate parts that require precise technique and clean execution. Gruv Gear has introduced a product called the FretWrap that will take your recordings to the next level. No longer does one have to trouble with bandanas, towels, or hair ties to dampen the strings by the headstock to nail down intricate legato or harmonic passages and cut out unwanted overtones or resonance. Gruv Gear FretWraps conveniently sin on your guitar’s nut, and can be quickly slid on top of the strings to perform that key solo. Metal Exiles noticed these things on many guitars including Jeff Loomis’ signature model during his demonstration at the Schecter both. Read more about FretWraps and Gruv Gear’s other fine products here.
Previously honored by the NAMM University as Best in Show, Music Nomad offers an impressive line of equipment care. They carry everything from polishes, cleaners, conditioners, humidifiers, and cleaning tools. One of the most popular products from these guys is the Nomad Tool, and all-in-one string, surface, and hardware cleaning tool. On one end of the tool is a microfiber pad that can easily fit under a guitars strings to clean the fretboard and in-between the pickups. It can also be used to clean the body and neck. On the opposite side us a soft-bristle brush for dusting away any grime, dust, or dirt. This is an incredibly versatile tool that should be in every players gig bag or case. Everything you need to keep your instrument cleaned and conditioned can be found through Music Nomad. Visit the official site here.
While certainly not a necessity, a pick holder can be a musicians best friend, and ensure one is always ready to play. Bolopick and Pickbandz offered two of the more impressive inventions at this year’s show. Bolopick is a patented pick holder that is sold as a necklace and keychain. The company was awarded Best in Show during Summer NAMM 2013 by NAMM U for best add-on or accessory. Using two interlocking clasps to hold picks, Bolopick holders can house any size/shape pick, and in some cases more than one. The necklace and keychain designs are very attractive and convenient for players who use picks of various designs. Visit Bolopick online here.
Pickbandz offer a bit more of a variety, but do not cater to picks outside the standard size. However, they are a great product, and come in a large variety of colors, and designs. The wristband is their flagship product, and the Pickbandz Pro can hold up to 7 at a time. Necklaces and keychains are also available. Check out Pickbandz here.
Longtime frontrunners in the world of heavy metal amplification, Randall Amplifiers, unleashed a slew of new amps at this year’s NAMM show. First up, the all-new 667 head. This thing is a beast like no other featuring 120 watts and 6 channels, with 6 modes and 7 Midi programmable functions per channel! Each channel has its own EQ, presence/depth controls, and individual metering and bias controls. Kirk Hammet is one of Randall’s recent endorsees, and according to Randall has been using the 667 on tour, along with his new signature amp, the KH103. Very similar to the 667, the KH103 features 3 of the 667’s 6 channels. Hammet’s amp is joined by a custom cab as well, featuring Celestion Vintage 30s and a sleek, solid black design.
Randall’s Thrasher series of amps was proudly displayed as well. According to the press release these amps are “...about metal, all about metal. Old School to New School to no School.” At 120 watts this amp is much more streamlined than the 667 or KH103. Featuring all the power and response for any tuning and playing style, this amp will suit any player of heavy music.
Scott Ian of Anthrax and Ola Englund of The Haunted have also developed a signature model. Fans of Anthrax will be sure to receive all the power of the Ultimate Nullifier on tour. The amp looks amazing! Anthrax’s signature play on the pentagram is proudly displayed on the grill, which houses 6 12AX7 and 6 6L6 tubes. Englund’s new amp is the aptly named Satan. One of the really interesting things about this amp is the combination of 2 6L6’s and 2 KT88’s alongside the 6 12AX7 tubes. Both of these amps sound amazingly heavy, and cater well to Metal’s heaviest riffs. When asked about creating amps to accommodate the changing landscape in guitar design, from 7 strings, to 8, 9 and beyond, Randall had this to say: “You have to make sure those frequencies don’t get too distorted, and that the initial attack of the note is not slowed down or lost due to slow power supplies or lagging power transformers. The Satan, Scott Ian, and the Thrasher are really kind of geared for that, because they have frequency selective gains that are meant to kind of help tailor that.”
The company has come a long way in the past few years. As a brand that seemed to see a slow decline thanks to the rising prominence of Peavey, ENGL, and Blackstar, Randall is geared to once again charge the throne of heavy metal amplication. With a new arsenal of impressive amps, and the likes of Kirk Hammet, Scott Ian, Ola Englund, and soon George Lynch at their side, the future looks bright for Randall. More information on Randall Amplifiers can be found here.
Blackstar amplification once again showed that they are able to lead the way in innovation. Blackstar has taken the heart of their award-winning ID:Series amplifiers – introduced at last year’s show – and developed an even more affordable, practice and gigging amp. The all-new ID:Core models feature the core design of the ID:Series, but offer a feature known as Super Wide Stereo. They can be plugged directly into a sound system and amplified in true stereo for greater volume, but even as a stand-alone amp these guys sound amazing. The stereo feature sounds so huge you could mistake your amp for a fine Bose sound system. Six onboard voices are present for the perfect gain preset, along with effects, and a direct USB output for plugging directly into your computer for some amazing tracking capabilities. These amps will be available in 10, 20, and 40 watts, and offer an impressive and attractive price point. Users of all skills and playing styles will be able to dial in “the sound in your head” for an unbeatable cost.
