_ Lillian Axe – XI: The Days Before Tomorrow – CME
By Jeffrey Easton
This is the review that will make me some enemies I suppose as Lillian Axe still have a loyal, albeit diminished, following. Now let’s get this straight, I am a fan of Lillian, I have every album and have never had a complaint about anything they released, until now. Steve is a brilliant guitarist and writer but sometimes when you are in your own world you lose sight of what the fans want and they want a LA album with “that sound” that the Axe are so famous for, not what they have issued here. Brian Jones is a good singer but he does not possess that signature sound that I have come to know and love, no matter how well the songs are written. If there is no signature sound then what is it, a Steve Blaze solo album? It’s just a bunch of rock songs that have nothing to them, no razor sharp hooks that used to catch me, it’s just “there”… In my opinion, if I am to dig into this, that’s how I have to look at it because there is no Ron anymore or his sound-alike replacements, it’s a different ballgame and it seems to me Steve struck out this time.
Buy The Days Before Tomorrow
By Jeffrey Easton
This is the review that will make me some enemies I suppose as Lillian Axe still have a loyal, albeit diminished, following. Now let’s get this straight, I am a fan of Lillian, I have every album and have never had a complaint about anything they released, until now. Steve is a brilliant guitarist and writer but sometimes when you are in your own world you lose sight of what the fans want and they want a LA album with “that sound” that the Axe are so famous for, not what they have issued here. Brian Jones is a good singer but he does not possess that signature sound that I have come to know and love, no matter how well the songs are written. If there is no signature sound then what is it, a Steve Blaze solo album? It’s just a bunch of rock songs that have nothing to them, no razor sharp hooks that used to catch me, it’s just “there”… In my opinion, if I am to dig into this, that’s how I have to look at it because there is no Ron anymore or his sound-alike replacements, it’s a different ballgame and it seems to me Steve struck out this time.
Buy The Days Before Tomorrow