Attila/Chelsea Grin/Emmure/Sylar – The Palladium, Worcester, MA 10/16
By Rickelle Tavares
Well, The Chaos tour was for sure one to remember. If it wasn't the incredible night and performances, it was the flash flood that surrounded the venue! Literally sprinting into the Palladium to avoid the torrential downpours, I was greeted with a more than stuffed room filled with soaking wet people. Honestly at that moment I knew the night was going to be fun.
Starting things off was Sylar, I was really stoked to see them again they had just recently came through with The Plot in You and it was a great show. They recently released an album entitled Help and the feedback on it was great, everyone was a fan of it as well as myself. As soon as they started playing there was an uproar in the crowd of screaming and yelling, it was like the entire crowd knew all the words to the songs. Not only are they really put together but they also have a really energetic vibe while on stage and it spread across the venue, everyone was off their feet jumping. For their final song they played “Assume” which is the top rated song on their new album. Let me tell you, with headphones at home it's great, hearing it live for the first time was mind blowing. It was such a great set and it really got things going for the night.
Now Emmure, I have no background on, never saw them live, not familiar with their music, so I was enthralled to see what they're about. With a sudden flash of lights and some heavy drums I was finding out just how rowdy Emmure could get. If you've ever seen a movie and a figure appears in a different spot every time the lights flashed, that was the equivalent of the set. It was rad and I'd never seen anything like it, to describe it I would say it was organized chaos as ironic as it sounds. Mid set I looked at the barricades to see dozens of men almost slumped over hands up and screaming the words to the song. The pit was open and swallowing people one by one, the room was getting hotter, which was wild because it was 40 degrees outside! They played what I can only assume is a fan favorite “4 Poisons 3 Words”. I say it was a fan favorite because the already crazy crowd went absolutely ballistic for the song, at one point I swear a crowd surfer was tossed 5ft up in the air. It was beyond nuts and it only intensified the current state of chaos the venue was in.
Chelsea Grin was setting up the stage and I was almost bursting with excitement. It was my 3rd time shooting them, from a small intimate venue, to warped tour, to the palladium. It was a big year for them, The Desolation of Eden hit its 10yr mark, they released a new album and now they were touring with Attila! The fog machines started up and one by one the members ran out, now from here to the end it was just an insane ride. The palladium staff was outnumbered by the first song! Bodies were being flung in every direction towards the stage, and from the barricades I could see the hell in the pit. Chelsea Grin has some dedicated wild ass fans, when Alex came into the pit and sang at the barricade people were trying to run on top of the crowd to get to him. It was completely insane but definitely expected from Chelsea Grin, they really know how to get things moving and keep them rowdy. When they played “Clickbait” even I put my camera in my bag and ran into the crowd, you can't see them live and not jump into the crowd, it's impossible. As rapidly as it took off it seemed to end, but time never lasts when you're having fun!
Now was the moment everyone was waiting for. Attila is one band that really doesn't give a flying F$@* about what you, your mum, or anyone else has to say. They're extremely vocal about everything and have no problem calling people out, and honestly I respect it and wish more bands spoke their minds. Front man Chris aka Fronz recently came out and said he would be issuing a public apology for the controversial songs and statements the band has made. If you got to see that then you know what's up, they released a song called “Public Apology” off their new album Chaos. It was far from an apology but it's nothing short of a brand new Attila masterpiece, it's vulgar, rude, and I can play it on repeat the whole day! My favorite part of a concert is when the lights go out and you can feel the anticipation in the crowd and as soon as the band came out the room exploded with energy. Of course they came out to “Public Apology”! What was a shock was seeing everyone, literally everyone knowing the words to the song and thrashing about while singing. Attila has a much deserved and very loyal fan base and let me tell you, these kids get absolutely crazy. With the Co2 canons going off and the boys running around on stage, the crowd surfers practically flying, and people getting bodied in the pit, the word Chaos became more than real. Something really cool happened mid set, Fronz chose a person from the crowd to perform “Payback” on stage with him! This almost never happens and if it does it's never for the whole song, and the kid was actually really good and the whole band was getting down with him. It's really simple things like that that make me respect bands and keeps me buying tickets to their shows. By the time it was the last song there were bras on stage, people dripping sweat, there was a wall of death, a kid lived out his dream, and everyone was panting from jumping around. If that doesn't entice you to want to catch a date on the Taste of Chaos tour than you don't know how to have a good time. Of course they thanked us all for coming out to the show and supporting them and walked off stage, but as usual Worcester doesn't believe in goodbyes. Immediately they screamed “ONE MORE SONG” over and over until they gave in and came running back out and played my favorite “About That Life”. I was standing on the outskirts of the pit and everyone ran to the front for this, even I was rushed up there. It was a great way to send us off! That's one song that everyone has at least heard and every fan knows the words, like if the sound cut off you wouldn't even be able to tell. There was an enormous circle pit, I kid you not about 25 people were crowd surfing at once, and the rest of us were jumping around screaming the lyrics. It was such an incredible show, one that reminded me of how much fun being in the crowd can be. So I urge you, take a chance, listen to Attila, buy the new album, hit up one of the tour dates! You’ll have the time of your life!