Blackstar also welcomed two honors at this year’s show during the “Best in Show” awards breakfast. Awards were presented in four categories by a panel of retailers at the annual NAMM event, and Blackstar took home a “Best in Show” and “Companies to Watch” award. Read more about Blackstar’s impressive new ID:Core line here.
Thursday morning’s press event at the Yamaha exhibit once again welcomed an amazing performance from the one and only Tommy Aldridge. Tommy demonstrated Yamaha’s all-new Absolute Hybrid Maple drum kit. Hybrid acoustic drum shell technology is something Yamaha pioneered when it introduced its flagship PHX Series. As the name implies, the Absolute Hybrid Maple drum set combines a core ply of harder Wenge wood with outer plies of North American Maple. According to the press release, “this unique configuration produces a drum with an unusually expressive tone and a wide dynamic range that faithfully reproduces every nuance of a player’s approach.” Not only does the combination of woods produce a great tone, but these drums look absolutely beautiful. The price tag for the new Absolute Hybrid Maple is almost 30 percent less than the PHX. After three years in the making, these kits have finally been unleashed, and it appears they were well worth the wait.
Yamaha premiered its completely revamped DTX-502 electronic drums at Musikmesse 2013. Yamaha proudly displayed these amazing new drums for their NAMM premier at this year’s show. Based on the award-winning DTX-PAD, the new kits boast numerous innovations, including newly designed tom pads, a lighter-weight steel rack and an impressive new drum trigger module. These new models feature more than 250 additional sounds than the previous model. For truly customized sounds and songs, the system lets users import audio samples and MIDI files for further expandability. Taking these drums for a test run, Metal Exiles was able to upload kit samples from various classic Led Zeppelin songs like “When The Levee Breaks,” and play along as if we were there in the studio alongside Robert, John, and Jimmy. The new DTX502 module also comes equipped with a streamlined front panel layout for easy accessibility and the ability to interface with a computer using a patented USB connector. Preprogrammed practice routines will also help users hone their skills, and broaden their creativity.
More information on Yamaha and their Winter NAMM showcase can be found here.
Vic Firth sticks are no stranger to the metal crowd, and this year they unveiled a new signature model for August Burn Red’s Matt Greiner. If you’ve heard the band, you know just how demanding their songs are, and Matt is a tremendous player who demands the best. “I’ve enjoyed playing the Vic Firth 3A and other models that are similar in diameter for quite some time,” says Matt. “Performing in August Burns Red requires the use of a wide range of dynamics within my playing. One portion of a song might warrant heavy hitting, while the next part slows down with lots of ghost notes and soft strokes. So, when we set out to design my signature stick, I knew I wanted a similar thickness to the 3A, but with more length and better balance to address my musical needs.”
The Matt Greiner signature stick features a medium diameter shaft with extended length and an elongated taper. The wood tip itself provides great definition for intricate hi-hat & ride patterns while being bold enough to ride on the crash, china or heavy bells. This is a huge deal considering the variety of the band’s songs. One of the other unique things about these sticks is a lack of a lacquer finish, in accordance with Matt’s wishes. The Matt Greiner signature stick is finished off with a “dry-tumble” technique that creates a very smooth, natural and organic feel without the use of a lacquer finish. The finish also makes for an improved grip that is easy on the hands.
Visit Vic Firth’s website here for more.
Innovative Ideas:
You can always count on the NAMM show to deliver numerous exhibits featuring some truly innovative and trend-setting ideas. Riversong Guitars is one of those ideas. Riversong has created an acoustic guitar with an adjustable neck, which allows users to change the string action virtually on the fly. The neck extends all the way through the body for support, and an integrated strap pin on the side of the body can be slid up or down to move the neck accordingly. This is a truly amazing idea for players who tour often, and move around through various elevations and time zones. Even if your next gig finds your guitar in weird shape thanks to the atmospheric pressure, with a few quick adjustments on the Riversong you can adjust and be ready to go in minutes. This is a company that’s here to stay. Visit Riversong’s website.
When visiting the NAMM show it is always a great idea to spend a great deal of time at the lower level of the convention center. It’s always much less crowded than anywhere else in the convention, and its even quieter. It’s also home to some of the more unique ideas year after year. One of the coolest gadgets we saw was the Option Knob, a foot controlled effects pedal knob. Users simply swap one of the knobs on their effects pedals with this little device, and you have the ability to adjust pedal settings on the fly with your foot. This is incredibly useful to adjust gain on a distortion pedal throughout a setlist, or delay times. It can also be placed on your volume knob on the guitar, allowing for easy to reach volume swells. These guys were displayed in a model for both newer pedals, and boutique pedal models. Glow in the dark options were also available. This is one of the more inexpensive ways to change your live game. Visit their website.
Moving further through the lower hall, we encountered Temple Audio Design. This Canadian-based company has revealed one of the more interesting and uniquely brilliant pedalboard designs. Utilizing a quick release pedal mounting system, users can simply lock in their pedals to the board and rejoice as they stay in place. The incredibly durable and flexible aluminum board is lightweight, and can sustain one’s full body weight. The boards are available in a variety of sizes and different price points. They really must be seen to believe, so be sure to visit their website for a product demo here.
