ASG are the pivotal band in the Southern wave of doom laden bands that have emerged over the past decade and with the release of Blood Drive, they have upped the ante for other bands to follow. Jason Shi, the masterful guitarist/singer for ASG, took the time for a question and answer session with Exiles and with this you too will be a fan as well.
An interview with Jason Shi of ASG.
By Jeffrey Easton
Metal Exiles: You have been together just over 10 years now. Do you think the band has kept true to its original vision and how?
Jason Shi: Well when we started we could barely play our instruments so there weren't really any guidelines or grand visions at all. Just kind of plug in and play mentally. The only vision was to have fun making music with your pals, so in that sense yes we kept true to our original vision.
Metal Exiles: It seems that the best stoner/heavy rock bands come from the muggy south. Does the surroundings you encounter influence what you want to play and how you write?
Jason: Hmmm, I suppose the sludgyness (is that a word?) kind of resembles the dank and humid feel of a southern summer, kind of grimy living down here. ASG just likes to throw a little sunshine on top. The southeast does seem to be coughing up some serious talent though in the last decade, maybe even steering that scene now.
Metal Exiles: It has been quite a few years since you put out a full length. What has occupied your time while prepping Blood Drive?
Jason: We did several eps and splits during that gap, but real life can get in the way as well. Jobs, marriages, etc...perhaps we got a little uninspired, I don't know. That said we may have just been having a really good time and those years just flew by in a blink.
Metal Exiles: Scion has been very supportive of heavy music and of course has involved ASG. What do you think of a major car corporation doing what they do for the scene and how did you guys get involved with them?
Jason: With bands like the Melvins being involved you seem to trust that the Scion folks are doing good things. Some of the key folks involved are fans of ASG and they contacted Relapse to see if we would like to play their fest. It sounded like a fun time so we said sure!
Metal Exiles: For Blood Drive, you signed with Relapse. What did they have to offer ASG that the other outlets had to offer?
Jason: Well it was a very easy decision for us. We had fulfilled out obligations to Volcom, and before we really started looking at other labels, Relapse actually contacted us so it was very easy. They are great folks and it’s an honor to be on the label.
Metal Exiles: Blood Drive, to me, is the most cohesive ASG album to date. What different ways did you guys approach the writing for this record to make it happen?
Jason: I think Blood Drive was the record we wanted to make 7 years ago but we just weren't there yet as a band. Singing has not been a natural or easy thing for me, but I hope I have improved and found range over the years. For Blood Drive we tried to cover all our bases do to speak, combining our past with the present, and including those unexpected bursts of new creations that hopefully happen in the writing process.
Metal Exiles: The lyrics are very dark in places, as in the title track and The Ladder. Where do you go mentally to bring this brilliant material to the surface?
Jason: I'm not sure why they seem dark or are dark; I'm actually a really happy go lucky guy most of the time. Perhaps it's a release of some sort, I just try to write colorful lyrics, slightly cryptic I know, but hopefully that sends people somewhere inspiring or imaginative.
Metal Exiles: On the day your record dropped you guys were out fishing. Since I am from the south I know it offers some of the best in the U.S. Where do you like to go and what do you usually target?
Jason: Yea we decided to go offshore fishing with some friends in celebration of the record being released. We caught plenty of Dolphin or Mahi, and Andy wrangled in and released a Blue Marlin so we had a good day. I am actually a commercial fisherman, and when we are at home I primarily fish near shore, targeting red drum, flounder, mackerel, cobia and oyster harvesting.
Metal Exiles: ASG lives on the road. Give the Exiles readers a glimpse into the road life of ASG. What are a few of the things that have happened to you guys while out supporting your music.
Jason: Well we've seen some shit that’s for sure. The other night in Atlanta 3 fans we never met brought the cremated remains of their buddy to the show, who apparently was a huge ASG fan and asked them to do so before he passed. They insisted that we took some of his ashes on the road with us and "do something special" with them. Sure it’s a little odd, but we have him with us and plan to scatter him in several locations. The Pacific Ocean, the Mississippi River, Bourbon St, the Rockies, and Yellowstone are on the list plus a few others.
Metal Exiles: You did a split with Black Tusk a few years ago. What do you think you share with them besides the sound?
Jason: They are good friends of ours and that's basically it. We are both touring bands so it made sense, kind of promoting each other while on the road.
Metal Exiles: Blood Drive came out in a variety of colors on vinyl. Do you have a say in how your material is presented to the fans and how did the cover art come to life?
Jason: Absolutely. Artwork is extremely important to us, and for our last few records we have put our trust into the hands of Malleus for the cover art. It's a group of three individuals in Italy, and we just send them an advanced copy of the record for them to listen to. We have input here and there but for the most part Malleus nails it on the first shot. The vinyl color selection is just fun for the most part, sort of icing on the cake.
Metal Exiles: The road is calling. What can we expect from ASG as far as touring?
Jason: Four tired looking dudes in dim lighting and hopefully decent sound!
ASG are the masters of the doom laden sludgy sound and with Blood Drive they have created a master stroke that will be remembered the way the S/T Sabbath is remembered.
