Grant Petty - Deliverance

The Deliverance is a band from Orange County, California that defies any and all classification. Instead, this group of dedicated musicians present their listeners with an eclectic brand of rock music that they can make of it what they will. Their album, Revolation (Purposely Misspelled), is a solid offering that begs the question, why the hell are these guys not signed and headlining major tours? Frontman Grant Petty took a few minutes to answer some questions for us.
Interview with Grant Petty of The Deliverance
By Rob”Bubbs”Harris
Metal Exiles: For those unfamiliar with The Deliverance, give us a quick rundown of what the band is about.
Petty: We strive to entice a large audience of people with a sound that blends metal, electronic, and classical music. The band is a hand-selected group of killer musicians from the LA area, who bring it live.
Metal Exiles: Your album, Revolation, is a unique piece of work. How proud are you of what you have accomplished on this album with little to no outside help?
Petty: We are extremely proud of the album and the way it turned out, but we did record this thing around 6 or 7 times. As far as help goes, we did have an executive producer, Stan V., help us with the final product, and it made a world of difference.
Metal Exiles: It seems that, by reading reviews of Revelation, that most critics either love or absolutely hate you guys. I read one that trashed you guys for using “Linkin Park Piano”. Does it ever discourage you in any way to see the negative reactions, or do you just feed off the positive ones and let the others slide off your back?
Petty: You can’t please everyone. We can’t expect everybody to like the tunes. We just stay focused on the goal at hand and keep pushing forward. We actually like some negative reviews and comments; it stirs up our fans and makes them like us more, in defense.
Metal Exiles: You are one of the few bands to have actually found a worthy musician or two from Craig’s List. How many weirdos did you have to meet before finding the right fit?
Petty: 28, that’s right, 28. I lived in my car when I move to LA three years ago. I went to the public library every day and got on CraigsList. Before long, I found a place to live and then I started the band hunt. 28 bands and producers/song writers later, I found Mick of (Annal Nathrakh), and the rest is history.
Metal Exiles: Having all overcome adversity in your own way, how much does real life play out in your music/lyrics?
Petty: It is the music. I poured my heart and soul into this album. Every time I sing it live, practice or at a show, I put myself in that moment. This album is an anthem of tunes that tell of overcoming adversity, it is a dark sound with a positive message.
Metal Exiles: Your sound is an eclectic blend of many different styles that is impossible to categorize. When forming your sound, how important was it to you to stay off of the beaten path and create original sounding tunes, rather than just whip some stuff together to please the masses?
Petty: We actually did not think about it too much. We just put stuff together and it happened to turn out that way. We just decided from the beginning not to put limits on what we could use or not use. If it sounds good use it.
Metal Exiles: How did you guys hook up with George (Vallee) to do your publicity? That dude rules the school over at Century Media.
Petty: We met George through our guitarist Francesco. He introduced us at a party. George heard the tunes and decided to help out, which we are very grateful for. Since this guy stepped in, he has got us a lot of recognition and a top video on Revolver.
Metal Exiles: Most of the interviews I have seen from you guys are video posts. A lot of bands hate doing those. How come you like doing the video things so much? As I understand you also have some webisodes of some sort.
Petty: It is a much more personal way for fans to get to know us. I like seeing a band’s music video much more than just hearing a song; you get to see and hear it. We are working on a few webisodes, most of which are just to let people see us just being us and for a laugh.
Metal Exiles: I don’t know what you guys have to do to correct it, but you are hard as shit to Google, or find on MySpace. Do you get that a lot?
Petty: Not really, but I will try to correct the issue to the best of my ability.
Metal Exiles: If only one thing, what would you hope that your listeners take away from what they hear on Revolation?
Petty: Let no one tell you what you can and can’t do.
Metal Exiles: Any cool tours/shows coming up?
Petty: We are on the shop at the moment. Our management is presenting the album to a label as we speak. So practice, practice, practice at the moment.
Check the band out on MySpace:
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