A company known as SuperMegaUltraGroovy was the last stop before heading back upstairs. They introduced their new product Capo 3, which is software that helps you learn songs from your iTunes library. Simply insert the track into the program and Capo 3 goes to work at interpreting the chord progressions and melody lines of the song. The best part is that this software only gets you part of the way there. That may sound like a negative, but what’s beautiful about this product is that it does not negate the use of your ear, requiring the user to still find the best chord fingerings and note string placement. Capo 3 is there to guide you through the various options, but it really comes down to the user trying out the different possibilities, and picking the best one to their ear. Available for all OSX platforms 10.8 and later, this product can also be used to interpret one’s own song ideas that were recorded and maybe never written down – A handy tool for the music arranger or songwriter in any band. Learn more about these guys here.
Metal Exile’s pick for Best in Show and certainly one of the most innovative ideas we came across is the ToneRite, now available for guitarists in the new 3G model. This device will truly bring out the potential of your instrument thanks to a phenomena known as the play-in process that occurs when wood instruments are played regularly for many years. The ToneRite replicates years of use in only days thanks to a patented technology that fits on the guitars strings, and emits a continually produced transfer of vibrational energy into the instrument. After just a few days acoustic instruments open up and lose that natural tension that builds up over time. The tone dramatically increases and the instrument actually gets louder. Electric, solid-body instruments can take a week or two to really see results, but this is no time compared to the years of use your instrument would need to get there on its own. Metal Exiles was able to test one of these guys out at home and they are the real deal. The ability to release the natural tension of an instrument is perhaps its greatest contribution. It truly makes your instrument easier to play, and sound better. Check out the rest of the ToneRite lineup on their website.
Music is an active and living force in the world, and something we all need to help preserve. The younger generation will need to maintain that spirit of creativity, and ingenuity to ensure new ideas and new music will continue on for many years to come. The Fender Music Foundation supports music education, therapy programs, and musicianship in general across the nation by providing instruments to those who cannot afford them and standing as a strong advocate and proponent of music education. The foundation serves as a network of dealers and retailers that collaborate with instrument donors to provide these instruments at no cost to kids. Many have heard of budget cuts that have stripped away children’s ability to learn music in school, and Fender Music Foundation is doing there part to help in a big way. An impressive set up at the Fender exhibit brought in many inquiring faces, and is sure to gain much more support for this great foundation. Find out more, and donate today by visiting the foundations website.
Official NAMM Show Site
By John Knowles and Jeffrey Easton
Winter is upon us, which means it’s once again time for the NAMM show – one of the musical retail industries annual highlights. Just weeks ago the music product industry at large, along with artists, media, and many others converged on to the Anaheim Convention Center in Orange County, California to set the stage for growth within the music marketplace for the year 2014. Once again Metal Exiles was there to bring our readers the exclusive scoop on all products and appearances that fans and performers of heavy music need to know. The show once again saw a record number of attendees. According to the end-of-show release, it was all thanks to emerging brands, international exhibitors, and advances in music technology (and the new products technology allows) that allowed this year’s show to see the second-highest exhibiting company number ever! The release went on to say, “In total there were 1,533 exhibiting companies representing 5,010 Brands. Meeting those brands was a 2% increase in buyers over 2013...In total, 96,129 members of the music product industry registered for the 2014 NAMM Show.” Exhibitors from all over noted that the buyers were buying, and the booths were slammed! There was a sense of optimism and excitement for the coming year, a testament to the very active and living force that music is. It was clear that music is alive and well!
This year, as in years past, hard rock and heavy metal was well represented at the NAMM Show. Making appearances and performing demonstrations were current and former members of Queensryche, Nevermore, Machine Head, Van Halen, Blue Oyster Cult, Korn, Rob Zombie, Megadeth, Volbeat, Slayer, Anthrax, and the Winery Dogs among many others. The annual invite-only NAMM Jam, held at the Grove of Anaheim following Friday’s show featured performances exclusively from artists who fit right in with the hard rock and heavy metal genres, notably the return of Jake E Lee and his band Red Dragon Cartel. Not only were the appearances “metal-friendly,” but much of the new gear and products catered to the metal community as well.
Guitars, Accessories, and Effects:
The focal point of any rock band is the guitar, and we experienced many great and innovative ideas this year. First and foremost, the innovation that stood out above all else was the unveiling of the 9-string guitar! Some of the biggest guitar manufactures including Ibanez, ESP, and Schecter all proudly displayed their new 9-string models. One’s first thought might be to ask why...why would it be necessary to add onto the already intimidating 8-string that dominated the show floors last year? Are there any bands even using a 9-string at this point? The answer lays in the innovative spirit that is music. Hard rock/heavy metal music especially has always been about pushing the envelope and finding ways to sound “heavier.” Ibanez certainly had the best display and showcase of these new instruments. Speaking with Ibanez’s media relations spokesmen, Ken Youmans at the show regarding the creation of this instrument he stated,
“I think what we would need to do is step back and look at the company’s history. We consider ourselves to be the first in 7 and the leader in 8...the thing with Ibanez that I think we took the lead in is creating the thinnest possible neck. And that’s not easily done, obviously because of the tension of the strings...by the time you get to 8 strings, you’re talking about a lot of tension. The first attempt at 8-strings by guitar manufacturers were thick as a bat, just not playable. And that’s where our expertise with the thin neck comes in to play. That’s why so many players who use an eight string, are Ibanez players.”
