Escape the Fate/Get Scared/American Wolves – Grants Lounge, Macon GA 4/16
By: Leslie Elder Rogers
Escape the Fate has shown extreme dedication over the years with the many changes that have taken place in the band. It seems they have a never failing drive that continues to push them forward even when things that normally would set you back arise. They formed in 2004 and currently consist of vocalist, Craig Mabbit, ryhthm and bass guitarist, Thomas “TJ” Bell, lead and bass guitarist as well as keyboardist, Kevin “Thrasher” Gruft, and the one remaining original member, drummer and percussionist, Robert Ortiz. Over the past 12 years they have released five albums inlcuding their most recent album Hate Me which was released in October 2015. It found its way to the Billboard top hard rock albums #2 position by week three in November. Though it was short lived at the #2 position, the following week it was still in the top 15. These guys have so much energy and stamina on stage that they will blow you away from start to finish. This show was bound to be incredible.
I arrived tonight hoping to see all the bands play but due to interview scheduling, I was unable to get to see the first and second bands. The first to play was a local Alterbative Rock/Pop Punk band called Failing Acts of Society. Josh, Eli, Joe and Anthony already have a huge following in Macon and are ready to take it to the next level. During their set, they paid tribute to the local high school, Howard High School, that some of the members attended. They held up their Huskie Wolf hand gesture/signal and made their fellow school mates proud. Opening for a band like Escape the Fate could possibly be the first sign of wonderful things to come for them.
Second to play was Resist Capture who classify themselves as Metalcore/Post Hardcore/Alternative. They are a pretty amazing band from Atlanta. Though I missed the majority of their set, I did make it in time to catch part of their last song. They formed in 2013 and are currently independent with no label carrying them...yet. They have a heavier sound that just spews strength and power in your face while also incorporating some rather melodic tones. They appear to be a very driven band that appreciates the fans and can apparently bring them to their knees, literally. I hate that I missed that. I can’t wait to hear more from them. Their EP is currently available for download/purchase.
Next to the stage was American Wolves; an Alternative rock band and this quartet truly has personality and passion. Rod has a magnetic charisma that is undeniable as he influences the crowd with his vocal talent, while Rob, Nicole and Tyler support his vocals with every bit of heart that they can pour into their intruments. They are young but they are talented and brilliant in their way of thinking about their love of music and how they see their future in music. They played their asses of tonight and gave the fans a show they won’t forget anytime soon. As I watched them move across the stage, they played off of each other like they’ve been doing this for years together. The only negative thing I can say is that their set ended way too soon. I wish much success for AW.
Fourth up was Get Scared. As part of the rock scene, they came on strong. They have been around since 2008 and have a large fanbase that is only continuing to grow. The crowd was already getting crazy with mid floor circle mosh pitting. The small, inside music venue made no difference to the fans in the pit. Nicholas, Johnny, Adam, Bradley, and Dan opened this place up as if we were in a huge arena during several of the songs. These guys were fucking amazing. I stood in awe of their performance as they captivated the crowd, many of who were here to see them specifically. They played several of their widely known songs including “Sarcasm” and “Don’t You Forget the Sun”. Clearly this band knows how to rock and they came tonight ready to prove it.
Escape the Fate was the band we came for; the band were all waiting for anxiously all night. They are touring to support their most recent album release Hate Me, and heavily advertising their upcoming tour with Heavy Metal band HellYeah. They came on with a bang and rocked it hard from beginning to end. As the music was played and the songs were sung, the crowd screamed and yelled and pumped their horns in the air fiercely. They have so much to offer from amazing vocal talent that incorporates a melody and tone that simply put, can hypnotize, maybe even paralyze you where you stand one moment and then deafen you the next as the lyrics become a thick, deep, throat destroying scream. I’ve never quite understood how someone can go from 0 to 100 like this but Craig makes it seem easy, unforced, and painless. He throws everything he has into his performance on stage. He commands the stage with his entire body and stimulates the fans for their participation. As TJ and Kevin bounce back and forth across the stage, it’s mind-blowing how they don’t end in a bass versus guitar - battle ram. The force they put into the riffs and chords take you into farther depths of their emotion. Robert takes out every ounce of frustration he may have built up on the drums as we watch the drumsticks fly and twirl effortlessly across the drums. They invigorated their loyal and excited fans while singing “Ashley”, “This War is Ours”, “On to the Next One”, and “The Flood” from their 2008 album This War is Ours. Hands were in the air as fans were screaming every lyric like they’d written each song themselves. As I looked around at all of the thrilled faces in the crowd, I could see that Escape the Fate inspired them and stimulated them with their enthusiastic energy and colossal appetite to perform. As you watch Craig, TJ, and Kevin interact with the fans, they charm the crowd with their expressions, smiles, smirks, and movements. It is then that you understand that their creativity both on and off stage is irrefutable. The new album has given birth to some amazing new songs which were touched on tonight as Craig belted out “Alive” and “Remember Every Scar”, but for me, I will always be partial to “Gorgeous Nightmare” from their 2010 self titled album. As a fan, I tasted only a sample of why this band deserves the success it has achieved and continues to gain the recognition that they do. As a music lover in general, I see a band that has a true appreciation for their craft and will not let any obstacle stand in the way of realizing their dream, securing their future, or earning their rightful place in the world of rock music that we all know and love. Escape the Fate came tonight to rock Macon, Georgia and that was easily accomplished with confidence, conviction and a hell of a lot of passion. Thank you for bringing such amazing talent to our small town.
