Michael Schenker's Temple of Rock – The Boardwalk, Orangevale, CA 4/15
By Jeffrey Easton
True legends are hard to find these days but when they come out of the shadows to grind the road, you better recognize. That is exactly the case with Michael Schenker and his touring troupe, Temple Of Rock. Not only is Schenker one of the best rock guitarists on the planet, his resume is the who’s who of classic rock radio with the Scorpions, UFO, MSG as well as a myriad of other projects. His Temple Of Rock contains who you ask? None other than Doogie White, Wayne Findley, Francis Buchholz and Herman Rarebell, that’s who. These guys are classic rock n roll, having played on some of the best records in history, nothing more needs to be said. With a packed house louder than hell, the band hit the stage to the strains of Live And Let Live from the amazing new album Spirit On A Mission.. That track is enough to make a fan hit the merch booth for the new record and I am sure most did. So I said Schenker was a member of UFO and he was one of the most pivotal members so the fans had to be given Lights Out and everybody, me included, sang every note right along with Doogie’s powerful voice. Lights Out wasn’t enough to satisfy the urge for UFO so of course the band dealt Rock Bottom and Doctor Doctor to a ravenous sing along. Now everyone knew that Schenker had a very torrid time with the Scorpions but that doesn’t mean he walked away without some classic bullets in his belt. Love Drive, Coast to Coast and Another Piece Of Meat were fruits of his six string attack and they were rejuvenated at The Boardwalk as if they were recorded yesterday . And the fans, they ate it up. The Scorpions are still loved fiercely and to hear some of the rare stuff is something to not be missed. But since Rarebell and Buchholz haven’t played together in California in several years they dealt some of their classics in the form of Holiday and Rock You Like A Hurricane and Michael shredded as if he created them. Schenker still has the chops and why he isn’t recognized in the same breath as the other legends is beyond me. But back to Spirit On A Mission, they served it up again with Vigilante Man, easily one of the most powerful assaults from Schenker’s guitar on the new album. If you missed Schenker’s Temple Of Rock this time, you are out of your mind, this was an amazing trip down a legends masterful catalog.
Official Michael Schenker Site
BUY Spirit On A Mission
BUY Spirit On A Mission on Vinyl
By Jeffrey Easton
True legends are hard to find these days but when they come out of the shadows to grind the road, you better recognize. That is exactly the case with Michael Schenker and his touring troupe, Temple Of Rock. Not only is Schenker one of the best rock guitarists on the planet, his resume is the who’s who of classic rock radio with the Scorpions, UFO, MSG as well as a myriad of other projects. His Temple Of Rock contains who you ask? None other than Doogie White, Wayne Findley, Francis Buchholz and Herman Rarebell, that’s who. These guys are classic rock n roll, having played on some of the best records in history, nothing more needs to be said. With a packed house louder than hell, the band hit the stage to the strains of Live And Let Live from the amazing new album Spirit On A Mission.. That track is enough to make a fan hit the merch booth for the new record and I am sure most did. So I said Schenker was a member of UFO and he was one of the most pivotal members so the fans had to be given Lights Out and everybody, me included, sang every note right along with Doogie’s powerful voice. Lights Out wasn’t enough to satisfy the urge for UFO so of course the band dealt Rock Bottom and Doctor Doctor to a ravenous sing along. Now everyone knew that Schenker had a very torrid time with the Scorpions but that doesn’t mean he walked away without some classic bullets in his belt. Love Drive, Coast to Coast and Another Piece Of Meat were fruits of his six string attack and they were rejuvenated at The Boardwalk as if they were recorded yesterday . And the fans, they ate it up. The Scorpions are still loved fiercely and to hear some of the rare stuff is something to not be missed. But since Rarebell and Buchholz haven’t played together in California in several years they dealt some of their classics in the form of Holiday and Rock You Like A Hurricane and Michael shredded as if he created them. Schenker still has the chops and why he isn’t recognized in the same breath as the other legends is beyond me. But back to Spirit On A Mission, they served it up again with Vigilante Man, easily one of the most powerful assaults from Schenker’s guitar on the new album. If you missed Schenker’s Temple Of Rock this time, you are out of your mind, this was an amazing trip down a legends masterful catalog.
Official Michael Schenker Site
BUY Spirit On A Mission
BUY Spirit On A Mission on Vinyl