Queensryche - Dedicated to Chaos

Loud N Proud/Roadrunner
By Jeffrey Easton
It has been a long and winding trip for Queensryche and with Dedicated to Chaos they have taken yet another turn. Dedicated to Chaos, in my opinion, is the best record they have put out in a while and possibly one of their most diverse. The sounds that the band has put together are stunning to say the least, from the hypnotic funk of “Got It Bad”, the driving hard rock of “Get Started” to the sheer heaviness of” I Take You” this band has thrown down the gauntlet and has challenged their fans to take this in. Through these diverse sounds they have crafted a CD of immense continuity; the songs were made for each other while not tripping on each other’s sound. The themes go through whatever Geoff cares to conjure up as the lyric writer and his thoughts led him to love (Get Started), lust (Got It Bad) our souring economy (Retail Therapy, The Lie), the overly addicted to the internet (Hot Spot Junkie) and even a plea for social unity (Around the World). The songs are indeed melodically perfected, keeping you hooked into the track until the last note drops. Around the World being a perfect example of that effect, it has the trademark soaring vocals and sweeping guitars, perfected Queensryche. It seems as if the band was locked into each other for this record, the feel has a special unity that I have not felt in a while and whether or not you like the post Empire Queensryche or not, this is an infectious record that cannot be ignored. I know when Queensryche puts out a CD the first thought is, “are they back”, meaning have they returned to the bygone era of Mindcrime and that is something that the band is just not going to do. They have been through an evolution since then that has kept them off of the stagnant path that has plagued the likes of Iron Maiden, AC/DC, etc. and has kept them fresh. I am not saying what they have done since Empire has been good or bad but it certainly has been different. This band follows what they want to follow and not the demands of a record company or outside influences. If they did you would not have such a stunning, diverse gem like Dedicated to Chaos.
By Jeffrey Easton
It has been a long and winding trip for Queensryche and with Dedicated to Chaos they have taken yet another turn. Dedicated to Chaos, in my opinion, is the best record they have put out in a while and possibly one of their most diverse. The sounds that the band has put together are stunning to say the least, from the hypnotic funk of “Got It Bad”, the driving hard rock of “Get Started” to the sheer heaviness of” I Take You” this band has thrown down the gauntlet and has challenged their fans to take this in. Through these diverse sounds they have crafted a CD of immense continuity; the songs were made for each other while not tripping on each other’s sound. The themes go through whatever Geoff cares to conjure up as the lyric writer and his thoughts led him to love (Get Started), lust (Got It Bad) our souring economy (Retail Therapy, The Lie), the overly addicted to the internet (Hot Spot Junkie) and even a plea for social unity (Around the World). The songs are indeed melodically perfected, keeping you hooked into the track until the last note drops. Around the World being a perfect example of that effect, it has the trademark soaring vocals and sweeping guitars, perfected Queensryche. It seems as if the band was locked into each other for this record, the feel has a special unity that I have not felt in a while and whether or not you like the post Empire Queensryche or not, this is an infectious record that cannot be ignored. I know when Queensryche puts out a CD the first thought is, “are they back”, meaning have they returned to the bygone era of Mindcrime and that is something that the band is just not going to do. They have been through an evolution since then that has kept them off of the stagnant path that has plagued the likes of Iron Maiden, AC/DC, etc. and has kept them fresh. I am not saying what they have done since Empire has been good or bad but it certainly has been different. This band follows what they want to follow and not the demands of a record company or outside influences. If they did you would not have such a stunning, diverse gem like Dedicated to Chaos.