Escape the Fate website: http://www.escapethefate.com/
Follow on Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/escapethefate
Follow on Twitter @ http://www.twitter.com/escapethefate
Watch/Listen on Youtube @ http://www.youtube.com/escapethefate
Buy Hate Me on iTunes @ https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/hate-me/id1029644636
By: Leslie Elder Rogers
Escape the Fate has shown extreme dedication over the years with the many changes that have taken place in the band. It seems they have a never failing drive that continues to push them forward even when things that normally would set you back arise. They formed in 2004 and currently consist of vocalist, Craig Mabbit, ryhthm and bass guitarist, Thomas “TJ” Bell, lead and bass guitarist as well as keyboardist, Kevin “Thrasher” Gruft, and the one remaining original member, drummer and percussionist, Robert Ortiz. Over the past 12 years they have released five albums inlcuding their most recent album Hate Me which was released in October 2015. It found its way to the Billboard top hard rock albums #2 position by week three in November. Though it was short lived at the #2 position, the following week it was still in the top 15. These guys have so much energy and stamina on stage that they will blow you away from start to finish. This show was bound to be incredible.
I arrived tonight hoping to see all the bands play but due to interview scheduling, I was unable to get to see the first and second bands. The first to play was a local Alterbative Rock/Pop Punk band called Failing Acts of Society. Josh, Eli, Joe and Anthony already have a huge following in Macon and are ready to take it to the next level. During their set, they paid tribute to the local high school, Howard High School, that some of the members attended. They held up their Huskie Wolf hand gesture/signal and made their fellow school mates proud. Opening for a band like Escape the Fate could possibly be the first sign of wonderful things to come for them.
Second to play was Resist Capture who classify themselves as Metalcore/Post Hardcore/Alternative. They are a pretty amazing band from Atlanta. Though I missed the majority of their set, I did make it in time to catch part of their last song. They formed in 2013 and are currently independent with no label carrying them...yet. They have a heavier sound that just spews strength and power in your face while also incorporating some rather melodic tones. They appear to be a very driven band that appreciates the fans and can apparently bring them to their knees, literally. I hate that I missed that. I can’t wait to hear more from them. Their EP is currently available for download/purchase.
Next to the stage was American Wolves; an Alternative rock band and this quartet truly has personality and passion. Rod has a magnetic charisma that is undeniable as he influences the crowd with his vocal talent, while Rob, Nicole and Tyler support his vocals with every bit of heart that they can pour into their intruments. They are young but they are talented and brilliant in their way of thinking about their love of music and how they see their future in music. They played their asses of tonight and gave the fans a show they won’t forget anytime soon. As I watched them move across the stage, they played off of each other like they’ve been doing this for years together. The only negative thing I can say is that their set ended way too soon. I wish much success for AW.
Fourth up was Get Scared. As part of the rock scene, they came on strong. They have been around since 2008 and have a large fanbase that is only continuing to grow. The crowd was already getting crazy with mid floor circle mosh pitting. The small, inside music venue made no difference to the fans in the pit. Nicholas, Johnny, Adam, Bradley, and Dan opened this place up as if we were in a huge arena during several of the songs. These guys were fucking amazing. I stood in awe of their performance as they captivated the crowd, many of who were here to see them specifically. They played several of their widely known songs including “Sarcasm” and “Don’t You Forget the Sun”. Clearly this band knows how to rock and they came tonight ready to prove it.
Escape the Fate was the band we came for; the band were all waiting for anxiously all night. They are touring to support their most recent album release Hate Me, and heavily advertising their upcoming tour with Heavy Metal band HellYeah. They came on with a bang and rocked it hard from beginning to end. As the music was played and the songs were sung, the crowd screamed and yelled and pumped their horns in the air fiercely. They have so much to offer from amazing vocal talent that incorporates a melody and tone that simply put, can hypnotize, maybe even paralyze you where you stand one moment and then deafen you the next as the lyrics become a thick, deep, throat destroying scream. I’ve never quite understood how someone can go from 0 to 100 like this but Craig makes it seem easy, unforced, and painless. He throws everything he has into his performance on stage. He commands the stage with his entire body and stimulates the fans for their participation. As TJ and Kevin bounce back and forth across the stage, it’s mind-blowing how they don’t end in a bass versus guitar - battle ram. The force they put into the riffs and chords take you into farther depths of their emotion. Robert takes out every ounce of frustration he may have built up on the drums as we watch the drumsticks fly and twirl effortlessly across the drums. They invigorated their loyal and excited fans while singing “Ashley”, “This War is Ours”, “On to the Next One”, and “The Flood” from their 2008 album This War is Ours. Hands were in the air as fans were screaming every lyric like they’d written each song themselves. As I looked around at all of the thrilled faces in the crowd, I could see that Escape the Fate inspired them and stimulated them with their enthusiastic energy and colossal appetite to perform. As you watch Craig, TJ, and Kevin interact with the fans, they charm the crowd with their expressions, smiles, smirks, and movements. It is then that you understand that their creativity both on and off stage is irrefutable. The new album has given birth to some amazing new songs which were touched on tonight as Craig belted out “Alive” and “Remember Every Scar”, but for me, I will always be partial to “Gorgeous Nightmare” from their 2010 self titled album. As a fan, I tasted only a sample of why this band deserves the success it has achieved and continues to gain the recognition that they do. As a music lover in general, I see a band that has a true appreciation for their craft and will not let any obstacle stand in the way of realizing their dream, securing their future, or earning their rightful place in the world of rock music that we all know and love. Escape the Fate came tonight to rock Macon, Georgia and that was easily accomplished with confidence, conviction and a hell of a lot of passion. Thank you for bringing such amazing talent to our small town.
Escape the Fate website: http://www.escapethefate.com/
Follow on Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/escapethefate
Follow on Twitter @ http://www.twitter.com/escapethefate
Watch/Listen on Youtube @ http://www.youtube.com/escapethefate
Buy Hate Me on iTunes @ https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/hate-me/id1029644636