Skinny Puppy - hanDover - Synthetic Symphony

Skinny Puppy – hanDover - Synthetic Symphony
By Jeffrey Easton
Skinny Puppy, better yet cEVIN Key and Ogre, have fashioned a career out of industrial noises, articulate rhythms and disturbing visions all mended together with purifying electronics. hanDover is no exception and even takes the darkness to a new depth. hanDover is a multitude of feelings that range from emptiness to despair and at times it is hard to listen to. The mixed harsh feelings to me are what create a Skinny Puppy release and to have any positivity would destroy the ambience in my opinion. The electronics eat away at your subconscious, bringing your nerves down to a controlled nub as Ogre’s distant and almost humanless vocals excavate your ear canal. This is THE Skinny Puppy CD to have and not since they reunited have they produced such a cohesive set of tracks that reek of sheer darkness. You better praise Key and Ogre for without them the scene of electronics seeping into heavier music would be desolate.
BUY hanDover
By Jeffrey Easton
Skinny Puppy, better yet cEVIN Key and Ogre, have fashioned a career out of industrial noises, articulate rhythms and disturbing visions all mended together with purifying electronics. hanDover is no exception and even takes the darkness to a new depth. hanDover is a multitude of feelings that range from emptiness to despair and at times it is hard to listen to. The mixed harsh feelings to me are what create a Skinny Puppy release and to have any positivity would destroy the ambience in my opinion. The electronics eat away at your subconscious, bringing your nerves down to a controlled nub as Ogre’s distant and almost humanless vocals excavate your ear canal. This is THE Skinny Puppy CD to have and not since they reunited have they produced such a cohesive set of tracks that reek of sheer darkness. You better praise Key and Ogre for without them the scene of electronics seeping into heavier music would be desolate.
BUY hanDover