Lullacry – Where Angels Fear – End Of The Light
By Jeffrey Easton
What happened to Lullacry? They were on a roll that started with Crucify My Heart and the great EP Fire Within but with Vol. 4 the stench set in, seemingly the power was going out and with this come back of sorts it seems as if the songwriting has all but left them. Tanja Lainio is a powerhouse vocalist and with the right material she can torch a building with her fiery vox but something is lacking here. The songs have nothing to them and when the songs aren’t there there is nothing to belt out and you just wander through the songs looking for a jumping point with none to be found. I want to like this record but nothing grabs me, everything here is lackluster and going through the “let’s make a record for a few bucks” motions. It’s a shame because this band had a future but for some reason they tripped on reality and the rot set in. I hope they right the ship and find the spark to ignite the material again.
Buy Where Angels Fear
By Jeffrey Easton
What happened to Lullacry? They were on a roll that started with Crucify My Heart and the great EP Fire Within but with Vol. 4 the stench set in, seemingly the power was going out and with this come back of sorts it seems as if the songwriting has all but left them. Tanja Lainio is a powerhouse vocalist and with the right material she can torch a building with her fiery vox but something is lacking here. The songs have nothing to them and when the songs aren’t there there is nothing to belt out and you just wander through the songs looking for a jumping point with none to be found. I want to like this record but nothing grabs me, everything here is lackluster and going through the “let’s make a record for a few bucks” motions. It’s a shame because this band had a future but for some reason they tripped on reality and the rot set in. I hope they right the ship and find the spark to ignite the material again.
Buy Where Angels Fear