Cannibal Corpse/Obituary/Abysmal Dawn/Cryptopsy – The Masquerade, Atlanta, GA 2/16
By: Leslie Elder Rogers
Though I was late getting to the show due to traffic, I was still able to catch Obituary and Cannibal Corpse tonight and damn what a show. Full of power and grit from start to finish. Tonight featured Cryptopsy and Abysmal Dawn as well and I’m still pissed that I missed them both. I’ve never attended a concert that contained any of these bands until tonight and it was extremely different that the norm for me. The red lighting was overpowering throughout the night and was perfect for the genre’ in participation. With songs and lyrics such as the majority of what was played, it is only natural to have a blood colored hue filling the room. Obituary killed it during their set and the crowd was increasingly growing excited as the surfers made their way to the front of the stage before being quickly cleared from the pit. Obituary played “Intoxicated”, “Don’t Care”, “Chopped in Half”, and “Slowly We Rot” as well as a few others. The fans were captivated by them but clearly were in dire need of Cannibal Corpse which was up next. As the crowd readied for the headliners, naturally I expected to see impatience overcome them but they never faltered during their wait. The loyal fans remained steadfast in their positions as close to the stage as possible so they could witness the long awaited moment that Cannibal Corpse took the stage. Finally, there was movement and action on the stage as the band took their place behind their gear and boom, the first lyric was belted out by the “Corpsegrinder” himself. It seems that the gates of hell just opened up as he belted out song after song. As if being part of the Death Metal genre’ doesn’t say enough on its’ own, the soul twisting sound of his tone is sure to do it. Not being extremely knowledgeable about Cannibal Corpse before this was possibly a bad thing. The fans screamed and groaned as they moshed like beasts in this small but welcoming venue. Never doubt the power of what can be done in the small amount of space given when hell is seemingly summoning you. Hair, everywhere, constantly, seems to be par for the course in true metal and this was no different. Though we’d get a quick peek at George’s face here and there, or Paul’s slight grin as he pounded the fuck out of the drums, or even Pat as he slayed the guitar, it was almost impossible to see anything past the sweat lathered hair that kept flying and twirling round’ and round’ throughout every song. There have to be some serious neck aches for these guys by the end of their shows. I hurt just watching their hard-core circular thrusting. Their set was one of the longest I’ve been witness to. It covered 19 songs, I believe. We were taken back to the early years of their career from their first album Eaten Back to Life and continued with a glimpse of every album they created, including The Bleeding, The Wretched Spawn, Kill, Torture and their highly controversial but extremely popular Butchered at Birth. As “Corpsegrinder” growled through songs from their most recent album release A Skeletal Domain, it was clear that this band’s popularity continues to grow and the fans expect nothing but continued greatness as each new album is recorded and released. Their set list included “Evisceration Plague”, “Scourge of Iron”, “Death Walking Terror”, “Pit of Zombies”, “Kill or Become”, “Sadistic Embodiment”, “Icepick Lobotomy”, “Born in a Casket”, “I Cum Blood”, “Unleashing the Bloodthirsty”, “Hammer Smashed Face”, “Devoured by Vermin” and many others. Cannibal Corpse has a way of titling songs so that they grab you by the throat and force you to pay attention while you are taken on a ride through sexual mutilation and blood thirsty cravings. A gory and sick, but intriguing ride it is. The lyrics would send shivers down the spines of any bible toting Christian even though they are fictional and meant only for the pure entertainment of their fans. They completely consumed their fans tonight as they remained with proven allegiance throughout the entirety of Cannibal Corpse’s set, without any visible signs of failing energy or vitality. By the end of the night, I attest to this, the show was packed with what I would call extreme devotion by both the band members who prove that they are completely tuned in to what their fans want and expect and the fans who purely love Cannibal Corpse and all of their gruesome madness.