The 9-string models featured are available in the high-end Japanese made Prestige model and the more affordable RG9. Both guitars were very light, with an incredibly playable neck. The Prestige version also comes equipped with Bare Knuckle pickups, a U.K. based boutique pickup maker featuring hand-wound high quality pickups. Ken recognized these pickups as being especially useful to Ibanez users who play 7, 8, and 9 string guitars, which require special articulation and definition in the low registers that these pickups really highlight. More information on Ibanez Guitars can be found here.
One of the more memorable stops last year for Metal Exiles was the Schecter booth. And this year proved no different. Not to be outdone by the competition, Schecter proudly displayed their entry into the 9 string market.
Just days before the show Schecter completed work on the Hellraiser Series C9 – a beautiful 9-string instrument equipped with the brand new active EMG 909 pickups. In addition to this innovative instrument, Schecter proudly displayed many new guitars including the return of the re-imagined Blackjack.
Schecter had the following to say regarding these fine instruments:
“We have the new Blackjack line. Originally we were doing the Blackjacks in 2004, 2005, and 2006, and then we started branching [on to other Blackjack models]...and then we kind of phased out the Blackjacks. The Blackjacks were originally just a black finish with a cream binding, and Seymour Duncan pickups. This year we wanted to bring back that passive, Seymour Duncan model and spice it up too. So it’s a black finish with red binding and Seymour Duncan Nazgul/Sentient Set.”
The Nazgul/Sentient sets by Seymour Duncan had previously only been available for 7 and 8 string guitars, but Schecter was able to partner with Duncan to develop these amazing pickups for their 6 string guitars. Schecter is currently the only guitar manufacturer making guitars equipped with these pickups in a 6 string design. The Blackjack was featured in many different body shapes including the Avenger and Tempest.
An all-new line was introduced as well, the Hellraiser Hybrid. The Hellraiser Hybrid is a combination of the Hellraiser and the Blackjack SLS. Its got the cool looks of the Hellraiser and also the construction and style with the ultra-thin neck of the SLS. These guitars also come equipped with EMG’s recently designed EMG 57/66 pickup configuration. Adding on to an already impressive lineup of artist models, Schecter proudly introduced the newly remodeled Jeff Loomis signature guitar, now equipped with an EMG 57/66 set, among many other new features. Loomis’ fellow Conquering Dystopia axeman, Keith Merrow has a new signature model as well, featuring the latter mentioned Nazgul/Sentient pickup configuration. Both artist models were truly some of the coolest highlights of not only the Schecter booth this year, but of all the featured Metal axes at the NAMM show. More information on Schecter can be found here.
ESP is widely regarded as one of the finest instrument manufactures for hard rock and heavy metal musicians. It’s no wonder their guitars can be seen in the hands of James Hetfield, Alexi Laiho, and the late Jeff Hanneman. This year ESP introduced three new product lines to an already stellar roster. There are now five tiers of product lines for ESP customers. On top of the already famous ESP Custom Shop guitars and LTD guitars, ESP introduced the ESP Original line for customers who want custom shop quality but at a price point possible with production model instruments. The second is the ESP E- II, a new brand built in the Japan manufacturing facility.
The fifth tier of ESP product lines came with the announcement of the all-new ESP USA Factory located in North Hollywood, CA. The new line is known as ESP USA. A domestic factory has been in demand for years, and ESP has finally delivered. And like Schecter, ESP also introduced some fine new artist signature models to their Custom Shop line. One of the most highly anticipated new Signature Series model for 2014 was the James Hetfield Iron Cross in Snow White finish, available as both an ESP model and LTD version. Kirk Hammett added his name to the LTD KH-WZ White Zombie, a new limited edition addition to the LTD Graphic Series featuring stunning artwork of the acclaimed classic horror film, White Zombie. Testament’s Alex Skolnick helped design a new signature model as well, known as the ESP Alex Skolnick and LTD AS-1 guitars. Ben Weinman from the Dillinger Escape Plan and Elias Viljanen from Sonata Arctica also had new signature models, among many others. Read more from ESP here.
All three of these companies proudly delivered new products for the heavy metal enthusiast, and should prove a huge draw for year ahead.
EMG is known for being the go-to pickup for heavy players. These pickups are used by the best, and their artist roster is a true testament of this. This year EMG introduced the GZR-P and GZR-PJ Geezer Butler signature bass pickup model. Now available for preorder, these pickups are sure to sound amazing. With a design collaborated on by one of the godfathers of heavy music, metal bassists can look no further than these amazing pickups.
As previously mentioned the EMG 57/66 set is now being featured in many of Schecter’s new designs, including Jeff Loomis’ signature model, and this year EMG introduced these pickups in a variety of new colors and finishes to match any guitar design. They have also been recently configured for 7 and 8 string guitar models. It takes the combined efforts of many companies to accommodate the growing trends in guitar innovation, and EMG can always be counted on as a reliable partner. More information on EMG pickups can be found here.