Official Attila Site
Official Chelsea Grin Site
Official Emmure Site
Official Sylar Site
By Rickelle Tavares
Well, The Chaos tour was for sure one to remember. If it wasn't the incredible night and performances, it was the flash flood that surrounded the venue! Literally sprinting into the Palladium to avoid the torrential downpours, I was greeted with a more than stuffed room filled with soaking wet people. Honestly at that moment I knew the night was going to be fun.
Starting things off was Sylar, I was really stoked to see them again they had just recently came through with The Plot in You and it was a great show. They recently released an album entitled Help and the feedback on it was great, everyone was a fan of it as well as myself. As soon as they started playing there was an uproar in the crowd of screaming and yelling, it was like the entire crowd knew all the words to the songs. Not only are they really put together but they also have a really energetic vibe while on stage and it spread across the venue, everyone was off their feet jumping. For their final song they played “Assume” which is the top rated song on their new album. Let me tell you, with headphones at home it's great, hearing it live for the first time was mind blowing. It was such a great set and it really got things going for the night.
Now Emmure, I have no background on, never saw them live, not familiar with their music, so I was enthralled to see what they're about. With a sudden flash of lights and some heavy drums I was finding out just how rowdy Emmure could get. If you've ever seen a movie and a figure appears in a different spot every time the lights flashed, that was the equivalent of the set. It was rad and I'd never seen anything like it, to describe it I would say it was organized chaos as ironic as it sounds. Mid set I looked at the barricades to see dozens of men almost slumped over hands up and screaming the words to the song. The pit was open and swallowing people one by one, the room was getting hotter, which was wild because it was 40 degrees outside! They played what I can only assume is a fan favorite “4 Poisons 3 Words”. I say it was a fan favorite because the already crazy crowd went absolutely ballistic for the song, at one point I swear a crowd surfer was tossed 5ft up in the air. It was beyond nuts and it only intensified the current state of chaos the venue was in.
Chelsea Grin was setting up the stage and I was almost bursting with excitement. It was my 3rd time shooting them, from a small intimate venue, to warped tour, to the palladium. It was a big year for them, The Desolation of Eden hit its 10yr mark, they released a new album and now they were touring with Attila! The fog machines started up and one by one the members ran out, now from here to the end it was just an insane ride. The palladium staff was outnumbered by the first song! Bodies were being flung in every direction towards the stage, and from the barricades I could see the hell in the pit. Chelsea Grin has some dedicated wild ass fans, when Alex came into the pit and sang at the barricade people were trying to run on top of the crowd to get to him. It was completely insane but definitely expected from Chelsea Grin, they really know how to get things moving and keep them rowdy. When they played “Clickbait” even I put my camera in my bag and ran into the crowd, you can't see them live and not jump into the crowd, it's impossible. As rapidly as it took off it seemed to end, but time never lasts when you're having fun!
Now was the moment everyone was waiting for. Attila is one band that really doesn't give a flying F$@* about what you, your mum, or anyone else has to say. They're extremely vocal about everything and have no problem calling people out, and honestly I respect it and wish more bands spoke their minds. Front man Chris aka Fronz recently came out and said he would be issuing a public apology for the controversial songs and statements the band has made. If you got to see that then you know what's up, they released a song called “Public Apology” off their new album Chaos. It was far from an apology but it's nothing short of a brand new Attila masterpiece, it's vulgar, rude, and I can play it on repeat the whole day! My favorite part of a concert is when the lights go out and you can feel the anticipation in the crowd and as soon as the band came out the room exploded with energy. Of course they came out to “Public Apology”! What was a shock was seeing everyone, literally everyone knowing the words to the song and thrashing about while singing. Attila has a much deserved and very loyal fan base and let me tell you, these kids get absolutely crazy. With the Co2 canons going off and the boys running around on stage, the crowd surfers practically flying, and people getting bodied in the pit, the word Chaos became more than real. Something really cool happened mid set, Fronz chose a person from the crowd to perform “Payback” on stage with him! This almost never happens and if it does it's never for the whole song, and the kid was actually really good and the whole band was getting down with him. It's really simple things like that that make me respect bands and keeps me buying tickets to their shows. By the time it was the last song there were bras on stage, people dripping sweat, there was a wall of death, a kid lived out his dream, and everyone was panting from jumping around. If that doesn't entice you to want to catch a date on the Taste of Chaos tour than you don't know how to have a good time. Of course they thanked us all for coming out to the show and supporting them and walked off stage, but as usual Worcester doesn't believe in goodbyes. Immediately they screamed “ONE MORE SONG” over and over until they gave in and came running back out and played my favorite “About That Life”. I was standing on the outskirts of the pit and everyone ran to the front for this, even I was rushed up there. It was a great way to send us off! That's one song that everyone has at least heard and every fan knows the words, like if the sound cut off you wouldn't even be able to tell. There was an enormous circle pit, I kid you not about 25 people were crowd surfing at once, and the rest of us were jumping around screaming the lyrics. It was such an incredible show, one that reminded me of how much fun being in the crowd can be. So I urge you, take a chance, listen to Attila, buy the new album, hit up one of the tour dates! You’ll have the time of your life!
Official Attila Site
Official Chelsea Grin Site
Official Emmure Site
Official Sylar Site