Band website @ http://cannibalcorpse.net
Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/cannibalcorpse/
Twitter @ https://twitter.com/CorpseOfficial
Instagram @ https://www.instagram.com/cannibalcorpseofficial/
Order Cannibal Corpse music @ http://www.metalblade.com/cannibalcorpse/
By: Leslie Elder Rogers
Though I was late getting to the show due to traffic, I was still able to catch Obituary and Cannibal Corpse tonight and damn what a show. Full of power and grit from start to finish. Tonight featured Cryptopsy and Abysmal Dawn as well and I’m still pissed that I missed them both. I’ve never attended a concert that contained any of these bands until tonight and it was extremely different that the norm for me. The red lighting was overpowering throughout the night and was perfect for the genre’ in participation. With songs and lyrics such as the majority of what was played, it is only natural to have a blood colored hue filling the room. Obituary killed it during their set and the crowd was increasingly growing excited as the surfers made their way to the front of the stage before being quickly cleared from the pit. Obituary played “Intoxicated”, “Don’t Care”, “Chopped in Half”, and “Slowly We Rot” as well as a few others. The fans were captivated by them but clearly were in dire need of Cannibal Corpse which was up next. As the crowd readied for the headliners, naturally I expected to see impatience overcome them but they never faltered during their wait. The loyal fans remained steadfast in their positions as close to the stage as possible so they could witness the long awaited moment that Cannibal Corpse took the stage. Finally, there was movement and action on the stage as the band took their place behind their gear and boom, the first lyric was belted out by the “Corpsegrinder” himself. It seems that the gates of hell just opened up as he belted out song after song. As if being part of the Death Metal genre’ doesn’t say enough on its’ own, the soul twisting sound of his tone is sure to do it. Not being extremely knowledgeable about Cannibal Corpse before this was possibly a bad thing. The fans screamed and groaned as they moshed like beasts in this small but welcoming venue. Never doubt the power of what can be done in the small amount of space given when hell is seemingly summoning you. Hair, everywhere, constantly, seems to be par for the course in true metal and this was no different. Though we’d get a quick peek at George’s face here and there, or Paul’s slight grin as he pounded the fuck out of the drums, or even Pat as he slayed the guitar, it was almost impossible to see anything past the sweat lathered hair that kept flying and twirling round’ and round’ throughout every song. There have to be some serious neck aches for these guys by the end of their shows. I hurt just watching their hard-core circular thrusting. Their set was one of the longest I’ve been witness to. It covered 19 songs, I believe. We were taken back to the early years of their career from their first album Eaten Back to Life and continued with a glimpse of every album they created, including The Bleeding, The Wretched Spawn, Kill, Torture and their highly controversial but extremely popular Butchered at Birth. As “Corpsegrinder” growled through songs from their most recent album release A Skeletal Domain, it was clear that this band’s popularity continues to grow and the fans expect nothing but continued greatness as each new album is recorded and released. Their set list included “Evisceration Plague”, “Scourge of Iron”, “Death Walking Terror”, “Pit of Zombies”, “Kill or Become”, “Sadistic Embodiment”, “Icepick Lobotomy”, “Born in a Casket”, “I Cum Blood”, “Unleashing the Bloodthirsty”, “Hammer Smashed Face”, “Devoured by Vermin” and many others. Cannibal Corpse has a way of titling songs so that they grab you by the throat and force you to pay attention while you are taken on a ride through sexual mutilation and blood thirsty cravings. A gory and sick, but intriguing ride it is. The lyrics would send shivers down the spines of any bible toting Christian even though they are fictional and meant only for the pure entertainment of their fans. They completely consumed their fans tonight as they remained with proven allegiance throughout the entirety of Cannibal Corpse’s set, without any visible signs of failing energy or vitality. By the end of the night, I attest to this, the show was packed with what I would call extreme devotion by both the band members who prove that they are completely tuned in to what their fans want and expect and the fans who purely love Cannibal Corpse and all of their gruesome madness.
Band website @ http://cannibalcorpse.net
Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/cannibalcorpse/
Twitter @ https://twitter.com/CorpseOfficial
Instagram @ https://www.instagram.com/cannibalcorpseofficial/
Order Cannibal Corpse music @ http://www.metalblade.com/cannibalcorpse/