Ernie Ball featured arguably the most entertaining and crowd engaging booth of this year’s show. Featuring a carnival theme, attendees were able to play classic carnival games like the ring toss to win a chance to spin a wheel for a guaranteed prize. The games saw a constant line throughout the weekend. Ernie Ball was proudly promoting their new string design, M-Steel Electric Slinky. Featuring 60% more cobalt than your average string for increased durability, strength, and loudness, these guys are also extremely playable. The design allows for greatly reduced string breakage, and a rich low end, perfect for metal players. These strings are available in a variety of gauges, and are the perfect follow up to last year’s already impressive Cobalt Slinky line.
For the guitarist with a variety of guitars in their arsenal with various pickup styles, the Ernie Ball MVP volume pedal is the perfect companion. While the classic Jr. Pedal has been a staple of many players’ rigs for years, the problem many saw was the fact that there were two different models that better catered to instruments with passive pickups and active pickups respectively. The MVP meets this challenge, and succeeds with flying colors. Separate volume and gain controls allow for a precise sound signature, and a separate tuner “out” is a very handy feature on this model. Visit Ernie Ball’s official site for more info here.
DR continues leading the way as the premier luminescent string, but they have also expanded on their DDT (Drop-Down-Tuning) line of strings. Now available in a wide range of gauges including two different varieties of light top-heavy bottom sets, and even a heavy, extra heavy, and XX-Heavy set for significant down-tuning, or baritone instruments. Metal Exiles was fortunate enough to review a set and noted these strings unmatched ability to lock in their tuning, even with down-tuning. A standard set of 10-46 can be easily tuned down a half or whole step and hold up really well against fast picking runs, and riffs. The response on these strings is really exceptional. 7 string models are also now available in the DDT. Check out all of DR’s impressive string lineup here.
Pro Guitar Shop is one of the most renowned websites for guitar effects, offering much to please any gear head or tone snob. These guys even help some pedal manufacturers develop some amazing gear. One such partnership took place with Digitech’s Hardwire line, and introduced players to the impressive Supernatural Ambient Verb reverb pedal, previously only available through PGS. This year, Digitech has introduced their Supernatural reverb to a wider audience, allowing players to find this pedal through a greater number of outlets. As with its sister pedals in their Hardwire line, the Digitech Supernatural features true analog bypass – a huge plus for those playing through a long signal chain. 7 unique reverb effect types grace this pedal including a “shimmer” effect. Shimmer is not found on too many reverb pedals, and thanks to Lexicon-styled programming this effect sounds amazing. Crank the “Liveliness” option with the Shimmer effect and be prepared to take your chord progressions to new heights, depths, and everything in between. Look for these pedals to hit stores soon.
Digitech also introduced their new and improved versions of two classic DOD pedals, the Phaser 201, and Yngwie Malmsteen’s favorite, the Overdrive Preamp 250. Among the many updates, the 2013 versions of these DOD pedals come equipped with true bypass, and an incredibly vibrant blue LED indicator.
Check out Digitech’s full arsenal of effects here.
Source Audio was once again one of Metal Exile’s favorite booths for guitar effects and accessories at this year’s show. True leaders in pedal technology, these guys have once again unveiled a new batch of impressive pedals. First up, the Soundblox 2 OFD Guitar MicroModeler. One could simply dub this guy a distortion pedal, but this pedal is so much more. The OFD Guitar MicroModeler allows users to access a huge array of vintage overdrive, Fuzz, and distortion tones. Regardless of your high gain-effect preference, this pedal can do it all. Classic tone settings include models of the Fulltone OCD, Mesa Boogie, Marshall stack, and the Pro Co Rat. A super-saturated metal tone can also be dialed in. As with all other Soundblox 2 pedals, two footswitches allow for two saved presets. This pedal is also lightweight, with a smaller footprint to fit on any pedal board. The variety of tones will allow users to simulate the tone of Hendrix one minute, and switch over to an aggressive Slayer tone the next. This is the jack-of-all-trades in your pedal arsenal.
The Soundblox 2 Manta Bass Filter was also unveiled. Unlike most filter pedals, the Manta also includes eight distortion settings that perfectly cater to the different filter settings. This pedal is also compatible with the Source Audio dual expression pedal and the Hot Hand 3. MIDI control signals are also compatible, which brings us to another Source Audio creation, new to Winter NAMM 2014. The Soundblox HUB v1 unites all of your Soundblox pedals into an integrated system, with scene saving technology allowing users to save up to 128 single or multi-pedal presets. With the ability to only save two presets on any one Soundblox device, the HUB is a lifesaver for players who rely on many presets. The HUB can accommodate players who require numerous effects changes within their songs or throughout their set list. The full line of Source Audio products must be seen to be believed. Visit them on their website here.
A musicians hearing is their life, and preserving that should be the goal of every performer and concertgoer. Thunder Plugs are a filtering earplug that really caught our attention this year. A sleek design allows them to fit comfortably well into the ears without sticking out, removing the risk of them being bumped deep into the ear canal as can be the case with other filtering earplugs. A tiny finger tag hangs from the base of the earplug for easy removal. Developed in Amsterdam by EDM enthusiasts, these earplugs work great with loud bass-driven music, and truly filter as opposed to muffling the sound. Metal Exiles was able to sample a pair and found Thunderplugs to be the real deal. Worn during a loud rock show recently, these earplugs really allowed the vocals and guitar solos to cut through, while cutting just enough decibels to make the show enjoyable and safe on the hearing. Consumers will get a kick out of the advertising display cases which are available in many outlets. A blue chewing-gum dispenser houses dozens of capsules with a new pair inside. A clever marketing idea indeed, and a terrific product to go with it. Visit Thunderplugs here.
