Myka Relocate/Light Up The Sky/Out Came The Wolves – The Palladium, Worcester, MA 6/16
By Rickelle Tavares
First and foremost, I was really excited for the Young Souls Tour from the day it was announced. All three bands Out Came the Wolves, Light up the Sky and Myka Relocate had all recently toured with huge acts so it wasn’t as intimate as I prefer. This was a 3 act show, all pretty small venues and no photo pit which allowed you to get up close and personal.
The first band to go on was Out Came the Wolves, it was my second time seeing them and I knew they were a solid act. They opened and immediately took the stage like they owned it, the entire band Is quite fun to watch. They’re extremely energetic and they are one hundred percent interactive with every fan in the crowd. Front man Cam was often leaning over the edge of the stage holding hands and singing directly to fans. Things like that are memorable at shows, it’s always a good thing to see artists who aren’t scared to get on the same level as the crowd. They played Bleed which starts off slow and picks up the paces, everyone in the venue was really enjoying it and starting to move around and get things started. They for an opener were really good, they have a modern yet vintage sound and it’s really sick and I look forward to seeing them in Worcester again.
Up next was Light up the Sky, I own their material and I love their sound. Before they even came out the fog machines started pumping and you could feel the adrenaline building up. Last time they came they were openers for Ice Nine Kills and they blew the roof off the Palladium, I was ready to relive that. Without haste they ran on stage and instantly jumped into their first song Night Life, I very quickly realized I wasn’t the only fan who knew every word. The venue was already hot but I swear once that song had ended it was 20 degrees hotter, everyone was jumping or moshing. I cannot begin to describe how wild the fans went for Bring It On, the kid next to me was head banging and singing at breakneck speed. Light up the Sky is exactly what we crave, great clean vocals amazing screams heavy breakdowns and instrumentally perfect. They ended things with my personal favorite Breather, I cannot stress how incredible this band and all their songs are live. Anyone who wasn’t yet in the concert vibe was jumping and singing along. They all made an effort to play at the edge of the stage for the real “in your face, close-up” experience it was epic.
The headliners of the night were Myka Relocate, promoting their new album titled The Young Souls. I’ve been following this band for almost two years and it was my second time seeing them. They came around recently with Slaves and I was blow away by their performance, there are so many variables that make them so great. For starters is their southern spunk, they’re from Texas but they are far from sweet little southern boys. Once they hit the stage they are wildly entertaining, front men Michael and John put on a show. Michael does the clean vocals and John does the deep and incredible screams, all that combined with the entire bands groovy stage moves makes for a good show. They played Eyes Wide Shut and the pit actually started getting really wild and feeding off the heavy breakdowns in the song. They did something cool that night where they played 2 songs one was for each vocalist to preform solo, and I’ve never seen that before. They then played the song The Young Souls, personally I found it incredibly hard to hold my camera up and resist jumping around with everyone. We all knew the words everyone in the venue was screaming them, it was such an awesome feeling. The band was feeding off our energy and jumping around and high fiving everyone that was singing along with them. I can’t stress enough how much I love smaller intimate shows, especially for newer bands cause you never forget these shows. They closed up with Something to Dream About and everyone took that as a cue to send them off Worcester style. All in all it was a great show, each band did more than incredible and they for sure made lasting fans. If you have a chance catch them out on tour, or buy any of their albums I can assure you that you won’t be disappointed.
Official Myka Relocate Site
Official Light Up The Sky Site
Official Out Came The Wolves Site
By Rickelle Tavares
First and foremost, I was really excited for the Young Souls Tour from the day it was announced. All three bands Out Came the Wolves, Light up the Sky and Myka Relocate had all recently toured with huge acts so it wasn’t as intimate as I prefer. This was a 3 act show, all pretty small venues and no photo pit which allowed you to get up close and personal.
The first band to go on was Out Came the Wolves, it was my second time seeing them and I knew they were a solid act. They opened and immediately took the stage like they owned it, the entire band Is quite fun to watch. They’re extremely energetic and they are one hundred percent interactive with every fan in the crowd. Front man Cam was often leaning over the edge of the stage holding hands and singing directly to fans. Things like that are memorable at shows, it’s always a good thing to see artists who aren’t scared to get on the same level as the crowd. They played Bleed which starts off slow and picks up the paces, everyone in the venue was really enjoying it and starting to move around and get things started. They for an opener were really good, they have a modern yet vintage sound and it’s really sick and I look forward to seeing them in Worcester again.
Up next was Light up the Sky, I own their material and I love their sound. Before they even came out the fog machines started pumping and you could feel the adrenaline building up. Last time they came they were openers for Ice Nine Kills and they blew the roof off the Palladium, I was ready to relive that. Without haste they ran on stage and instantly jumped into their first song Night Life, I very quickly realized I wasn’t the only fan who knew every word. The venue was already hot but I swear once that song had ended it was 20 degrees hotter, everyone was jumping or moshing. I cannot begin to describe how wild the fans went for Bring It On, the kid next to me was head banging and singing at breakneck speed. Light up the Sky is exactly what we crave, great clean vocals amazing screams heavy breakdowns and instrumentally perfect. They ended things with my personal favorite Breather, I cannot stress how incredible this band and all their songs are live. Anyone who wasn’t yet in the concert vibe was jumping and singing along. They all made an effort to play at the edge of the stage for the real “in your face, close-up” experience it was epic.
The headliners of the night were Myka Relocate, promoting their new album titled The Young Souls. I’ve been following this band for almost two years and it was my second time seeing them. They came around recently with Slaves and I was blow away by their performance, there are so many variables that make them so great. For starters is their southern spunk, they’re from Texas but they are far from sweet little southern boys. Once they hit the stage they are wildly entertaining, front men Michael and John put on a show. Michael does the clean vocals and John does the deep and incredible screams, all that combined with the entire bands groovy stage moves makes for a good show. They played Eyes Wide Shut and the pit actually started getting really wild and feeding off the heavy breakdowns in the song. They did something cool that night where they played 2 songs one was for each vocalist to preform solo, and I’ve never seen that before. They then played the song The Young Souls, personally I found it incredibly hard to hold my camera up and resist jumping around with everyone. We all knew the words everyone in the venue was screaming them, it was such an awesome feeling. The band was feeding off our energy and jumping around and high fiving everyone that was singing along with them. I can’t stress enough how much I love smaller intimate shows, especially for newer bands cause you never forget these shows. They closed up with Something to Dream About and everyone took that as a cue to send them off Worcester style. All in all it was a great show, each band did more than incredible and they for sure made lasting fans. If you have a chance catch them out on tour, or buy any of their albums I can assure you that you won’t be disappointed.
Official Myka Relocate Site
Official Light Up The Sky Site
Official Out Came The Wolves Site