Official ASG site
BUY Blood Drive
BUY Blood Drive On Vinyl
An interview with Jason Shi of ASG.
By Jeffrey Easton
Metal Exiles: You have been together just over 10 years now. Do you think the band has kept true to its original vision and how?
Jason Shi: Well when we started we could barely play our instruments so there weren't really any guidelines or grand visions at all. Just kind of plug in and play mentally. The only vision was to have fun making music with your pals, so in that sense yes we kept true to our original vision.
Metal Exiles: It seems that the best stoner/heavy rock bands come from the muggy south. Does the surroundings you encounter influence what you want to play and how you write?
Jason: Hmmm, I suppose the sludgyness (is that a word?) kind of resembles the dank and humid feel of a southern summer, kind of grimy living down here. ASG just likes to throw a little sunshine on top. The southeast does seem to be coughing up some serious talent though in the last decade, maybe even steering that scene now.
Metal Exiles: It has been quite a few years since you put out a full length. What has occupied your time while prepping Blood Drive?
Jason: We did several eps and splits during that gap, but real life can get in the way as well. Jobs, marriages, etc...perhaps we got a little uninspired, I don't know. That said we may have just been having a really good time and those years just flew by in a blink.
Metal Exiles: Scion has been very supportive of heavy music and of course has involved ASG. What do you think of a major car corporation doing what they do for the scene and how did you guys get involved with them?
Jason: With bands like the Melvins being involved you seem to trust that the Scion folks are doing good things. Some of the key folks involved are fans of ASG and they contacted Relapse to see if we would like to play their fest. It sounded like a fun time so we said sure!
Metal Exiles: For Blood Drive, you signed with Relapse. What did they have to offer ASG that the other outlets had to offer?
Jason: Well it was a very easy decision for us. We had fulfilled out obligations to Volcom, and before we really started looking at other labels, Relapse actually contacted us so it was very easy. They are great folks and it’s an honor to be on the label.
Metal Exiles: Blood Drive, to me, is the most cohesive ASG album to date. What different ways did you guys approach the writing for this record to make it happen?
Jason: I think Blood Drive was the record we wanted to make 7 years ago but we just weren't there yet as a band. Singing has not been a natural or easy thing for me, but I hope I have improved and found range over the years. For Blood Drive we tried to cover all our bases do to speak, combining our past with the present, and including those unexpected bursts of new creations that hopefully happen in the writing process.
Metal Exiles: The lyrics are very dark in places, as in the title track and The Ladder. Where do you go mentally to bring this brilliant material to the surface?
Jason: I'm not sure why they seem dark or are dark; I'm actually a really happy go lucky guy most of the time. Perhaps it's a release of some sort, I just try to write colorful lyrics, slightly cryptic I know, but hopefully that sends people somewhere inspiring or imaginative.
Metal Exiles: On the day your record dropped you guys were out fishing. Since I am from the south I know it offers some of the best in the U.S. Where do you like to go and what do you usually target?
Jason: Yea we decided to go offshore fishing with some friends in celebration of the record being released. We caught plenty of Dolphin or Mahi, and Andy wrangled in and released a Blue Marlin so we had a good day. I am actually a commercial fisherman, and when we are at home I primarily fish near shore, targeting red drum, flounder, mackerel, cobia and oyster harvesting.
Metal Exiles: ASG lives on the road. Give the Exiles readers a glimpse into the road life of ASG. What are a few of the things that have happened to you guys while out supporting your music.
Jason: Well we've seen some shit that’s for sure. The other night in Atlanta 3 fans we never met brought the cremated remains of their buddy to the show, who apparently was a huge ASG fan and asked them to do so before he passed. They insisted that we took some of his ashes on the road with us and "do something special" with them. Sure it’s a little odd, but we have him with us and plan to scatter him in several locations. The Pacific Ocean, the Mississippi River, Bourbon St, the Rockies, and Yellowstone are on the list plus a few others.
Metal Exiles: You did a split with Black Tusk a few years ago. What do you think you share with them besides the sound?
Jason: They are good friends of ours and that's basically it. We are both touring bands so it made sense, kind of promoting each other while on the road.
Metal Exiles: Blood Drive came out in a variety of colors on vinyl. Do you have a say in how your material is presented to the fans and how did the cover art come to life?
Jason: Absolutely. Artwork is extremely important to us, and for our last few records we have put our trust into the hands of Malleus for the cover art. It's a group of three individuals in Italy, and we just send them an advanced copy of the record for them to listen to. We have input here and there but for the most part Malleus nails it on the first shot. The vinyl color selection is just fun for the most part, sort of icing on the cake.
Metal Exiles: The road is calling. What can we expect from ASG as far as touring?
Jason: Four tired looking dudes in dim lighting and hopefully decent sound!
ASG are the masters of the doom laden sludgy sound and with Blood Drive they have created a master stroke that will be remembered the way the S/T Sabbath is remembered.
Official ASG site
BUY Blood Drive
BUY Blood Drive On Vinyl