When you hear the word Anvil in the touring business you automatically think road cases but they are going the consumer route now and this year was their big splash with the Anvil Roadcase for the iPhone 5/5s. This sleek design is going to turn heads for the rabid consumers of iPhones. Not only do they look different from anything else out there, only Anvil and their massive technology for protecting bands’ valuable equipment can create something that will completely protect your iPhone. It looks like a mini roadcase so when you pull your phone out everyone will want to know where you got your protective case. Check it out here.
NAMM is not just for instruments but can be for the things that complement the Rock lifestyle and that is where Buckle Down comes in. This company has been around for a while and to me they had the best accessories at NAMM 2014. Their Seatbelt Belts are insanely great and made of the same durable material and same automotive buckle you find in your car so you know this will probably be the last belt you will ever buy. They have created belts for some of the best bands and cartoon characters out there so you will not come away from their site empty handed. They also have a full line of guitar straps, purses, buckle key chains, wallets and cuffs. I came away with the Black Veil Brides strap, belt and keychain and I will be using them for years. Check out Buckle Down here.
Headstock tuners are becoming quite popular as of late, and no one does them better than Snark. These guys had a very cool and subtle setup at this year’s show that gave a nod to the discreet and sleek nature of this product. The original clip on and the all-new Son of Snark tuner both offer discreet tuning that clips on easily to your guitars headstock. These tuners are chromatic, and work extremely well through the vibrations in the neck after a string is plucked. Users can avoid the hassle of accessing a tuner’s onboard mic, or having to plug in their tuner with a 1/4” cable. Snark offers highly accurate tuning with unmatched convenience and an unbeatable price. Find out more here.
While there have been many pedalboard configurations to appease any player throughout the years, Pedaltrain still seems to be the frontrunner. The only hassle with this product is the use of Velcro attached to the board and one’s pedals. Some pedals need to me modified slightly to better accommodate the Velcro connection. StageTrix is here to bring the solution. This company offers everything you need to properly and securely fasten any and all effects pedals to your Pedaltrain or similar pedalboard. The Pedal Riser, Pedal Fastener, and Wah Fastener will take your board to the next level and ensure everything stays intact. The price point on these products are very affordable, and can set up even the larger Pedaltrains at a minimal cost. Find out more and reinvent your pedalboard here.
For years players in the studio have had to get really creative when trying to figure out a way to dampen strings in order to perform intricate parts that require precise technique and clean execution. Gruv Gear has introduced a product called the FretWrap that will take your recordings to the next level. No longer does one have to trouble with bandanas, towels, or hair ties to dampen the strings by the headstock to nail down intricate legato or harmonic passages and cut out unwanted overtones or resonance. Gruv Gear FretWraps conveniently sin on your guitar’s nut, and can be quickly slid on top of the strings to perform that key solo. Metal Exiles noticed these things on many guitars including Jeff Loomis’ signature model during his demonstration at the Schecter both. Read more about FretWraps and Gruv Gear’s other fine products here.
Previously honored by the NAMM University as Best in Show, Music Nomad offers an impressive line of equipment care. They carry everything from polishes, cleaners, conditioners, humidifiers, and cleaning tools. One of the most popular products from these guys is the Nomad Tool, and all-in-one string, surface, and hardware cleaning tool. On one end of the tool is a microfiber pad that can easily fit under a guitars strings to clean the fretboard and in-between the pickups. It can also be used to clean the body and neck. On the opposite side us a soft-bristle brush for dusting away any grime, dust, or dirt. This is an incredibly versatile tool that should be in every players gig bag or case. Everything you need to keep your instrument cleaned and conditioned can be found through Music Nomad. Visit the official site here.
While certainly not a necessity, a pick holder can be a musicians best friend, and ensure one is always ready to play. Bolopick and Pickbandz offered two of the more impressive inventions at this year’s show. Bolopick is a patented pick holder that is sold as a necklace and keychain. The company was awarded Best in Show during Summer NAMM 2013 by NAMM U for best add-on or accessory. Using two interlocking clasps to hold picks, Bolopick holders can house any size/shape pick, and in some cases more than one. The necklace and keychain designs are very attractive and convenient for players who use picks of various designs. Visit Bolopick online here.
Pickbandz offer a bit more of a variety, but do not cater to picks outside the standard size. However, they are a great product, and come in a large variety of colors, and designs. The wristband is their flagship product, and the Pickbandz Pro can hold up to 7 at a time. Necklaces and keychains are also available. Check out Pickbandz here.
