One Less Reason - Faces & Four Letter Words - Arsenic

One Less Reason – Faces & Four Letter Words – Arsenic
By Jeffrey Easton
Wow, and here I thought the era of Nickleback was slowly coming to a close and the clones would have to find another band to glom onto but wow I was wrong. Let me introduce you to a band called One Less reason, a band hailing from Jackson Tennessee who is now on their fourth record but for some reason has never shown up on my radar. After spinning this a few times I have come to a conclusion that hese guys, where as they do perform quality hard driving rock N roll, they are merely another coming of Nickleback. The comparisons are obvious, Chris Brown is an exact clone of Chad Kroeger, especially on the tracks Favorite Color and If You Want Me. He belts it out, his Chadisms start flying, end of story. It’s a shame, they are a good band, it is just his voice that gets in the way of me enjoying them and even the song writing is a clone of Nickleback. Listen, if you want to succeed in this business and get above bar band status, you need to find your own sound, break out, try something different that the fans are going to like rather than just listen to here and there.
Buy Faces & Four Letter Words
By Jeffrey Easton
Wow, and here I thought the era of Nickleback was slowly coming to a close and the clones would have to find another band to glom onto but wow I was wrong. Let me introduce you to a band called One Less reason, a band hailing from Jackson Tennessee who is now on their fourth record but for some reason has never shown up on my radar. After spinning this a few times I have come to a conclusion that hese guys, where as they do perform quality hard driving rock N roll, they are merely another coming of Nickleback. The comparisons are obvious, Chris Brown is an exact clone of Chad Kroeger, especially on the tracks Favorite Color and If You Want Me. He belts it out, his Chadisms start flying, end of story. It’s a shame, they are a good band, it is just his voice that gets in the way of me enjoying them and even the song writing is a clone of Nickleback. Listen, if you want to succeed in this business and get above bar band status, you need to find your own sound, break out, try something different that the fans are going to like rather than just listen to here and there.
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