Longtime frontrunners in the world of heavy metal amplification, Randall Amplifiers, unleashed a slew of new amps at this year’s NAMM show. First up, the all-new 667 head. This thing is a beast like no other featuring 120 watts and 6 channels, with 6 modes and 7 Midi programmable functions per channel! Each channel has its own EQ, presence/depth controls, and individual metering and bias controls. Kirk Hammet is one of Randall’s recent endorsees, and according to Randall has been using the 667 on tour, along with his new signature amp, the KH103. Very similar to the 667, the KH103 features 3 of the 667’s 6 channels. Hammet’s amp is joined by a custom cab as well, featuring Celestion Vintage 30s and a sleek, solid black design.
Randall’s Thrasher series of amps was proudly displayed as well. According to the press release these amps are “...about metal, all about metal. Old School to New School to no School.” At 120 watts this amp is much more streamlined than the 667 or KH103. Featuring all the power and response for any tuning and playing style, this amp will suit any player of heavy music.
Scott Ian of Anthrax and Ola Englund of The Haunted have also developed a signature model. Fans of Anthrax will be sure to receive all the power of the Ultimate Nullifier on tour. The amp looks amazing! Anthrax’s signature play on the pentagram is proudly displayed on the grill, which houses 6 12AX7 and 6 6L6 tubes. Englund’s new amp is the aptly named Satan. One of the really interesting things about this amp is the combination of 2 6L6’s and 2 KT88’s alongside the 6 12AX7 tubes. Both of these amps sound amazingly heavy, and cater well to Metal’s heaviest riffs. When asked about creating amps to accommodate the changing landscape in guitar design, from 7 strings, to 8, 9 and beyond, Randall had this to say: “You have to make sure those frequencies don’t get too distorted, and that the initial attack of the note is not slowed down or lost due to slow power supplies or lagging power transformers. The Satan, Scott Ian, and the Thrasher are really kind of geared for that, because they have frequency selective gains that are meant to kind of help tailor that.”
The company has come a long way in the past few years. As a brand that seemed to see a slow decline thanks to the rising prominence of Peavey, ENGL, and Blackstar, Randall is geared to once again charge the throne of heavy metal amplication. With a new arsenal of impressive amps, and the likes of Kirk Hammet, Scott Ian, Ola Englund, and soon George Lynch at their side, the future looks bright for Randall. More information on Randall Amplifiers can be found here.
Blackstar amplification once again showed that they are able to lead the way in innovation. Blackstar has taken the heart of their award-winning ID:Series amplifiers – introduced at last year’s show – and developed an even more affordable, practice and gigging amp. The all-new ID:Core models feature the core design of the ID:Series, but offer a feature known as Super Wide Stereo. They can be plugged directly into a sound system and amplified in true stereo for greater volume, but even as a stand-alone amp these guys sound amazing. The stereo feature sounds so huge you could mistake your amp for a fine Bose sound system. Six onboard voices are present for the perfect gain preset, along with effects, and a direct USB output for plugging directly into your computer for some amazing tracking capabilities. These amps will be available in 10, 20, and 40 watts, and offer an impressive and attractive price point. Users of all skills and playing styles will be able to dial in “the sound in your head” for an unbeatable cost.
Blackstar also welcomed two honors at this year’s show during the “Best in Show” awards breakfast. Awards were presented in four categories by a panel of retailers at the annual NAMM event, and Blackstar took home a “Best in Show” and “Companies to Watch” award. Read more about Blackstar’s impressive new ID:Core line here.
Thursday morning’s press event at the Yamaha exhibit once again welcomed an amazing performance from the one and only Tommy Aldridge. Tommy demonstrated Yamaha’s all-new Absolute Hybrid Maple drum kit. Hybrid acoustic drum shell technology is something Yamaha pioneered when it introduced its flagship PHX Series. As the name implies, the Absolute Hybrid Maple drum set combines a core ply of harder Wenge wood with outer plies of North American Maple. According to the press release, “this unique configuration produces a drum with an unusually expressive tone and a wide dynamic range that faithfully reproduces every nuance of a player’s approach.” Not only does the combination of woods produce a great tone, but these drums look absolutely beautiful. The price tag for the new Absolute Hybrid Maple is almost 30 percent less than the PHX. After three years in the making, these kits have finally been unleashed, and it appears they were well worth the wait.
Yamaha premiered its completely revamped DTX-502 electronic drums at Musikmesse 2013. Yamaha proudly displayed these amazing new drums for their NAMM premier at this year’s show. Based on the award-winning DTX-PAD, the new kits boast numerous innovations, including newly designed tom pads, a lighter-weight steel rack and an impressive new drum trigger module. These new models feature more than 250 additional sounds than the previous model. For truly customized sounds and songs, the system lets users import audio samples and MIDI files for further expandability. Taking these drums for a test run, Metal Exiles was able to upload kit samples from various classic Led Zeppelin songs like “When The Levee Breaks,” and play along as if we were there in the studio alongside Robert, John, and Jimmy. The new DTX502 module also comes equipped with a streamlined front panel layout for easy accessibility and the ability to interface with a computer using a patented USB connector. Preprogrammed practice routines will also help users hone their skills, and broaden their creativity.
More information on Yamaha and their Winter NAMM showcase can be found here.
Vic Firth sticks are no stranger to the metal crowd, and this year they unveiled a new signature model for August Burn Red’s Matt Greiner. If you’ve heard the band, you know just how demanding their songs are, and Matt is a tremendous player who demands the best. “I’ve enjoyed playing the Vic Firth 3A and other models that are similar in diameter for quite some time,” says Matt. “Performing in August Burns Red requires the use of a wide range of dynamics within my playing. One portion of a song might warrant heavy hitting, while the next part slows down with lots of ghost notes and soft strokes. So, when we set out to design my signature stick, I knew I wanted a similar thickness to the 3A, but with more length and better balance to address my musical needs.”
The Matt Greiner signature stick features a medium diameter shaft with extended length and an elongated taper. The wood tip itself provides great definition for intricate hi-hat & ride patterns while being bold enough to ride on the crash, china or heavy bells. This is a huge deal considering the variety of the band’s songs. One of the other unique things about these sticks is a lack of a lacquer finish, in accordance with Matt’s wishes. The Matt Greiner signature stick is finished off with a “dry-tumble” technique that creates a very smooth, natural and organic feel without the use of a lacquer finish. The finish also makes for an improved grip that is easy on the hands.
Visit Vic Firth’s website here for more.
Innovative Ideas:
You can always count on the NAMM show to deliver numerous exhibits featuring some truly innovative and trend-setting ideas. Riversong Guitars is one of those ideas. Riversong has created an acoustic guitar with an adjustable neck, which allows users to change the string action virtually on the fly. The neck extends all the way through the body for support, and an integrated strap pin on the side of the body can be slid up or down to move the neck accordingly. This is a truly amazing idea for players who tour often, and move around through various elevations and time zones. Even if your next gig finds your guitar in weird shape thanks to the atmospheric pressure, with a few quick adjustments on the Riversong you can adjust and be ready to go in minutes. This is a company that’s here to stay. Visit Riversong’s website.
When visiting the NAMM show it is always a great idea to spend a great deal of time at the lower level of the convention center. It’s always much less crowded than anywhere else in the convention, and its even quieter. It’s also home to some of the more unique ideas year after year. One of the coolest gadgets we saw was the Option Knob, a foot controlled effects pedal knob. Users simply swap one of the knobs on their effects pedals with this little device, and you have the ability to adjust pedal settings on the fly with your foot. This is incredibly useful to adjust gain on a distortion pedal throughout a setlist, or delay times. It can also be placed on your volume knob on the guitar, allowing for easy to reach volume swells. These guys were displayed in a model for both newer pedals, and boutique pedal models. Glow in the dark options were also available. This is one of the more inexpensive ways to change your live game. Visit their website.
Moving further through the lower hall, we encountered Temple Audio Design. This Canadian-based company has revealed one of the more interesting and uniquely brilliant pedalboard designs. Utilizing a quick release pedal mounting system, users can simply lock in their pedals to the board and rejoice as they stay in place. The incredibly durable and flexible aluminum board is lightweight, and can sustain one’s full body weight. The boards are available in a variety of sizes and different price points. They really must be seen to believe, so be sure to visit their website for a product demo here.
A company known as SuperMegaUltraGroovy was the last stop before heading back upstairs. They introduced their new product Capo 3, which is software that helps you learn songs from your iTunes library. Simply insert the track into the program and Capo 3 goes to work at interpreting the chord progressions and melody lines of the song. The best part is that this software only gets you part of the way there. That may sound like a negative, but what’s beautiful about this product is that it does not negate the use of your ear, requiring the user to still find the best chord fingerings and note string placement. Capo 3 is there to guide you through the various options, but it really comes down to the user trying out the different possibilities, and picking the best one to their ear. Available for all OSX platforms 10.8 and later, this product can also be used to interpret one’s own song ideas that were recorded and maybe never written down – A handy tool for the music arranger or songwriter in any band. Learn more about these guys here.
Metal Exile’s pick for Best in Show and certainly one of the most innovative ideas we came across is the ToneRite, now available for guitarists in the new 3G model. This device will truly bring out the potential of your instrument thanks to a phenomena known as the play-in process that occurs when wood instruments are played regularly for many years. The ToneRite replicates years of use in only days thanks to a patented technology that fits on the guitars strings, and emits a continually produced transfer of vibrational energy into the instrument. After just a few days acoustic instruments open up and lose that natural tension that builds up over time. The tone dramatically increases and the instrument actually gets louder. Electric, solid-body instruments can take a week or two to really see results, but this is no time compared to the years of use your instrument would need to get there on its own. Metal Exiles was able to test one of these guys out at home and they are the real deal. The ability to release the natural tension of an instrument is perhaps its greatest contribution. It truly makes your instrument easier to play, and sound better. Check out the rest of the ToneRite lineup on their website.
Music is an active and living force in the world, and something we all need to help preserve. The younger generation will need to maintain that spirit of creativity, and ingenuity to ensure new ideas and new music will continue on for many years to come. The Fender Music Foundation supports music education, therapy programs, and musicianship in general across the nation by providing instruments to those who cannot afford them and standing as a strong advocate and proponent of music education. The foundation serves as a network of dealers and retailers that collaborate with instrument donors to provide these instruments at no cost to kids. Many have heard of budget cuts that have stripped away children’s ability to learn music in school, and Fender Music Foundation is doing there part to help in a big way. An impressive set up at the Fender exhibit brought in many inquiring faces, and is sure to gain much more support for this great foundation. Find out more, and donate today by visiting the foundations website.
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